Now, you can submit a real person if you like (yes, I know, a lot of 'Jack Thompson' is going to come up in this thread), but at least try to at least submit a game character too.
I think one character who sums up the phrase 'douchebag' quite well is Kent from Dead Rising
The first time you come across him, he comes across as a self indulgent little prick with a shrill, high pitched voice that just makes you want to stab him in the voice box with a machete. Now, a player in their right mind would skip his highly annoying photography mission he gives you (taking pictures of THIS douche? No thank you) by clubbing him over the head with a baseball bat until he stops twitching and all would be well. Now, if one decides to partake of his incredibly irritating mission of taking certain snapshots of high point value, there is a good chance he will get to laugh at you in the most annoying way possible if you screw up then prance away never to be seen again before you can disembowel him.
I'll spoiler the rest for minor mission/story spoilers, but they aren't that important.
Now, if you get the pictures he wants, he will throw a tantrum, once again prancing off after telling you to meet him later on. Once again, if you didn't club him to death earlier you will probably regret it as if you make the meeting a second too late, the douchebag has tied up/kidnapped an innocent survivor and taken a snuff shot of them being molested in the ear by a zombie larvae. If that wasn't bad enough, he then pulls a gun on Frank, orders him to strip his clothes and chains him up by the neck so he can take pictures of Frank being mauled by zombies.
All that happens if you make the meeting on time is you get the give him the beating he so rightly deserved at the start of the game, well, you get to save one extra survivor, but if you killed Kent earlier he wouldn't have been able to kidnap this guy in the first place. Sure, one could say that if Kent didn't kidnap him for Frank to save, the survivor may not have... well, survived, but still, if he could of gone through his life without meeting Kent the Douche I think he would have died a much happier man. Yes, I declare that being eaten alive by zombies is a more enjoyable fate than meeting Kent.
There you go, a game character with NO reedeming qualities who's purpose in life only serves to make everyone else miserable, the only positive confrontation with him involves him beingbeaten to a bloody pulp in the most entertaining and satisfying way possible.
I haven't played too much of the game, but Steve Burnside from Resident Evil: Code Veronica X certianly fits the criteria of 'Douchebag', as deligtfully illustrated in this quite amusing Let's play adventure
Lifted from the let's play, videos that show how much of a douche this guy really is
The first encounter -
Claire's expression at the end just sums up exactly what she is thinking after saving this douche's life and putting up with his sass -
So, what other characters (or if you like, real people) in gaming do you find to be insufferable little twats who only deserve to be put through a wood chipper?
The worst part is that he can't be killed, not matter how hard you try to kill him, that cheeto sucking douchebag just keeps on living...
Granted, he qualifies for the title in a lot of ways, but he has a slight, inherent coolness about him. Personality wise, yes, he is a complete douche, but being able to manipulate bullets in that way IS pretty cool...
Fuck you.
The Transformers Fandom: Consistantly bitching about something or another since 1984. - "WARBOT In Accounting"
It wouldn't be as much of a problem if she actually waited long enough. But if I've just been told to go somewhere, immediately set off, and then you interrupt me halfway across Hyrule Field to say 'Hey! remember where we have to be going!', I should be allowed to murder you.
I'm surprised this hasn't been already said.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
I wonder how many people on this thread are going to mention the duck hunt dog.
The only douchebag I know with gem eyes. GO FIND YOUR OWN DAMN POE SOULS YOU DOUCHE! :P
Fuck you Boris. Fuck you.
I was going to agree with the OP on Kent, but I just remembered this dog. That dog is a bastard.
Mainly because she doesn't wait nearly long enough to assume that you're lost, and then pauses the whole freaking game to spout off about something that I know I should be doing, but can't because she interrupted my journey to tell me about it.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
In the world of 'fairy'ism, Navi is a total douche.
He's like all the stupid dreams of the particularly stupid kind of 13-year-old-boy rolled into one, and badly needs to have his teeth kicked in.
