The purpose of the game is play during a time that european people are not asleep.
Note: I have retired from DM'ing this game. Technicality now runs the show.
This will be a
Maptool game. I'm using
version 1.3.b31 currently (A development version with improved use and more functions then the 1.2 release). Each player is encouraged to make a sheet on
mythweavers (don't forget to flag it public), to watch the
Maptool player tutorial, to write a single paragraph background for the IC thread which will be up later, and to make a token for Maptool representing them.
The rules are:
22 point buy, 100gp starting gold (keep left overs), PHB races allowed, MM player races after DM consultation.
Starting level 1, any PHB class.
No evil/chaotic evil unless you get DM fiat. (Which is unlikely at the start, a large group with a Paladin makes an evil player bad news)
DM customs:
Money doesn't weigh anything, unless in extremely clear circumstances (dragons lying in 100.000gp gold coins, robbing banks, smelting copper coins). (It's one of the stupider aspects of D&D in my opinion, and I don't want to be bogged down by having to trade platinum coins for astral diamonds, copper for silver etcet).
You can get a "background" bonus to knowledge checks (Elves will know more about elves then dwarves, even if the dwarf has a higher rank in Knowledge History)
Phage Wurrdā, Drow Ranger (Mr_Rose)
Najhann, Dragonborn Warlord (learntofly)
Winston Goldclock, Dwarven Paladin (Technicality)
Tshar, Doppleganger rogue (Draco_Auric)
Eugene Spellreaver, human wizard Jam Warrior (Currently suffering from a rare complication of Brown Slime Disease)
IC Thread is up
Either time would be good for me, and I'm happy to try any class.
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Happy to give any class a whirl for the sake of a balanced party. In case everyone fails to express a preference I'll go a vague inkling towards wizarding. ZAP KAPOW BOOM!
A nice thing is that there's a Maptool campaign for Keep on the Shadowfell. I may go for that then.
It's not exactly plot heavy and I'm sure I can 'act dumb', but I should warn you that I do have KotS myself and will hopefully be running some real life players through it soon.
I was thinking Ranger but I always play a Ranger.
Maybe I should do Ranger/Warlock and go TWF instead of bow?
Nintendo Network ID: AzraelRose
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To avoid timezone confusion, I took CET as including summertime. I'm assuming BST = British Standard Time (which would be 1 timezone away from CET).
So we got:
Mr_Rose: Ranger/Warlock
Jam Warrior: Wizard/any
Draco_Auric: Rogue/Wizard
Learntofly: Warlord
Technicality: Any
4 or 5 is ideal really, so lets get this show on the road. Tentative first session Friday 20 june, 21.00 CET. Going to make it more or less an introductionary session, perhaps 2 hours long. Look into Maptools (watch the tutorial video).
As long as one (or both) out of Draco and Technicality pick a Defender (Fighter or Palladin) then we should be golden for a balanced party set up.
@Technicality: Probably a paladin might be helpful, but we already have a Warlord. Warlords can do a bit of healing right?
Nintendo Network ID: AzraelRose
DropBox invite link - get 500MB extra free.
I guess my spot is up for grabs again.
Looks like I'll run a Rogue.
(Yeah, yeah, gogo emoranger powers. I know, shut up. :P)
Nintendo Network ID: AzraelRose
DropBox invite link - get 500MB extra free.
About MM races, how is that supposed to be handled in 4E? Reduce them to CR1 by the DMG rules? Drow especially are tricky, because they are CR 11 now (They got bumped hard, they used to be CR2 in 3.5). I'm tempted to instead pick a PHB race, change a racial and the fluff instead, less work and probably more fair.
For a drow, that might be Darkfire
next turn, the target grants combat advantage to all attackers,
and the target cannot benefi t from invisibility or concealment.
Give me a sec to think about it.
I'll make an IC thread with fluff text during the weekend, any knowledge in it is common knowledge for the players. Make a L1 character sheet (I like Mythweavers because you can reedit it), write a paragraph or two of background, PM it to me before say wednesday. For uniqueness, you may also want to make your own maptool token, and perhaps make some maptool macro's for your attacks.
For now, the work in progress campaign title is "Living on the Edge".
There are about a dozen monster races that have been converted for use as PCs already in the back of the MM, under "Racial Traits", Drow amongst them - I wouldn't want you to have to do any extra work on my part beyond saying yea or nay.
Nintendo Network ID: AzraelRose
DropBox invite link - get 500MB extra free.
I get all the Paladin class features, plus choice of 2 at will, 1 encounter and 1 daily power from level 1 yes? The examples suggest it, but I can't find it outright stated anywhere.
How are we generating ability scores?
Yeah, there's a little table on page 29 which outlines what you get at all levels.
As to the ability scores, I was wondering that too.
I'll allow the Drow as per page 276 then, as well as the Doppelganger. I'll update the OP sometime with such information.
Post your character sheets openly, since this edition is new for 4E, I think it'd good to see what choices the others have made, and it's an easy way to see if all characters are built correctly (A bit less work for me).
I'm using Myth-Weavers for my character sheet because they're awesome.
Anyway, Phage Wurrdā, Drow Ranger almost ready for combat.
Nintendo Network ID: AzraelRose
DropBox invite link - get 500MB extra free.
