So my roommates and I have been enjoying fighting and co-op games lately. The four of us have been playing stuff like Call of Duty 4, Virtual Fighter, Dead or Alive 4 and playing Brawl on the Wii. I'm looking for a new game for my 360 that is really good multiplayer and either a shooter or some kind of fighter. Gears of War, Halo 3 and Rainbow Six Vegas we all have and enjoy. I have a few racing games and the essential Madden as well.
I was thinking something like Vegas 2 or one of the GRAWs or possible Army of Two if you guys thought it's co-op was good but wanted to see if there as some game out there I'm overlooking. Something with co-op for as many players as possible would be awesome. What would you guys recommend? I haven't kept up with any of the 360 games that have come out this year.
EDIT: Doh, didn't see you were looking for a shooter or a fighter.
Still, my point stands.
GRAW has 4 co-op? I might pick that up. Which one is most recent/bestest?
And Marvel Ultimate Alliance might be a good idea, three of us are pretty big comic/superhero fans and I think we'd enjoy that. That's a good suggestion.
If separate, then Grand Theft Auto 4.
GRAW has local 4-player Co-op? How did I miss that? I even played through half of the single-player and wished aloud to my roommate that we could tackle it together.
Edit: if you meant system link / LAN, then I'm reverting back to sad panda status.
We actually have two 360s in the apartment, but all four of us play at night on my 360 in the living room on the big TV. We're contracted employees living in employee housing with rotating shifts so we have shittons of time on our hands.
So GRAW has local 4 co-op but not GRAW 2? Vegas 2 still has 2 co-op right?
Not quite super-awesome, but still pretty awesome, and I'm still an oblivious tool for missing it.
Two player co-op for the story, four player for terrorist hunt. However, I'm not sure if you can have four on one console, or even if you can pair up on two consoles.
Steam ID : rwb36, Twitter : Werezompire,
Fucking awesome!
I have Heavy Weapon, I forgot about that. We'll have to play that tonight, it's a great shooter.
Looks like I'll be picking up GRAW 2 and MUA.
Also theres a 4 player coop zombie game, on the source engine, being released in November. its called Left4Dead. This looks like a serious winner, but obviously, some waiting required.
That's what they said last year, too.