Boris, hmm, that's a tough one... yeah, I'd consider him a douche. He was the head programmer on the goldeneye satellite anyway. Yeah, complete douche. Then again 006 was a super douche too.
A description of who this is would be helpful.
Fuck. That's three.
If you say his name 3 times he will find you on the internet and ruin your forums.
In an interview which was featured on the cover page of Computer Gaming World, Smart said of his online persona: "Sometimes when I get online, and it's quiet, and I see something that attracts my attention, I'll post just to piss these guys off. That's why I do it. Because I'm in a good mood that day, I go in there and I start trouble."
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
I'm up to the 6th ranked boss battle, but Travis seems to be a total douche. His redeeming feature is the fact that it's very entertaning to see him screw up, get his ass kicked, do something completley idiotic, step a on a land mine, etc.
He's like a pissed off, skinny version the 'Star Wars Kid'.
His reaction when called out on it?
"Lol, watevs."
Then the little fucker betrays you for Tavion. Why? Sure, she had a fine rack and all that but he must've had the willpower of a kleptomaniac to betray everyone that had ever shown him kindness for an at best dubious promise of power. You do get to kick his ass at this point, but his Sugar Mommy steps in and prevents you.
A fair while later, you encounter him once more. He's begging for forgiveness, apologizing for what a total jerk he's been. This is after he flippantly tried to kill you to win a contest, and directly tried to murder you because he's a weak willed bastard who's very act of living makes him a thief. An oxygen thief whose every breath deprives you of the air you need to live. You can choose to kill him then. You're still an inexperienced Jedi, no one will treat you too badly for getting some revenge on this piece of shit.
No, killing him makes you go to the Dark Side, whilst sparing his cowardly, weaselly hide is supposedly the Light Side way of doing this. Never mind that he'll probably betray you again.
Maybe I'm not cut out to be a Jedi, but Rosh Penin was a douchebag that deserved to be flushed out of an airlock.
Fuck you!
Smug bastard.
Highlights include getting you arrested. Forgetting to sign you up for tournaments. Getting you thrown into a Russian prison. Editing your highlight videos to make you look bad.
Over all there are bigger douches out there, but this guy ranks up pretty high.
How is he a douchebag? And how is he supposed to find the poes himself when he can't even move before you've found 20?
Probably the only in-game civilian character that irritated me so much that I wanted to chuck him out a window. Possibly after setting him on fire.
I have to say, he was a brilliant addition to the game as a result. Right down to his "RTFM" belt, he was a character that everyone loves to hate. I honestly hope that jerk returns in the sequel.
It was especially brilliant when you discovered a discarded Cheetos packet on the floor, and that music cue plays, and you just know who's going to be around the next corner. That was a nice touch.
I havent done that game light side yet, everytime I get to that point I kill him. How can you not kill him?
Even looking at it from an totally RP perspective, sure Jaden calls Rosh his friend, but all we have seen of Rosh and Jaden is either:
A: Rosh trying to kill Jaden
B: Jaden (and everyone else) being annoyed by Rosh.
How can you not know him?
Utterly infantile but worth it for the first 10 seconds.
Maybe if he took the gems out of his eyes he could move...
Also, Stauf from The 7th Guest/The 11th Hour. This fucker had an epiphany after clobbering an old woman to death with a hammer to her skull to steal some small pocket change (yay Great Depression!). The epiphany came as per a dream: "build this doll." When he woke up he did nothing but carve the doll. He started to become popular in town and relatively wealthy. Every kid wanted a Stauf doll. So, of course, like all dollmakers, he started trapping souls inside the dolls he sold to children. The children's souls. He then builds a demonic house, traps a bunch of adults inside it on the pretext that he will fulfill all their wildest dreams, and tries to force them to give him a boy who's had to relive the experience for decades.
In other words, Stauf is a real dick.