My local comic store is having a sealed WoW TCG event this sunday, and I've decided I'm going to participate. My problem, though, is that I've never played the game before (though I'm familiar with the Magic TCG, which is very similar in rules). I've managed to teach myself what I feel are most of the basics through rulebooks, the offical site, fussing with a few starters and boostets, and internet research, but I'm still fuzzy on a few things. If anyone could answer a few of these questions, I would really appreciate it:
-Heroes can only use weapons on attack, and never on defense, right? I can't save a ready weapon to hit someone who attacks me, can I?
-When I attack with multiple allies, can I declare attacks against the same hero/ally? Say, for example, I have a 2/2, and 3/3 in play, and I want them both to attack my opponent's 5/5 ally. A) Is that possible, and
Do they all attack at once, or in a chain? Do I declare as "2/2 and 3/3 attack your 5/5," or is more like, "first my 2/2 attacks, resolve combat, then my 3/3 attacks?"
-Does playing an ablity exhaust a hero?
-For cards like Moonfire, can I pay the spell's "1-return to owner's hand" ability after it has dealt fatal damage to an ally?
This is all I can think of for now, but I might siege this thread with more questions later. Thanks again for any help/responses.
You can providing you can pay the resource cost.
Yeh, its more like the latter, attack one at a time, resolving each combat one at a time.
Nopes. It doesn't.
No, you have to pay the cost to do it as you play it.
Can't garuntee that's 100% accurate though, but thats my best shot at it =p
From the FAQ:
[FoO Rules FAQ] Your hero deals 1 damage only if Moonfire is in play continuously from the start of your turn until its triggered effect resolves. If the attached character is fatally damaged this way, there’s no opportunity to return Moonfire to hand before that character is destroyed and Moonfire is put into a graveyard.
COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
Allies I think are usually good bets, since they never require anything else other than being able to play them. Abilities you'll need to be careful about, especially ones that require another card in play (any rogue ability that keys off daggers, f'erex), since you're not actually guaranteed to *draft* one that you can use. In that vein, anything that can cheaply destroy a weapon/armor might not be bad to watch for, since it's unlikely that your opponent will have drafted more than one copy of it.
There's actually a series of articles on the UDE site about draft. Look for the "Limited Advice" column.
COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch