I use gta3 as an example. Any audio could be used like a shoutcast jerky boys stream ( recorded and not live of course) or any other audio. Read on for more please.
So after 25 hours of gta4 the radio stations are getting repetetive.
I woke up today with the idea of importing the old talk station and possibly even the entire soundtrack from gta3 into gta4.
But how? Afaik there is no way to set up a user defined radio station (or station(s) for that matter) that I know of, but rockstar must have made it possible.
So I guess the following is needed:
1. The original audio track from gta3 from whatever station we want to import. Afaik these are just one looped continuous file.
2. A way to port that into the xbox360 hdd.
Would we burn a cd and then import it? Problem is if the audio file runs longer than 80 minutes. Then what?
How would this work? Anyone want to take a crack at this?
Las Vegas Youtube page with lots of useless videos:
are you referring to the audio box set for the game? I was thinking more in terms of ripping the station with commercials and DJ chat into the game, and on the game
DVD the tracks are one long file that streams from the disc as you play.
For the GTA3 stuff, first you'll need the PC version. Then, they're just .wav files on the "play" CD (not the install CD) in the "Audio" folder. Chatterbox FM, for example, is chat.wav. Just burn that as an audio CD and you should be fine. It's only 58 minutes long.
The Vice City radio stations are encoded differently and you'll need some kind of converter.
I don't think you can import direct mp3s from data CDs, but you can rip the audio tracks from an Audio CD.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
I had held a small hope that GTA 4 would be like Halo 3 (which pulls out all music/speech but leaves sound effects on with a custom soundtrack) but alas. As for streaming via PC I tried that and found significant performance issues at points with GTA 4 in particular. Could just be my console though.
Huh? Not sure I follow. GTA4 disabled the radio when I had my custom music playing, and nothing else. Speech and sound effects still played as normal. It also disabled the custom music temporarily during the ending sequence (not sure if it would happen at other points in the story).
Edit: And you can stream via TVersity if you don't want to deal with ripping to the 360 HD.
Hm, for me everything was disabled as per usual for a 360 game. Perhaps it's something to do with the sequence of getting from teh 360 powering up to having GTA 4 + Music playing via custom soundtracks.
Anyways, it's a poor replacement for properly having your own music playing through the radio stations.
You don't need TVersity, the 360 streams stuff from your PC perfectly well by itself.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
Now that I've done practically everything that involves characters talking, I turn the radio off, keep the sound effects, and just play whatever I want through my stereo.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
Well, if it makes a difference I always wait until my save is fully loaded before starting the music. It doesn't seem to have any issues when I flip between single and multi either.
Bullshit. Try searching around on the web. Perhaps you were one of the few who didn't run into the massive issues trying to get WMP11 to properly link up with the 360, but I spent a few days trying to sort the bugs out. TVersity worked immediately after I installed it. I'm not too thrilled with the transcoding for video files, but I only really needed mp3s.
Also, it was probably something like "hey, the 360 already does custom soundtracks so we already lost the memory/processing power to that feature, so why bother re-implementing it and losing even more?"
Also, there is the fact that Vice City and San Andreas can't pick up your music on the 360 anyway.
Never heard of any issues before, ever. Before my PC and 360 shared a screen, I used to bounce movies over to it all the time.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
Same here, no issues at all.
Worked A-okay for me as well. I installed WMP11, it asked me if I wanted to share my media files with my 360 and I said, "Sure." Then WMP11 told me, "Alright dude, its done, enjoy." Which got a healthy, "Sweet!" from me.
See, I was sitting there with the 360 not seeing the PC, then the 360 could see it but couldn't access it, and then back to the beginning. Plenty of forum threads out there with "use there steps," "didn't work," "I guess you're out of luck." All the services, sharing, etc was setup, no firewalls, no luck. Even tried the Zune software route since that supposedly worked as well. Gave up on all the MS software when TVersity was just install, start service, done. Never had the chance to use Windows Media connect, but maybe that would've been easier (had I found out about it before WMP11).
The problem is that all of the networking stuff going on is still way too complex. Are you wired or wireless? What's your router? Brand? Make/model? Are you using a hub or switch? How many other devices share your network? Port forwarding? Firewall? What OS are you using? Yadda, yadda, yadda.
For the longest time, my 360 could see my Media Center PC and some stuff would stream fine. But it was unuseably slow when I wanted to connect via Media Center. I futzed with something, and now it's fine, but it took a lot of time and effort. And I consider myself fairly knowledgeable with networking.
If you happen to have the right setup (and who knows what that is), everything will work beautifully. If you don't, then you'd better hope you have some networking experience or know someone who does. This isn't limited to just the 360 either. I'm sure the PS3 can have similar issues, not to mention other "media hub" devices. I am hoping that in the not-too-distant-future, all of the networking stuff will consolidate and be akin to the way "plug-and-play" turned out for PC peripherals (thanks to USB).
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