Why is there not an Office thread on the first two pages?!!!
Here's the show
It's based on a British show of the same name, but like all things, the American counterpart is far superior.
(that's what she said...)
Here's some pics of the cast
this is Jan, the S&M psycho from hell, she used to be a boss at DM corporate, but got fired for being a crazy bitch.
She dates Michael, who is the manager of Dunder Mifflin Scranton
Then there's Pam and Jim, the main reason the show is so good (next to Michael, of course)
This is Dwight and Angela, they used to date
He killed her cat, so now she goes out with this guy, who sings way too much
There's more, but that's enough to get you started.
It comes on Thursdays at 11 on NBC, at least for the next few weeks.
You can catch up on reruns for free at HULU, and it's also available from Netflix on demand, so you can watch it from your computer.
Anyway, I haven't seen the new episodes since it came back, so don't spoil it for me! :P
Careful now, things like that may perhaps provoke someone to bring up the american version of Coupling.
The american version of the show is one of those things that keeps ending up on my list of things I really should watch but somehow keeps getting bumped off by other things. My somewhat irrational hatred of Ricky Gervais kept me from the uk version so with the us version being both better and lacking Ricky Gervais it seems like something I should take the time to watch.
My boyfriend watched this with me last night (he's not a hardcore fan, it just catching up on early episodes) and just got his first dose of Angela in all her craziness. "That lady is FREAKY!" (at the car/ice cream cone scene).
And "You can buy all new stuff. YOU CAN'T BUY A NEW PARTY!"
I love this show. It's got a bunch of the former Daily Show cast as well. Even Rob Riggle and Larry Wilmore were in a few episodes.
Let 'em eat fucking pineapples!
The first couple are direct copies of the UK show, just not delivered as well. I gather that now it has its own identity and is worth watching?
It really came into its own in the 2nd season.
I kept expecting her name to come up in the song
Yeah, it was okay but I didn't really like it because of that. It was a little too much.
twit feed
France (Le Bureau):
UK (The Office):
Quebec (La Job):
This is how the majority of Office episodes feel to me. Pretty much anytime Michael opens his mouth I cringe.
Because it's a stupid show and you're stupid for liking it.
Actually, I've really enjoyed this show the couple times I've seen it. I'll probably Netflix the DVDs at some point and try to catch up.
Yup, I've seen it. I've never seen the UK one, but from the description of the series it sounds like the Québec one is the UK one compressed into 12 episodes and shot with Québec actors. I didn't like it as much as the US one, mostly because of the boss character; where Michael Scott is just childish and foolish, the boss in the Québec and UK ones is downright aggressively incompetent, and really irritated me and got on my nerves.
Yeah but last night, out of the context of the workplace, man that was just too much.
Also I loved how
It hurts so good.
Seriously, I'm terrible about embarrassing movies/tv, like I have to cover my eyes or pace around at awkward Ben Stiller moments, but it's a masochistic enjoyment.
For a good laugh the episode titled "Diversity Day" in the first season is one of my favorites.
He's supposed to be a mix of incompetent and ineffective. He's the box of cotton balls trying to dam up a river.
I mean, I like it more when he takes an underling to Hooters for lunch to cheer up said underling and then makes things awkward ten minutes later. But him buying a $200 plasma TV isn't incompetent, it's brain dead.
NBC writers! Don't make Michael Scott go down the same path as Homer Simpson!
Netflix instawatch thingy also has all the British Office episodes, too.
It just recently came out of Beta, so . . . its just getting well known now.
What I love about hulu is that I get to watch Conan without staying up until 1.
It was funny how the whole point of the dinner was to
And the terrible condo deal he bought earlier?