I'm disappointed, G&T. Your Let's Play content is severely lacking. I'm feeling generous though, so I'm going to give you some pointers.
I had a bunch of stuff written up here, but then I got linked to
this which basically covers everything.
Strive to make something like
this. This is probably the pinnacle of what a serious LP should be. It's informative, well put together, and not painful to listen to. The creator actually put a bit of effort into it, recorded the dialog separately, and actually did a bit of editing. The result is an extremely good LP.
tl;dr: Put a little effort into it, be entertaining, learn to record audio that doesn't suck, and if your voice is painful to others just subtitle the damn thing.
Also, LPs have different gimmicks. Some aren't for everyone.
Remember, what you're doing isn't live. You can edit it as much as you want to boost entertainment value.
"Everyone who is capable of logical thought should be able to see why you shouldn't sell lifetime subscriptions to an MMO. Cell phone companies and drug dealers don't offer lifetime subscriptions either, guess why?" - Mugaaz
If you can't come up with the wit afterwards, you sure as hell aren't going to come up with it on the spot.
I don't think you understand. Dubbing in some word by word account after the live recording will be more boring than going with what was there to begin with. Post commentary usually isn't that. In fact, almost all post commentary I've heard doesn't mention the game much and tries something original to change up the LP format.
I agree with Shady here. I always get chuckles from people panicking on the spot when things aren't going their way. Post commentary is really hard to do well and most games don't have enough interesting content to do that for every video.
I'd much rather hear "Oh my god, these things are KILLING me arrrrg!" than "I had a little trouble getting the red key here."
Also opinions are like assholes, you can't please everyone, etc.
It's technically well done, but I feel like I just watched PBS: Trespasser. Maxwell Adams' videos (Oblivion and Resident Evil 4 being the two latest) are the epitome of the VLP for me. Multiple commentators means there's always something funny being said.
Written LPs can be really awesome, though, and I wish most people would stick with them instead.
"I had a little trouble getting the red key here" shouldn't even be an option. The Trespasser link that the OP posted is a good example of post commentary done right. It would be unfair for people to expect even a fraction of the loveliness of his voice, but at least the LPer won't say stupid and/or annoying things by accident, which happens by accident a lot. Most peoples brains just aren't built for entertaining improv.
"Everyone who is capable of logical thought should be able to see why you shouldn't sell lifetime subscriptions to an MMO. Cell phone companies and drug dealers don't offer lifetime subscriptions either, guess why?" - Mugaaz
I just like the way you guys write, it's funny.
that lp was epic
I don't disagree with you, but not every LP has to be a jokefest. And you're right, the joking around LPs are by far better with multiple commentators. I've yet to really see an LP here on PA that's trying to be funny, Podcasters excepted. Everyone goes and plays the game straight, making mundane commentary. Entertain me dammit; be it with interesting trivia, genuine humor, or outright skill.
And just to contribute to the thread, I generally dont like Video LP's. That being said... I tried to start a Condemned LP Lastnight, and its really fucking hard to screenshot something that makes sense, or screenshot in combat, so I understand why they are made.
Something a little more on the level would be Deceased Crab's La Mulana LP, a pretty solid LP, moreso now since he's redoing it and trimming it to cut out a lot of the wandering he did last time. I think that's what most LP's should be closer to be like: it's funny, it's help people with the game, and the guy at least has a general idea of where he's going.
Seriously, that Trespasser LP is barely off the ground and it's already above and beyond the call of duty in terms of LPs.
This guy legitimately has autism. What's the video in the OP's excuse?
Let's plays are the worst of all the aspergeriffic asshattery on the internet that makes me ashamed to be associated with "gamer" culture. Just stop alltogether.
Nah, it's like watching one of your friends play a game when you're at their house. It's not your game, but it's fun to watch. Especially if you suck at the game and never got through it yourself.
Let 'em eat fucking pineapples!
They're not particularly good, or entertaining. The only time I ever catch myself reading one is when it's a thread for a game I remember fondly from years ago... but for the purposes of discussing a well-loved game, I'd be better served by a straight discussion thread.
I keep approving them, hoping that at some point somebody will knock one out of the park. But if there's been a truly noteworthy LP thread posted here int he last six months, I must have missed it.
I only want commentary if there are at least three people involved and they are silhouetted at the bottom of the screen.
PSN: JPBrowncoat Xbox: BamSaidTheLaday Also on Steam! Streaming games!
(Please do not gift. My game bank is already full.)
This one by Chewbot is one of the best ones I've ever seen. Takes a game, adds something new and interesting and goes from there.
There are several other noteworthy ones out there, and a few good video LPs but the best seem to be screenshotted as it lets the writer tell a story, which is the recipe for success. A good video LP, since a game takes a while to go through, tells you some really really in depth stuff which may or may not appeal to everyone. TSR LPing a Sonic game is the kind of thing I'm thinking about.
Edit: That and the stuff by Jerusalem, like his current San Andreas LP that adds so much story to the game that it's not even funny. I'm not going to just sitewhore other people's stuff so go find it yourself. Still, stuff like that is what we need to see here or else let LP get the boot I think.
I can't help but notice that this LP wasn't posted in G&T.
This man is a scholar and a gentleman.
Aw, c'mon Tube. We thought ignoring them would make them go away, and it didn't. Can't we try gentle admonishment for even a minute?
That said, some of the screenshots-and-text LPs have been just great. I know Boatmurdered was an SA thing, but that shit was fucking *epic*. The Vampire: The Masquerade LP was amazing, too. The latter had just the right blend of expose and commentary - I had never played the game before, but I could follow right along with what was happening, and some of the OP's text was frankly hilarious. The S.T.A.L.K.E.R. LP was another really good one. Again, no hours of video to sit through, just carefully-chosen images, good descriptions, and some really good insight into some of the tricks and secrets of the game.
I've heard people say that they "need" to do a video LP because they just can't fit everything in if they just use screenshots. If that's the case... maybe you're just doing it wrong? A Let's Play thread shouldn't be "hay guys let's vicariously experience every minute of this game, complete with bumbling commentary! Oh shit, I missed that jump again, lol!" It should be a well-edited, concise, entertaining summary of the game experience, not a second-by-second account.
My point is that kind of quality is what we need here or no LPs at all. It's a positive example I suppose. Otherwise I agree with you as far as the "maybe it'll go away" wholeheartedly. I apologize for not saying that up front, I suppose I was a bit unclear.
(No offense to any LPer, I know it takes a lot of effort, but like other creative works sometimes either you have it or you don't.)
Oo\ Ironsizide
As was Blood Money for insight on the game
As was Bloodlines
So ignore them like Tube. We also tend not to have multiple writers working on a single project.
And we should.
ginger you don't need to attend this meeting, you know how a funny, entertaining, informative LP should go
you are free to go
There are some incredible areas you never even have to go to
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
he was also fast and sharp with his humour
he was very conscious of his audience whilst he waited
he didn't make inane, awkward, embarrassing conversation when there was nothing to say
yes, it was all in the accent you are right
I never he didn't do any of those things you said.
So cram it up your ass.