I cannot say how much I really appreciated the podcast of the guys playing D&D. I used to play D&D a long time ago (2E) and I really have been wanting to get back into it. I bought the 4E books and Keep on the Shadowfell and the podcast just reinforced my investment.
Listening to the podcasts really helps understand how the game mechanics are supposed to work. The DM was great - interesting, but not overly so and it was great how he slowly introduced more game mechanics as they were naturally encountered, rather than reciting the book to everyone beforehand.
The guys were unabashed about asking the *exact* questions I would have. I loved Scott Kurtz's question about "if I were a better player, would I have known to make a perception check". That kind of thing is really priceless and I hope they continue to be that way.
So my question to you, dear forum person, is where do I get more content like this that is similar? It would be nice to hear some really good 4E gaming going, but I'd even take some 3.5E. Just to hear a really good DM is nice.
Anyone have a podcast that is both fun to listen to and really good for beginners wanting to get the most out of D&D?
Other than that, I don't know of too many.
What part of "Ph'nglui mglw'nath Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn" don't you understand?