Hi all. I was hoping some people with knowledge about German short stories would be able to help me out here.
I'm in an AP german course at my school, and we're reading Die Panne. The problem is, our teacher is totally and completely ineffectual at teaching us, so none of us really know what's going on in it, and the only thing she's telling us when we ask is that it's the only thing she's testing us on for the final essay, which is around 20% of our grade. Last time I checked, she said the essay was due on Friday. This Friday.
So I'm a little worried.
We're only reading the first 30 pages or so, and the language is incredibly difficult for me to understand. She told us that most of the essay will be just a summary of what happens in those 30 pages. Normally that would be pretty simple, but as it is I find myself spending half an hour fruitlessly trying to translate a single page.
I'm probably just going to end up looking up every other word on leo.de and just plodding through the text for the page I need to turn in translated, but I'm really hoping someone on here is at least familiar with this story, and could just give me a quick heads-up about what's going on. It would make my life so much easier... I have three other finals to study for all within the next week, so I can't spend every waking hour translating the entire story.
We don't do people's homework for them.