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Questions to help decide platform purchase

mchat2k6mchat2k6 Registered User regular
edited 2008 22 in Penny Arcade Games
Hey everyone,

I'm really looking forward to this game but with only a few hours left, I still have a few questions regarding which platform to purchase it for.

1.) On the PC, what are the supported resolutions? I tried searching around and could not find an answer on any other site.

2.) If the game is purchased is off of the Green House service for use on PC, would the same activation code be able to be used if I also wanted to play the game on a MacBook Pro I'll be purchasing in the future or will an entirely new license be needed?

3.) For the X-Box Live Arcade version, are there achievements for the game? I also tried looking for this answer elsewhere but could not find one.

Anyway, if anyone has any insight, that would be most appreciated. Thanks!

mchat2k6 on


  • sobjwsobjw Registered User regular
    edited 2008 21
    1. Not sure.

    2. You can play it on your Mac or Linux or Windows rig all with the same code. No additional codes needed.

    3. I think achievements are a requirement by Msoft, so it must have them.

    sobjw on
    I live on a farm.
  • devoirdevoir Registered User regular
    edited 2008 21
    If you want to be absolutely sure, wait for the demo. Otherwise:

    1) There's been no indication that there is any kind of strange resolution restrictions.
    2) Same license. This is covered in the Greenhouse forums FAQ I believe.
    3) Achievements are required for XBLA games from memory, and there was mention of them in another thread.

    devoir on
  • HH VladHH Vlad Registered User regular
    edited 2008 21
    The other questions were just answered. The highest tested resolution is 1920x1200 but there is nothing in code stopping higher resolutions supported by your hardware.

    HH Vlad on
  • Regicid3Regicid3 Registered User regular
    edited 2008 21
    1920x1200? This is going to look beautiful on my LCD.

    Regicid3 on
  • mchat2k6mchat2k6 Registered User regular
    edited 2008 21
    HH Vlad wrote: »
    The other questions were just answered. The highest tested resolution is 1920x1200 but there is nothing in code stopping higher resolutions supported by your hardware.

    Vlad, thank you. I think you may have just made my decision for me. I think I'll get it for my PC first so I can enjoy it in a higher resolution, and then possibly for XBLA because, well, I'm an achievement whore.

    Also, thanks to you and everyone else from Hothead who have been posting here. It's rare that gamers get direct feedback from developers and I appreciate it.

    mchat2k6 on
  • DarkPrimusDarkPrimus Registered User regular
    edited 2008 21
    There are twelve achievements, IIRC.

    DarkPrimus on
  • HH JoelHH Joel Registered User regular
    edited 2008 21
    You are right: there are 12 achievements for a total of 200 gamerscore.

    It's fun for us to talk directly with you guys in the forums as well. And it's handy having a CEO that knows so much about PC hardware. :)


    HH Joel on
  • mchat2k6mchat2k6 Registered User regular
    edited 2008 21
    Okay, while it seems like people are still checking out this thread, I have one other question. It's not a deal breaker by any means, but rather a curiousity:

    Is the XBox360 controller compatible with the PC/Mac version of the game or is it strictly Mouse/Keyboard on those platforms?

    mchat2k6 on
  • DarkPrimusDarkPrimus Registered User regular
    edited 2008 21
    HH Joel wrote: »
    You are right: there are 12 achievements for a total of 200 gamerscore.

    It's fun for us to talk directly with you guys in the forums as well. And it's handy having a CEO that knows so much about PC hardware. :)


    I thought there could be a maximum of 250 gamerscore for XBLA titles?

    I was kind of hoping that with all four episodes you'd get a nice, round 1000 gamerscore.

    DarkPrimus on
  • HH VladHH Vlad Registered User regular
    edited 2008 21
    We had it working at one point for early Xbox build design and prep work but actually taking it through to a shippable state was going to be a lot of work we did not have time to do. For example, world collisions change dramatically as do context sensitive world interactions. Going forward, we are going to have a closer tie between PC and Xbox versions so we will be exploring transferring features back into the PC versions--this one is a feature we will be looking at.

    HH Vlad on
  • RainbowDespairRainbowDespair Registered User regular
    edited 2008 21
    DarkPrimus wrote: »
    HH Joel wrote: »
    You are right: there are 12 achievements for a total of 200 gamerscore.

    It's fun for us to talk directly with you guys in the forums as well. And it's handy having a CEO that knows so much about PC hardware. :)


    I thought there could be a maximum of 250 gamerscore for XBLA titles?

    If I'm not mistaken, any points above 200 have to be attached to DLC.

