Fallout Tactics
Why the hell should I play this shitty game?
Turnbased multiplayer goodness based on the Fallout combat system. And yes, you can use a Brahmin!
Tactics is wasting space on my harddrive, we must play online games for maximum win capabilities. Run, don't walk to the store., I
mean store and pick this up for some hamachi goodness.
Hamachi is like a LAN over the internet, though to be honest it
may not be necessary as one time I believe a NMAer (shudder) joined one of our games.
Hamachi :
Server name: PA Tactics
Server Password: wang
(explanation, the black guy is HWG guy, he wields a m60 and a clawhammer. For a while I forgot to give him bullets. The dead body in front of him is that of a recent clawhammer kill. I think it was one of my friends' men.)
find the game and patch it with this.
and then download this map pack
and extract it to C:\Program Files\14 Degrees East\Fallout Tactics\core\missions
1000 point per character limit.
go straight to the multiplayer, even though the community is virtually nonexistent, hence I am starting this thread.
I've tried this before, and if you someone manage a game on of this, that would be delicious. This is one of my favourite multiplayer games.