Okay, guilty pleasure admittal time. Whilst I love genuinely good fighters, I've always had a soft spot for the Dimps Dragonball Z fighters, beginning with Budokai 1.
I just bought Burst Limit for the 360, and let me tell you, it kicks ass. Actually, it kicks ass into the sky and then explodes it with the power of a million suns. Like so:
Even better, it's online. This means, of course, that voice chat must be filled with the grunts and howls of PAers as we beat the hell out of each other. I imagine something like this:
Serious times:
I wasn't a huge fan of the Budokai Tenkaichi series. Spammable energy moves, lack of good defenses, and legitimately broken strategies made the series a very big step down from Budokai 3. Budokai 3 was very, very close to being a legitimately good fighter with lots of good offensive and defensive options. Burst Limit, while having a fraction of the ridiculous character rosters of Budokai Tenkaichi, is very much a successor to the original Budokai series. The use of drama pieces to add strategies beyond punching and kicking was brilliant. This game feels very much like Budokai 4, and the way they've balanced offensive rushes with defensive techniques is awesome.
So, without further talking, let's get to online punchings.
XBL Gamertags:
LibThorne40k - LibrarianThorne
Shoe Von Doom - Kuribo's Shoe
Raslin2k - Raslin
Pollo Diablo C - PolloDiablo
Meiz1979 - Meiz
Mastrius9087 - mastrius
IMAPWNJ00 - urahonky
Dijem - Dijem
PSN Tags:
EltDM - Elite Doom Master
Leeway0 - Kuratosu
Edit: Thorne smash stupid typos!
I agree it's the Budokai 4 I've longed for.
I'm fucking sick of Raditz,Nappa and the Saibamen though.
They did absolutley nothing but get killed I don't want to play as them.
Nappa killed more characters than Vegeta:P
Didn't Nappa like, singlehandedly kill Piccolo, Tien, Chiaotzu, and beat the hell out of everyone else? Nappa was hardcore, mang.
Up and B for a Super Kamehameha? Fuck yeah I can do that!
The combat system really is elegant, I agree. Simple commands lead to wtf pwnt combo strings, such as hitting LT while in Aura Spark to slam some dude in the face a million times.
Point is, people reading this thread, that there are planets as yet unexploded by the denizens of this fine forum. This is a problem which must be addressed swiftly and with explosions.
A couple random notes/comments:
- Kind of disappointed that they reused animation so much for drama pieces and in Z chronicles story moments, but with how awesome the game is I can shut up and deal.
- Apparently Sean Schemmel Goku's English VA actually says "Son" Goku in a drama piece against Freeza. I think that must be the only time Goku says his last name in English.
- Haven't played or watched any DB in ages but as always, hearing Masako Nozawa's godly battle cries is very satisfying.
I've only played up to about Recoom in the Z chronicles as MGS 4 has been sucking up most of my game time.
My PSN tag is Leeway0 if anyone wants to play some time.
Gamer Tag: LeeWay0
PSN: Leeway0
my gamertag is in my sig
Tien is the man
He's so fast.
Also, after unlocking Broly, I'm really happy they finally got around to making him non-busted. He was a total pain in the ass to deal with in Budokai 3 but now he's actually a little too easy to crush.
Also, just so everyone knows this, Bardock is the man. Like, if you get a group of guys who are all the man, and Bardock's there, he will be The Man. No explanations will be forthcoming about this, just know it to be true.
Yeah Tien is pretty amazing at times, and as for Broly, I recently learned how to use him pretty well and basically have been raping bitches with him. I just beat the Saiyan Saga on Z difficulty (woot!) So soon enough Ill have it all beat, but once you learn how to use Broly hes not bad, although yes, he is a GIGANTIC MOTHERFUCKER and is hit quite easily.
Bardock is also a badass, indeed. When you see Bardock its like you said...youre just like.."Oh hey there Bardock, whats up?" "Im the man!" "Very true!" "I know it is, since Im him." "good point."
really guys I know they're like the strongest guys in the game, but hell, even the saibamen are pretty good
two of them are for beating 100 guys in both survival modes
and the 3rd one is for getting a z rating on z difficulty on all the episodes in z chronicles
that last one's gonna take me awhile
Yeah I had been wondering what they were, at first I figured they were to get Z ranking on all the 3 sagas, 3 100 point achievements, thought it made sense, but guess not. Survival is a bastard for me though, I reached level...67 or so, I wasnt happy. But thanks for lettin me know because Id been wondering that.
Yes that last one will suck. Im having a touch time just BEATING Z mode let alone get Z rankings, yikes, but Id feel like such a badass if I did get that achievement...
Edit - Also, yes, online pisses me off, those damn Vegeta clones, so ridiculous.
Anyways, I've been playing a lot online(was like 65th in the US last night, though its likely changed by this morning). I'll be busy the next couple days, but if I get some time, I'll definitely jump on.
Gamertag: Raslin2k
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
Yeah, I was surprised at how easy the online competition is. Spamming blasts is cute, and all, but getting around it is so easy in Burst Limit. Spam was a viable strat in Tenkaichi, though, so I'm guessing people are having trouble regressing to having to use a combination of strikes and blasts.
I was using Goku all the time last night, and despite my lack of good Drama Pieces I was tearing things up. Goku's got a lot of really good strikes, though his Strong combos are pretty awful.
I love the neo tri beam. I'm glad it doesn't take away health like it used to.
WiiU: jooncole (Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate)
3DS: 2122-5983-8919
but seriously folks
it's been getting 7s and 8s, and it's not like there's much else to play until Street Fighter 4 comes out, so why not?
Yeah the graphics in this are like playing the anime, its amazing.
Did porn ruin your life? If so Im there for you, Ill totally hug you all you want.
which is sort of f'd up
What!? What!?
Soul Calibur?
I'm terrible at this game.
I am more than willing to bring the bald fury of Krillin down upon all of you.
I didn't say there was nothing, did I
I would say yes, Budokai 3 was amazing and if you iked the fighting in that ones Id go for it. I liked the tenkaichi games but the Budokai (Dimps) fighters were always my favorite ones, so yeah, Id say definitely buy this if you liked Budokai 3.
On quick reflection, I realize the inherent stupidity in criticizing the dialog in a fighting game, even more so for a DBZ game. But I'd really only just be playing single player. And if it's going to go on with rediculous censorship, then I'd rather just not bother.