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Save Games

MonkeydryeMonkeydrye Registered User regular
edited 2008 29 in Penny Arcade Games
Anyone know where the save gmes are stored? I want to be able to take them back and forth.

Monkeydrye on


  • PeewiPeewi Registered User regular
    edited 2008 23
    In Windows XP they're in C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data\HotheadGames\RainSlickEp1

    Looking through the save files with notepad gives a lot of hints as to what will appear in later episodes.

    Don't read this spoiler if you don't want to know what might happen later on.
    It looks like Charles may die, since there's a string called
    movie_charlesDeath = "0";
    And that Frank will appear at some point, because of
    NPC_Frank = "0";

    Peewi on
  • borkabrakborkabrak Registered User new member
    edited 2008 29
    On Linux/GNU, they're stored in ~/.HotheadGames/RainSlickEp1

    And, according to the FAQ (don't have a link -- there's a thread for it), the save games are perfectly portable between Mac, Linux, and Windows.

    borkabrak on
  • JustinSane07JustinSane07 Really, stupid? Brockton__BANNED USERS regular
    edited 2008 29
    Peewi wrote: »
    In Windows XP they're in C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data\HotheadGames\RainSlickEp1

    Looking through the save files with notepad gives a lot of hints as to what will appear in later episodes.

    Don't read this spoiler if you don't want to know what might happen later on.
    It looks like Charles may die, since there's a string called
    movie_charlesDeath = "0";
    And that Frank will appear at some point, because of
    NPC_Frank = "0";

    If you set that first value to 1, does it unlock the video in question?

    JustinSane07 on
  • NATIKNATIK DenmarkRegistered User regular
    edited 2008 29
    The cut parts of episode 1 also show up in the savegame file, I wouldn't expect it to do something as I assume they removed the unnecessary things, I haven't checked though.

    NATIK on
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