Winston Goldclock - Dwarven Paladin, eager to rub your knees and make it all better.
Apologies for any silly mistakes, its all quite new to me. If anything really needs changing don't be afraid to tell me what an idiot I am :P
I hope its ok to be that abysmally bad at acrobatics and stealth? I may need tethering if we decide to tightrope across the cracks of doom.
I'm not sure if I get another trained skill, as religion looks to be free and compulsory, but is also an option which is confusing (I didn't think you could train twice).
Also I've not picked a feat yet, as I'm a little overwhelmed by choice. What do you think is the best fit?
Najhann, Dragonborn Warlord
Init +0 HP 31/31 Bloodied 15 Healing Surge 9 (0 used /9)
AC 17 Fort 14 Reflex 12 Will 14 Speed 5
Str 17 (+3) Con 14 (+2) Dex 10 (+0) Int 14 (+2) Wis 8 (-1) Cha 16 (+3)
Notes When bloodied, +1 to attack rolls.
When ally who can see you spends action point to take extra action, ally regains lost hit points equal to one-half your level + your Cha modifier.
Technicality: If you set your level as 1 your defenses will sort themselves out. Your AC should be higher than mine.
Phage Wurrdā, Level 4 Drow Ranger
Init +6 HP 39/44 Bloodied 22 Healing Surge 11 (0 used /7)
AC 18 Fort 15 Reflex 18 Will 15 Speed 6
Str 12 (+3) Con 12 (+3) Dex 19 (+6) Int 10 (+2) Wis 15 (+4) Cha 14 (+4)
Minor; Close Burst 1: Create cloud of darkness that blinds all within/blocks LoS. Does not affect self.
Nimble Strike (At Will)
Martial; Standard; Ranged weapon; Target 1 creature; Dex/AC; Special shift 1; Hit - 1[W]+Dex mod.
Two-Fanged Strike (Encounter)
Martial; Standard; Mêlée or Ranged weapon; Target 1 creature; Str/AC (mêlée) or Dex/AC(ranged), x2: Hit - 1[W]+Str (mêlée) or 1[W]+Dex (ranged) per attack. +Wis damage if both hit.
Yield Ground (Encounter)
Martial; Immediate reaction; Personal; Trigger: damaged in mêlée; Effect: Shift [wis], +2 to all defences until EoT.
Longbow (Basic) (At Will)
Martial; Standard; Ranged 20/40; Special bow, load free, +2 prof; Dex/AC: Hit - 1d10+Dex damage.
Darkfire (Racial) (Encounter)
Minor; Ranged 10; Target 1 creature, Wis+2/Ref:
Hit - target cannot benefit from concealment/invis, grants CA to all.
Twin Strike (At Will)
Martial; Standard; Mêlée or Ranged weapon; Req two mêlée/one ranged; Target 1/2 creatures; Str/AC (mêlée) x2 or Dex/AC (ranged) x2; Hit - 1[W]/attack.
Hunter's Bear Trap (Daily)
Martial; Standard; Melée or Ranged weapon; Target 1 creature; Str/AC (melée) or Dex/AC (ranged): Hit - 2[W]+Str (mêlée) or 2[W]+Dex (ranged), target slowed, ongoing +5; Miss - half damage, target slowed to end of next turn.
Disruptive Strike (Encounter)
Martial; Interrupt; Mêlée or Ranged weapon; Trigger: get attacked; Target attacking creature; Str/AC (mêlée) or Dex/AC (ranged); Hit - 1[W]+Str (mêlée) or 1[W]+Dex (ranged), target at -(3+Wis) to attack.
Short Sword (Basic) (At Will)
Martial; Standard; Mêlée; Target Creature; Special light blade, off hand, +3 prof; Str/AC: Hit - 1d6+Str damage.
Scimitar (Basic) (At Will)
Martial; Standard; Mêlée; Target creature; Special heavy blade, high crit, +2 prof; Str/AC: Hit - 1d8+Str damage.
+2 to AC vs. OAs
resist 5 vs. poison
Can use CoD as reaction when targeted by mêlée/close attacks
Nintendo Network ID: AzraelRose
DropBox invite link - get 500MB extra free.
Tshar, Doppelganger Rogue
Init +3 HP 23/23 Bloodied 11 Healing Surge 5 (0 used /6)
AC 15 Fort 13 Reflex 15 Will 13 Speed 6
Str 16 (+3) Con 11 (+0) Dex 16 (+3) Int 13 (+1) Wis 8 (-1) Cha 14 (+2)
At-Will - Polymorph - Minor Action - Personal
Deft Strike
At-Will ✦ Martial, Weapon
Piercing Strike
At-Will ✦ Martial, Weapon
Dazing Strike
Encounter✦Martial, Weapon
Trick Strike
Daily✦Martial, Weapon
Linguist - Elven, Draconic, Goblin
Heavy, Bogart, are you still interested in this?
PS: Making some progress learning Maptools, most of the pain is building a resource library for it. I may need someone to test out what i've made before the game too, to make sure i'm not inviting 5 people to a "hey why doesn't this work" session.
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And Lolth is also not the best god to cross, because a) She's even more pissed then normal in this campaign, and b) You may wake up as a Drider one day if you ignore her. Or slaughtered by other Drow. Or spiderfood. Lolth is flexible in this.