    RainbowDespair on
  • sobjwsobjw Registered User regular
    edited 2008 21
    HH Joel wrote: »
    It's fun for us to talk directly with you guys in the forums as well. And it's handy having a CEO that knows so much about PC hardware. :)


    It is fun for us as well! The fact that you guys are interacting and answering our questions like this is awesome. After posting 50 times on the EA forum about a game killing bug I was experiencing and getting ZERO responses, I became a bit disillusioned.

    sobjw on
    I live on a farm.
  • sobjwsobjw Registered User regular
    edited 2008 21
    DarkPrimus wrote: »
    HH Joel wrote: »
    You are right: there are 12 achievements for a total of 200 gamerscore.

    It's fun for us to talk directly with you guys in the forums as well. And it's handy having a CEO that knows so much about PC hardware. :)


    I thought there could be a maximum of 250 gamerscore for XBLA titles?

    I was kind of hoping that with all four episodes you'd get a nice, round 1000 gamerscore.

    Yep, 200 pts is the designated amount for XBLA games.

    Now, are the achievements all bascially for clearing chapters of the game or are there some for doing specific things?

    sobjw on
    I live on a farm.
  • mchat2k6mchat2k6 Registered User regular
    edited 2008 21
    Thanks to everyone who responded here to my questions, so far. I've made my choice and am now waiting the 3hrs and 50 minutes until PAA drops.

    I'll get in on the XBLA version as well in the next month or so for my achievement fix as long as I have fun with the PC version (which is something I don't think I'll have a problem with).

    mchat2k6 on
  • Me Too!Me Too! __BANNED USERS regular
    edited 2008 21
    sobjw wrote: »
    DarkPrimus wrote: »
    HH Joel wrote: »
    You are right: there are 12 achievements for a total of 200 gamerscore.

    It's fun for us to talk directly with you guys in the forums as well. And it's handy having a CEO that knows so much about PC hardware. :)


    I thought there could be a maximum of 250 gamerscore for XBLA titles?

    I was kind of hoping that with all four episodes you'd get a nice, round 1000 gamerscore.

    Yep, 200 pts is the designated amount for XBLA games.

    Now, are the achievements all bascially for clearing chapters of the game or are there some for doing specific things?

    Funny thing about that, it's still not out yet

    Me Too! on
  • mchat2k6mchat2k6 Registered User regular
    edited 2008 21
    Lol! wrote: »
    Funny thing about that, it's still not out yet

    Just because it isn't out doesn't mean that achievements aren't known. Achievements are frequently released/leaked early. With a release as big as this one, I expected to find a list, so when I didn't I asked since I wasn't sure that achievements were mandatory for XBLA/360 games.

    However, surprisingly as it is, we do actually need to wait for the release to find out what they may be.

    mchat2k6 on
  • HH VladHH Vlad Registered User regular
    edited 2008 21
    A list was supposed to go out to several sites today but with all the other last minute details, looks like this will happen tomorrow morning instead. Perhaps they are out there tonight but I have not looked.

    HH Vlad on
  • mchat2k6mchat2k6 Registered User regular
    edited 2008 21
    A list of all the achievements isn't needed the day before or anything. Most of the time they seem to give away spoilers.

    All I really cared about was whether they existed or not. Since they do, and Hothead and Penny Arcade put them in, I'll have to definitely but it for XBLA as well. Damn you!!!

    mchat2k6 on
  • PatboyXPatboyX Registered User regular
    edited 2008 21
    I bought it for 360 since my computers are getting older. And I am constantly trying to get myself to play more diverse genres on my 360 so I can get more use out of it.

    Anyone here with a Macbook try running this? I know there is a demo but I don't know that I trust demos to show how the game will run when further along.

    PatboyX on
    "lenny bruce is not afraid..."
  • ChanceChance Registered User regular
    edited 2008 21
    Speaking of platforms... I feel totally denied and left out. Why, God? Why did you make this game's engine incompatible with the PS3?


    Chance on
    'Chance, you are the best kind of whore.' -Henroid
  • TyrantCowTyrantCow Registered User regular
    edited 2008 21
    So, should I buy this for Linux or Windows?

    TyrantCow on
  • PeewiPeewi Registered User regular
    edited 2008 21
    TyrantCow wrote: »
    So, should I buy this for Linux or Windows?

    You get a single key that works for all three OSes. This has been said a lot of times in a lot of places.

    Peewi on
  • TyrantCowTyrantCow Registered User regular
    edited 2008 21
    Aight, sorry pee.

    Lemmie rephrase, should I run this on Linux or Windows?

    I mean if no one else is gonna try Linux, I will.

    TyrantCow on
  • Dr_KeenbeanDr_Keenbean Dumb as a butt Planet Express ShipRegistered User regular
    edited 2008 21
    Haven't decided on Xbox or PC/mac/Linux yet.

