Obscure II: The Aftermath
Release date: OUT NOW!
Systems: PS2, Wii, PC
Price: $29.99 ($19.99 at
I picked this game up (ironically) due to the Wii Obscure release thread (located:
Please NOTE I can't look up hardly any pictures for the game right now since I'm at work. However, when I get home I will post as many purdy pictures as possible. So let's get this going:
I picked it up for the Wii, so I'll only be able to give you impressions of the Wii version over the other two. Please note I'm NOT saying that the Wii version is superior. I don't know/care which version is.
First things first: Pictures (Thanks IGN!)!
I like this one:
The big mother fucker:
It's a survival horror game in the same vein as Resident Evil (Get this key to open this door to get this item to go here... etc). The reason why I compare it to Maniac Mansion is that you get to control 8 different players throughout the game. Each character has a specific trait that will help you further advance the story.
Example: Sven Hansen is a sports nut (jockey) and has strength. He can be used to push heavy objects, and he generally has more health/melee damage than the rest.
Mei Wang is a computer game nut, which obviously means she's a hacker. She can hack magnetic key card devices and computers.
Well if you're itching for a good survival horror game, this fits the bill. Sure the game has some pretty bad voice acting, but honestly it's like watching a good B Horror film.
Oh and I guess I forgot to mention it actually has two player Co-op.
Basically throughout the game you always have two people with you. If you're playing through by yourself (like I am currently) you just hit the + button to switch over to them. This is important for getting through puzzles and stuff.
But if a friend wants to join he just hits the 2 button on the controller and takes control of the other player. One of the two players can choose to control the camera. Unfortunately it's not split screen, but it seems to work a lot better than having the computer control the 2nd player.
Oh and if the 2nd player dies, it's game over.
I'm going to steal some information from Wikipedia for this:
Two years after the events of Obscure, the survivors have had to move on with their lives. Shannon and Kenny are now enrolled in the nearby Fallcreek University, while Stan is making ends meet as a pizza delivery boy. Stan and Kenny now have to take medication to prevent the effects of the plantation from infecting their bodies while Shannon has been able to adapt to the changes.
As the story begins, a new drug created from a strange flower is quickly spreading its influence over the University's populace. Soon enough, a small group of students along with the Leafmore High survivors have to face a horde of mutants and stop the spread of contagion before the situation becomes critical.
Basically in a nutshell there are these plants that get people "high" and eventually turn into monsters that you have to kill.
Ever seen the Faculty? It's kinda like that.
It took about 10-15 minutes for me to get used to the controls. Now they are second nature. Allow me to explain:
Wherever you point at the screen the view moves around (on most parts, there are some parts that don't allow you to move the camera) sorta like Metroid Prime 3. Basically wherever you point the controller the camera pans to view on this spot. It makes the game feel more dynamic.
To reload your weapon you have to tilt the Nunchuck left or right and they will reload their weapon for you. It took me a while to figure out that you only needed to tilt it, not waggle it. So you DO have to keep it vertical or else your char will shoot, reload, shoot, reload, etc...
The aiming in the game is great. You hold Z to ready your weapon, and if you're holding a gun you can use the pointer to aim at the screen just like RE4. If you highlight a monster you are also able to hold down the A button to lock onto them (there are a few fast monsters you want to do this to) so you can just press the B button to hit them.
If you've got a melee weapon equipped you hold down the Z button to ready your weapon and waggle it slightly to swing. Although it seems like a pain, you won't be waggling nearly as much as Twilight Princess.
The game, so far, is hard as balls. I've died about 6 or 7 times and I'm only like 3 hours into it. You have to use all your healing stuff sparingly. It might be just me, however, so I'm not going to say if you don't like hard games to not play this... But man it is rough.
Well first of all it has some really great music. It's all classical (well, mostly classical) with violins and pianos and etc. So it really adds to the mood of the game.
Oh and it's only $30!!
So there you have it. Sorta half-assed attempt at a thread to generate at least one or two sales for this game. It's really, really good. And it's highly recommended. If you have any questions or anything please ask them here.
No idea why I keep saying Manic Mansion... That's doesn't even make sense.
Let me know the controls and stuff so I can put it in the OP.
I played through the first couple hours of the game on PS2 and it made me order the first game promptly. The adventure elements are surprisingly strong, and as a fan of old-school adventures, this is the closest thing to the glory days of Lucasarts currently available outside of Sam and Max. The Maniac Mansion comparison is quite appropriate.
PSN ID : Xander51 Steam ID : Xander51
e: Also, watching the guy crawl around with a missing leg was pretty awesome. Reminded me of a good zombie flick.
If you do, please post your thoughts of the game here so that we can get as many opinions of it as possible.
$20 at Fry's.
Just spreading the love for this game.
Just to clarify, the Wii version retails for $29.99, but is available for $19.99 at Fry's.
The PS2 version retails for $19.99 everywhere.
I see some complaints about the controls in Obscure, but once you get used to them, they're fluid. I personally like the flow of the game. Your characters move around at a realistic speed and the animations are smooth. That adds a lot to the realism when your character ends up with their heads getting squished. :P
I didn't hate the game, but it was really.. obtuse.
Steam Profile | Signature art by Alexandra 'Lexxy' Douglass
Yeah I'm running into that now. I'm down to NO healing items, because my partner keeps getting her/his ass beat by those BIG guys.
Finding the boxes that use the 3 small keys in each area is pretty much essential to win.
Steam Profile | Signature art by Alexandra 'Lexxy' Douglass
Also, a note, only the Wii version contains special features like the movies, music, and art gallery. The PS2 version is missing these.
The fact that the PS2 version is missing those extras has made me consider picking up the Wii version, as I really love the music especially. Not that I hate the PS2 version, it's quite good...
How are the motion controls?
PSN ID : Xander51 Steam ID : Xander51
Really on the spot. There are a few times where you have to "waggle to pull the switch faster" but other than that they are fine. The aiming is really good, almost RE4 good.
You realize that's not helping prevent me from owning two versions of this fine game.
I heard NGai Croal talking about how good the motion controls were in the Wii Alone in the Dark (EDIT: on 1up Yours), and since that's also being made by Hydravision, I figured that the controls in Obscure might be good as well. Thanks for the confirmation!
PSN ID : Xander51 Steam ID : Xander51
Yup, they're doing the Wii and PS2 versions of Alone in the Dark, which makes me much more interested in them than I was before. The 360/PS3 one looks cool too, but that's a different team.
PSN ID : Xander51 Steam ID : Xander51
The boss I just fought was pretty awesome, but I have a feeling he's gonna come back and try to kill his sister again.
Also: HOLY SHIT at
Yeah, the co-op is pretty neat and definitely gives this game a cool hook. Plus, it fits really well with the genre. I wish more horror games had co-op.
PSN ID : Xander51 Steam ID : Xander51
Fuck Kenny.
Great game. Too bad no one cares.