as usual I have wandered the G+T wilderness and found a shiny bauble to share with my tribe.
Goozex is a video game trading website. Games are assigned point values, and you can trade games to other members to get points to use on games and etcetera.
The best part is, they give you a free trade credit and 100 points, which is enough to get a decent last-gen game without paying anything. I guess I should mention that this is only until the 30th.
I got Mercenaries for Xbox. Which is rad.
You can check it out
Now that is a referral link, and if you hate me and don't want to use it, I still suggest you go to and check it out, because it is a pretty neat place to pick up more obscure games.
SponoPiptheFairBaroque And RollHorseshoeIsasnap
P.S. CANADIANS: When you put in your postal code, put a space in the middle like so: XXX XXX
feel free to pm me your referral link, I will put it up here
I specifically waited until I got the game to make this thread.
I have given no financial type information to this site.
plus there's a whole thread in G+T filled with satisfied nerds.
so there
White: 5157 2287 1296
I originally paid $13 for WW.
Maximum win.
I got Mercenaries for 100 points and now it's 150, for example
I'm guessing it's based on supply and demand
oddly enough
omg Tales of Dickballsia CONFIRMED FOR WII
Will they accept disks in ziplock bags?
when you request a game you can request it disc/game only, disc with manual, or full package
so yes
it seems most people are good about sending the full case, though, I got case and manual for mercenaries and the game wasn't in bad shape, and I had it up as disc only
because I have lots of CDs and not even the case for some of them
basically if I go a bunch of paper CD pouch things you usually get with printer software and whatnot, can I still send those in for full points
The piles of games I already own.
I will never trade them in, ahhahahahaha
and i just want old ps1 games
they have beyond the beyond
holy shit
Amen to that.
I just nutted. That game is sick-house.
I got rid of my C-64 when that game finally stopped working...
And by pretty good I mean utterly fantastic
if i didn't already have them, i'd be all over that shit
instead i put in a request for extreme g 3, because i have regretted selling that game for years
I liked Torin's Passage a lot.
its the only one i haven't played
but I enjoy it a lot
I don't get anything until a trade goes through, but once that happens I get 1 trade credit and 100 points
okay should i get that one or budokai 3
I'd get Budokai 3, just because it's the last and best in that series
BT is up to 3 now too, and I would wait and pick that up when it gets cheap
I'm pretty sure that'll be the last one of those with Burst Limit coming out on 360 and PS3
but doesnt tenkaichi have like a billion characters? is the fighting system still the same, or is it different?
you better believe i'm getting that one!
That was a good game. :^:
it's a little different
as for characters
Budokai 3 has
* Goku
* Kid Goku
* Kid Gohan
* Teen Gohan
* Gohan
* Great Saiyaman
* Piccolo
* Krillin
* Yamcha
* Tien Shinhan
* Vegeta
* Kid Trunks
* Goten
* Future Trunks
* Gotenks (Fusion)
* Vegito (Potara)
* Gogeta (Fusion)
* Hercule
* Videl
* Raditz
* Nappa
* Saibamen
* Captain Ginyu
* Recoome
* Frieza
* Android #16
* Android #17
* Android #18
* Dr Gero
* Cell
* Cell Junior
* Dabura
* Majin Buu
* Super Buu (Piccolo, Gotenks, Son Gohan absorbed)
* Kid Buu
* Supreme Kai
* Kibito Kai (Potara)
* Bardock
* Cooler
* Broly
* Omega Shenron
* Uub
where BT has
* Android 16
* Android 17
* Android 18
* Android 19
* Baby Vegeta (Super Baby 2)
* Bardock
* Bojack (Full Power)
* Broly (Legendary SS)
* Burter
* Captain Ginyu
* Cell (Base, 2nd Form, Perfect Form, Perfect)
* Cell Jr.
* Chiaotzu
* Cooler (Final Form)
* Demon King Dabura
* Dodoria
* Dr. Gero
* Frieza (Base, 2nd Form, 3rd Form, Final Form, Full Power)
* General Tao
* Gogeta (SS4)
* Gohan (Base, SS, SS2, Great Saiyaman)
* Goku (End) (Base, SS, SS2, SS3)
* Goku (GT) (SS4)
* Goten (Base, SS)
* Gotenks (Base, SS, SS3)
* Guldo
* Hercule
* Janemba (Super)
* Jeice
* Kid Buu
* Kid Gohan
* Kid Goku (Base, Great Ape)
* Kid Trunks (Base, SS)
* Krillin
* Master Roshi
* Majin Buu
* Majin Buu (Pure Evil)
* Mecha Frieza
* Nappa
* Piccolo (End)
* Raditz
* Recoome
* Saibamen
* Super 17
* Super Buu (Base, Gotenks Absorbed, Gohan Absorbed)
* Super Gogeta
* Teen Gohan (Base, SS, SS2)
* Tien
* Trunks (Base, SS, Super)
* Trunks (Sword) (Base, SS)
* Ultimate Gohan
* Vegeta (SS4)
* Vegeta (Scouter) (Base, Great Ape)
* Vegeta (End) (Majin)
* Vegeta (second form) (SS2)
* Vegeta (Base, SS, Super)
* Vegito (Base, SS)
* Videl
* Yamcha
* Zarbon (Base, Post-Transformation)
so it has a few more I guess