    But just played on xbox and it's pretty damn rad.

    Dr_Keenbean on
    PSN/NNID/Steam: Dr_Keenbean
    3DS: 1650-8480-6786
    Switch: SW-0653-8208-4705
  • temperature!temperature! Registered User regular
    edited 2008 21
    I'm having a tough time deciding. I played the PC demo, and it looked amazing on 22" monitor. For some reason though, it didn't play right. The cursor lagged a lot during game play, and a WHOLE lot when I was making my character. It really made the game unplayable. Also, the run animation skips when I start to run, like it's stuck on something.

    I decide I should try the XBLA version. It's the exact opposite. It plays smooth, animation is good, controls are fine, but it's clearly for an HD tv, and I have just a standard SD. Pretty much everything is small and unreadable. I really wish the PC would run for me. I meet the specs for the game, with a lot to spare, anyone have a clue as to why it's lagging for me?

    temperature! on
    XBL - Temperature_MD
    PSN - CardboardNine
  • cjschmidtcjschmidt Registered User new member
    edited 2008 21
    My thoughts after playing the Mac and 360 demos:
    The mouse makes exploring the screen much easier. You can easily see what items are clickable and enjoy the delightful descriptions and jokes for every box, trash can, or chair. The down side is that you have to mouse down to click on your attack icon, then mouse up to what you want to attack, then mouse back (repeat). The XBox controller has dedicated buttons for everything, so the pacing feels a little tighter in combat - but, you have to walk up to everything (which can be a bit fiddly at times) before you can examine it. Moving your character about is very different for each version, but both work well - think Diablo versus Final Fantasy.

    I think both versions are pretty well matched, it really comes down to personal preference on the gameplay styles. I'll probably get the XBLA version just so I can play it from my sofa. All things being equal, the boys probably make more per sale off the PC/Mac/Linux versions than they do on XBLA. You can also use the same key if you ever decide to switch to OSX/Linux (which is damn sexy).

    I'll probably go with the XBox version for the quicker combat and the comfy sofa.

    Hope this helps.

    cjschmidt on
  • Craymen EdgeCraymen Edge Registered User regular
    edited 2008 21
    I really liked the demo, and it looks and runs brilliantly on my PC (except I seemed to get stuck in a loop trying to exit the game, it just kept going back to the final movie. I had to Alt-f4 in the end).

    Being in the UK makes the decision of which version to buy easier, the £ to $ rate is much better than the £ to Microsoft points conversion rate, saving me a few £'s if I get the PC version.

    Craymen Edge on
    Great! He is an uncanny fellow!
  • apotheosapotheos Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited 2008 21
    I really wish I'd tried the Xbox version before making the leap on the Mac version. This game is really just unpleasant to play with a mouse.

    apotheos on

  • NoelVeigaNoelVeiga Registered User regular
    edited 2008 21
    I really liked the demo, and it looks and runs brilliantly on my PC (except I seemed to get stuck in a loop trying to exit the game, it just kept going back to the final movie. I had to Alt-f4 in the end).

    Being in the UK makes the decision of which version to buy easier, the £ to $ rate is much better than the £ to Microsoft points conversion rate, saving me a few £'s if I get the PC version.

    Very true, to Europeans the PC version is far cheaper, but can it be played with a gamepad at all? People below seem to find upsides to both control methods, but after trying the demos, I think I prefer the pad.

    NoelVeiga on
  • SoupsSoups Registered User regular
    edited 2008 21
    I think the pretty obvious end-all to the debate is just to download the demo on each and try it out first. I made the foolish decidion (not gonna say "mistake" yet) of buying it on XBLA without trying it on PC first. Turns out I prefer to play with a mouse.

    Soups on
  • NoelVeigaNoelVeiga Registered User regular
    edited 2008 22
    Soups wrote: »
    I think the pretty obvious end-all to the debate is just to download the demo on each and try it out first. I made the foolish decidion (not gonna say "mistake" yet) of buying it on XBLA without trying it on PC first. Turns out I prefer to play with a mouse.

    Yup, demos are great things.

    Turns out, I prefer to play with a mouse, but I like even more to play on a large TV and sitting back, not forward, as with a Mouse.

    The next XBLA ep needs a faster way to check out objects, because even if you know you won't find anything of use, the descriptions are just too funny to miss.

    NoelVeiga on
  • Regicid3Regicid3 Registered User regular
    edited 2008 22
    apotheos wrote: »
    I really wish I'd tried the Xbox version before making the leap on the Mac version. This game is really just unpleasant to play with a mouse.



