OP copied from the last one because I'm lazy, I'll clean it up in the morning maybe (hey at least this one has links).
Awesome comics:
Dr. McNinja
Perry Bible Fellowship
Dinosaur Comics
Kate Beaton Comics
These comics are also fairly good (except Supermega, which Centipede Damascus hates)
Super Mega - I don't know.
Lackadaisy Cats - Wonderfulness, rarely updated.
Bonertown - Knob does this.
Minus - Whimsy, with some darkness to it.
Dresden Codak - Beautiful art, confusing, but good.
1/0 - Don't ask me, I couldn't make it through the whole thing.
Overcompensating - 100% True Stories about Jeffrey Rowland.
Bigger Than Cheeses - Stuff.
Hockey Zombie - Things.
Lucid TV - Mary Worth meets the Internet.
RiceBoy - Crazy awesome fantastic adventure.
Wondermark - Woodcuts meet the Internet.
A Softer World - Random photos, random humor, random emo.
Scary Go Round - British whimsy and macabre jolliness.
Order of the Stick and Erfworld - WORDS WORDS WORDS.
Gunnerkrigg Court - The art gets better, trust me.
Legorobot - Alternatively hilarious and nauseating.