1. Wang's Law
As the number of pages in a thread increases, the probability of dongs being mentioned approaches 1.
2. Shoe's Law
As a forumer's overall postcount increases, the number of characters typed in each post decreases.
3. Old Man Law
It is theoretically impossible for any new forumer to have a greater age than Druhim.
4. Tube's Law
As Cardboard Tube's use of profanity increases, the probability of a forumer being banned approaches 1.
5. Deni's Law
As a forumer's join date approaches 2002, the likelihood of this forumer reminiscing about the "good old days" approaches 1.
6. Bracket Law
As the number of brackets in a thread title increases, the likelihood of the thread containing boring, overly controlled discussion increases.
7. Boddah's Law
As the number of imitators a forumer has increases, the probability of the forumer leaving within the next year approaches 1.
8. Theme Law
As the number of themed threads in the forum increases, the prevalence of humorous posts containing inside jokes decreases.
so good to be postin' doggs
A PAX thread that is, not one about mexicans
THREAD 4: oh mans u guys are missing out on pax and whippy talking about dongs last nite
resign resign resign
But Larry, that was tongue in cheek
Tongue in cheek I say
he is now but a legend, spoken of only in whispers
Something along the lines of it being inevitably hilarious when a female forumer or a mormon uses profanity
why not make new se++ laws
"any direct personal insults starting with G or C must be challenged with a pistol battle at dawn"
little b
In a dead leper's mouth, maybe.
i ain't wearin no gunny sack
also something about sex and camwhore threads accelerating exponentially
Secret Satan
Point taken
srry larry
I second this.
I also think she should draw a picture of an adorable but very angry bee swearing at us. That would be the best.
Ahh!! Stop screaming at me!!
I'd say it could be both, but it really couldn't. Diversity at PAX is Wook
In the olden days (LOL DENI'S LAW) that would have been a Nads thread, in which Nads posted and the thread immediately rocketed to the moon
if a thread mentions 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Far Side posting and subsequent overuse of the word "pretentious" is imminent
he didn't say which direction it is approaching 1 from
this is se++ so from the rear, hard and fast
As the length of Khoo's presence increases, the likelihood of people falling over themselves to fawn embarrassingly approaches 1
I did no such fawning, mister.
I don't even know why I remember it, to be honest. It's taking up valuable space. Probably why I'm struggling in my latest course. Everything is just your fault.