    Regicid3 on
  • powersurgepowersurge Registered User regular
    edited 2008 22
    I just finished playing through both demos (Windows/360) and I think I prefer the PC version. The mouse controls seem faster and smoother than the gamepad controls IMO not to mention between my 1080i set and my 20 inch widescreen LCD the pc version looks a lil more crisp and easier to read on the text (thats not to say the 360 version text was unreadable it was fine just the pc version was a bit better). I'll probably pick up the PC version later tonight or tomorrow.

    The other bonus is if I ever get around to replacing my aging laptop with a macbook its cross platform so I can play it on the go too! As a windows user (Vista64 on desktop) I think supporting multiple platforms while a pain for the dev is a great thing for the players. <3

    powersurge on
  • jamespatrickjamespatrick Registered User regular
    edited 2008 22
    I say PC as well. I played it on my vista machine in 1600x1200.
    Mouse controls make it very easy to get everything. You just click and it's immediatly picked up no matter where you are.
    You just click on the exit arrow and you leave for the next screen immediatly.
    Using WASD or the arrow keys makes that much easier for Tycho's 3d attack.
    And the Space bar is very easy to press quickly and I think I only missed Gabe's special once ever in my first play through.

    Plus the art style, expressions and other small things, comes across better on my computer screen versus my 60" HD.

    I did play through the 360 demo as well before buying. It was a no brainer for me.

    I dont want to get people angry. If you have a bad mouse I can see why you might not like the controls. A bad mouse can be uncomfortable, lose the signal, and other awful things. I recomend going to some site and getting a razer or other gaming mouse for like $10-$20. It's more customizable, accurate, comfortable, and usefull for anyone who works on a computer not just games.

    jamespatrick on
  • JandaruJandaru New ZealandRegistered User regular
    edited 2008 22
    I don't want to get people angry. If you have a bad mouse I can see why you might not like the controls. A bad mouse can be uncomfortable, lose the signal, and other awful things. I recommend going to some site and getting a razer or other gaming mouse for like $10-$20. It's more customizable, accurate, comfortable, and useful for anyone who works on a computer not just games.

    My mouse is comfortable, doesn't lose the signal or any other awful things. I just don't like using it to play games. Buying some fancy gaming mouse isn't going to fix that.

    Jandaru on
  • Captain ElevenCaptain Eleven The last card is a kronk Registered User regular
    edited 2008 22
    I bought the 360 version. The text is a bit hard to read on my SDTV but I can make it out well enough that it's not a huge deal. The gamepad control scheme just feels right.

    Captain Eleven on
  • BassguyBassguy Ghost Ride the Dragon Registered User regular
    edited 2008 22
    When I used my Wacom pen to control the game, it all came together for me. It helped a lot when I was trying to grab items really fast in a battle. If you happen to have a Wacom tablet, I recommend trying the game with it.

    Bassguy on
  • ShabsShabs Registered User regular
    edited 2008 22
    So far, the only digital distribution mechanisms I've ever used are Xbox Live Arcade and Steam, so forgive me if this is a stupid question.

    What kind of DRM is on the PC version? I have a laptop (Windows) now which I use for gaming; if I purchase a Windows gaming desktop in the future, will I be able to download/install/play on the new PC?

    Shabs on
  • JandaruJandaru New ZealandRegistered User regular
    edited 2008 22
    Shabs wrote: »
    So far, the only digital distribution mechanisms I've ever used are Xbox Live Arcade and Steam, so forgive me if this is a stupid question.

    What kind of DRM is on the PC version? I have a laptop (Windows) now which I use for gaming; if I purchase a Windows gaming desktop in the future, will I be able to download/install/play on the new PC?

    You click a link on the website to download the installer for the demo (which is just the full version with most of the game locked away). Install the demo. When you buy the game, you get a product key. Enter the key in the demo and it unlocks the full version. As far as I can see, no DRM.
    Bassguy wrote: »
    When I used my Wacom pen to control the game, it all came together for me. It helped a lot when I was trying to grab items really fast in a battle. If you happen to have a Wacom tablet, I recommend trying the game with it.
    Oh shit. I have one of those. One of the buttons on the side is a space bar, right? This could be just what I need!

    Jandaru on
  • BassguyBassguy Ghost Ride the Dragon Registered User regular
    edited 2008 22
    Jandaru wrote: »
    Bassguy wrote: »
    When I used my Wacom pen to control the game, it all came together for me. It helped a lot when I was trying to grab items really fast in a battle. If you happen to have a Wacom tablet, I recommend trying the game with it.
    Oh shit. I have one of those. One of the buttons on the side is a space bar, right? This could be just what I need!

    It isn't a space by default, but the management software from Wacom allows you to customize it. You could easily set a button to be space. I, however, preferred to just use the space bar. Much easier to mash during Gabe's specials.

    Bassguy on
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