I'm surprised this isn't actually in existance just yet, but just post all the little things that you notice that are references to the strips and/or awesome.
1) Jim's head in the Detective Agency is pretty cool.
2) As is what happens if you roll a 20.
3) At least one time, a hobo called me pretty. Like a... like a
4) Wang's Chinese Food store is half-familiar, though I cannot identify exactly where from.
5) Twisp and Catsby supply baloons to Flying Pricks, or something.
This is all from memory, and my memory is shoddy as hell, so - post away!
Wang's is from the strip about Mario's addition to Shines, I think.
There's quite a few more. An Kansas City Hotsteppers billboard on the Boardwalk, for example. And one of the clowns once demanded frozen treats.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
I was just going through the archives last night and burst out laughing when I realized what the window said: http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2003/01/13/
I had thought it was just a general reference, not that the restaurant itself had cropped up in the comics before.
Adding to your list;
A hobo (or two) informed me that they had double majored in philosophy and drama.
Thanks for the links! I was wondering where those references came from. They seemed familiar.
Oh wow, I forgot about that.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
I loved it when the clowns asked for frozen treats, that is one of my favorites. That, double-majoring in philosophy and drama, and the Kansas-City Hotsteppers had me laughing.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!