There's too many of you fuckers for me to keep track of in this thread, so instead, edit your code into the list above. The password is wang.
INTRODUCING: !Your One-Stop Source For All Smash Bros. Battling, signatures, and stages!CURRENT TOURNAMENTSPlease PM the hosts for information, not me!Saturday Night Brawl and Sunday Night SmashCurrently hosted by Nickle and Mushroom Pie, respectively
These are two tournaments that are held weekly over at Crush Siblings. Satuday Night Brawl is designed to create a more casual setting, while Sunday Night Smash is more competitively minded. The hosts of the tournament will announce when sign-ups for each are open, usually not starting any earlier than a day in advance.
Info for Saturday Night Brawl:
The tournament starts at 9 PM EST every Saturday night. Each round lasts no longer than 45 minutes.
Matches are 3-stock, best two out of three.
All stages are legal. All items are set to low frequency.
Prizes can vary, from a VC game of the winner's choosing to just about anything else.
Info for Sunday Night Smash:
The tournament starts at 7 PM EST every Sunday night. Each round lasts no longer than 45 minutes.
Matches are 3-stock, best two out of three.
The stage ban list will be as is listed in
in the OP of this thread. Keep in mind that this list may change from week to week, and that it will most likely differ from the Smashboards banlist.
Items will either be banned outright, or a select few of them will be allowed. It'll vary from week to week.
The winner of a tournament is responsible for providing a prize for the winner of next week's tournament. It can be anything; a funny picture, a neat sig, whatever. Creativity is more important than quality.
Kor's The Brawliest Brother
The thread at Crush Siblings. Bear in mind that the tournament has been delayed an uncertain amount of time, and so the dates are no longer accurate.
Nickle's All-Comers Brawl-O-RamaDetails UnknownROSTER:Name, State
1. Nickle IL
2. Guek WA
3. BlueBlue MS
4. Speakeasy CA
5. TempleWolf MN
6. quovadis13 ON, CA
7. cloudeagle OK
8. Joshua368 SC
9. Djiem Canada somewhere, I think
11. Redfenix IL
12. Mntorankusu KY
13. Ronen NY
14. Phanman
15. Pata
16. shyguy NY
17. Sharp10r NC
18. LordNibbler NY
19. ruiisu FL
20. Behemoth WA
21. Bulbasaur ON, CA
22. MetaHybrid ON, CA
23. willmannyeatthat MA
24. ArcSyn NJ
25. Munkus Beaver
26. Shabutie CA
27. Brue CA
28. Arcibi KY
29. Squashua FL
30. urahonky OH
31. Aydr WA
32. Faustum TX
33. Fishguy NM
34. Khavall PA
35. Improvolone FL
36. Goatmon CA
37. Niceguyeddie616 MA
38. Reigner PA
39. Gino WI
40. Zealous One CA
41. Woot427 IL
42. Monsty ND
43. Gunwarrior (Maybe) CA
44. Taramoor WA
45. Captain Crunch BC, CA
46. Gorilla Salad TX
47. Snork CT/PA
48. Jrosey WA
49. Tehcoolryan CA
50. Atheraal
51. Toothy KY
53. Zimarooski TX
54. Yalborap
55. Jarhog
56. Rehab NE
57. Rollout MTL, QC, CA
58. Gravija IL
59. Aioua WA
60. Hylianbunny ON, CA
61. SkyGheNe CT
62. BahamutZERO CA
63. Vann Diras IN
64. No Great Name East Coast
65. AshtonDragon NL, CA
66. Bibble TN
67. InivisibleInk OR
68. aaronsedge AR
69. Mushroom Pie
70. Greg343 KS
71. Corp.Shephard NC
72. Kupi NC
73. Kor NM
74. TehSpectre KS
75. JustinChar99 FL
76. Godfather TX
77. Zen Vulgarity FL
78. Manetheren AL
79. mts CA
80. RedMageDarion ME
81. Tachyon CO
82. Zampano NH
83. Zek NJ
84. Inquisitor CA
85. Manaleak34 WA
86. Cloudman MO
87. mr_ekim CA
88. Ruins MD
89. ChopperDave
90. Qorzm CA
91. CaspianX CA
92. Fig-D CA
93. Spoof
94. Mtvcdm WI
95. Dusda OR
96. Geod VA
97. Red Gear NY
98. Mighty TX
99. Brokecracker IN
100. HylianZora OH
101. LightRider TX
102. PikaPuff
103. tony_important NS, CA
104. DasUberEdward OH
105. SoonerMan OK
106. Lagnar NS, CA
107. Rei NY
108. redfield85
109. Tairu CA
110. Lokiamis NS, CA
111. Skitoria IN
112. Joeslop IN
AKA [PA]Ilovepandas
good luck with that
Because I love spamming that move and pissing my friends the hell off.
You didn't get the reference?
AKA [PA]Ilovepandas
I'm so hungry, I could eat a Pikachu!
ok. someone else then, let's go
also I wish it would say something other than the extremely vague "Unable to join game" so you know when the person chooses "maybe next time" instead of having to guess that they did.
S'coo. Thats what I figured.
Anyone want to play now?
5 awesome points go to you, sir
AKA [PA]Ilovepandas
pikaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, pikaaaaaaaaaaah
so cute
AKA [PA]Ilovepandas
Quick! Somebody fill up the list!
I don't know, should we be teammates again? We gots experience. I'll switch to the other side if that's needed.
I think we only killed each other once or twice each last time. That's an improvement...
I will take Blue.
I've managed a no damage intense clear with Fox, Pit, and Metaknight (by following that first video.)
I've managed to finish with 0% without using any hearts with Lucas.
Other than that, Intense is insane. My favorite thing to do with Fox is to jump right into MetaRidley's mouth before the fireball volley and turn on my reflector.
Taramoor on Youtube
Are you on blue instead, Tara? You should update the list! Gawd.
You know you wanna...
3351 3715 9173
Don't ruin my dream.
No seriously I could:
I'll have all items off most of the time. Might switch it to low or medium with my select list from time to time. I don't really care if someone wants to set theirs to high and smash balls on. If everyone has a different list, it should just cycle itself around an adequate amount, and I'm fine with some variation.
I guess I'll be with whoever.... Or we could do some 3v1...
There, how's that?
Taramoor on Youtube
I'm partnered with whoever else is on red team.
Taramoor on Youtube
Not really teams...though.
I thought I screwed that one up taking a life and immediately taking like 50% damage.
I choose getting ready to go out to the bars over getting chainthrowed, though.
Maybe I will play some more later.
Taramoor should add you and restart...I'm not sure he's checking the boards, though.
Seems to have died out...
I'll play you some, though. Items or no?
sure give me a moment to get online
My bro is an idiot and hit no.
Ohtsam you are free to join too.
k be there in a moment