So, now that I have your attention with a shiny new OP: tell me about leatherworking. I can pick a specialization now. Is there anything shiny for me as a feral druid? I looked at the elemental stuff, and while nice, it's nothing that I won't be upgrading soon since we're doing T6 content.
So, I heard they changed stuff around so you could learn all stuff from all specializations. True?
Season 4 is starting soon right? Arent they going to put up the season 2 gear for sale with honor/BG marks? Im asking becuase Im stockpiling honor and don't want to jump the gun and spend it all on Season 1 gear when they would probably release the season 2 stuff a week or so later.
Short answer: Yes.
Edit: beat by one minute
Yes, watch Eastern Promises.
edit: as for that arena stuff purchasable with honor, I hope they keep the previous seasons items available as well.
and Non-set pieces, like the Vindicator's _____ , which are the remaining armor pieces plus rings and neck. The Season 4 non-set pieces will be Guardian's ____.
From what the blue is saying, the new Guardian's boots, rings, and bracers will require an arena rating.
all these fuckers play on different servers, all the time!
Or so I'm told.
You'll think its massive once I jam it into your ear!
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
Here we go again.
edit: and it seems to have stopped.
In fact, save Shadowprowler's Chestguard and the Heavy Clefthoof line, leatherworking as a whole is pretty fail as far as gear. Even the Heart of Darkness gear leatherworkers can make isn't that great (save the SR gear, for obvious reasons).
Now Drums of Battle on the other hand... :fap:
Any word on potential new Battlegrounds with WotLK?
it's gonna be alterac valley with CTF
but with 80 people and 19 flags
certainly no one here would be so uncouth
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat