I had a thread not too long ago where I was worried about my major and if I should switch. Well I decided to stick with pharmacy instead of switching despite this evil name Organic Chemistry. I've been studying like crazy and I have made some progress. However, with my next test being tomorrow, I do not think I've progressed enough.
I already have to take Organic Chemistry 2 and it's lab during the summer, but with the oncoming doom it looks as if taking Organic 1 for the third time (is a charm?) is very likely. I've registered for all 3 courses (O chem 1, 2, 2 lab) as a precautionary measure.
Thus, if I'm accepting I'm taking all three courses this summer, I'm faced with another problem. I'll have to stay here at my university due to it being 4 hours away from where I live, and not being able to find compatible courses (content and time wise) at colleges/universities in my area. The Organic Chemistry I class starts immediately after the spring semester ends, so I would not be going home in between. It'd look something like this.
-Day I can leave from end of Spring Semester: Fri May 2nd
-O Chem 1: Mon May 5th through Fri May 30th.
-2 weekish break at home: May 30th to June15th.
-Oranic chem 2 followed by lab: June 16th through July 25th.
So that leaves me here from 5/5 - 5/30, then 6/16 - 7/25.
Now the point of my thread, how do I keep myself sane? Very few people actually live here during the summer. Out of the six dorms, only one remains open and it's the smallest one. It's going to be
dead here. During the weak I'll have about 3 hours of class every morning I believe, and studying, eating, playing some games to relax after the end of the day should be enough to keep me sane during the week. However the weekends, oh god the weekends. I do have the benefit of faster internet compared to the sub-56k speeds we seem to get during the year, so online gaming would be an option, but that's awfully depressing to think of just doing that.
What can I do to add structure to my day so that I don't go insane? I might get lucky and find someone who's staying that I either know or could maybe get along with, but I want to have a plan incase not. Many of my friends live too far away to visit too often. My ex-girlfriend said she would visit whenever she's in the city for her internship, which might be a few times a week, but I can count on her to do something as much as I can count on a rock to speak.
Short Version: Taking summer courses for majority of summer while staying at a pretty much deserted campus. How do I create structure to my day to remain sane?
Nose to the grindstone, man.
Do what you need to do to keep yourself from loosing it (exercise, read, drink, et cetera) but you should have more than enough to keep you busy. Also, one of the worst things I witnessed with said housemates was the backlash from friends when they were too overloaded with work to ever go out. If your friends aren't around, no one is going to give you shit for living in the library.
Also, getting into study groups will do wonders for your understanding of the material, and will have the side benefit of helping you meet people in the similar situation.
Good luck sir, and godspeed!
Doubly so when it sounds like he's about to fail for the second time.
Buckle down and dedicate your time to mastering OChem, man. Learn a new instrument if you really find yourself with lots of free time.
Alternatively you could work and not have to resit again.
take study breaks in the lobby
if the lobby has a TV, bring a game console down and start playing some games, others will join in
But if you doubt this is going to be the case, why not get a job that'll let you work some evenings during the week and weekends? That'll keep you occupied while making you lots of money that you won't be able to spend as you'll never be going out. Money is always nice, either for investing/saving or to enlarge the budget when next year starts and you (I'm assuming) don't have time to work a job.