I'm surprised there isn't a thread up about this yet (I looked, hope I didn't miss it).
While we've known about this for awhile it's finally been officially announced that in game XMB will shortly be a reality:
A new PLAYSTATION 3 firmware update (v2.36) will be launching soon, improving system stability when playing select PlayStation format software titles. We’re also happy to officially report that the 2.40 system software update for PS3 will include “XMB” access in-game. The update will also include “trophies,” an exciting new feature that we’ll be providing more details on soon, as well as some other new enhancements. We’ve talked about some of this on the blog previously and know that many of you can’t wait to get your hands on these features. You can expect us to share all of the official details shortly.
For those that don't know, XMB is basically the PS3's version of the 'out of game' interface/skin that allows you to send messages to friends, invite them to games and so forth. One major ace in the hole the 360 has always had versus the PS3 has been the superiority of Live when linking up with friends.
That ace will soon be history.
I've been using The Playstation Network alot lately, and to be honest in games like Warhawk and MGS Online, the stability of having dedicated servers really makes a big difference compared with the 360's peer to peer in games like Gears of War. With the PS3's introduction of in game access to friends, trophies (achievements) ... well I'm starting to wonder how much longer MS is going to be able to continue to justify charging for Live.
Live has always been worth the money for me (compared to PSN) for one reason and one reason alone -- the ease of getting together with friends online. Don't get me wrong, Achievments I've always felt a neat addition (metagaming), and I always justified paying for Live because of the "Superior" service I got compared to the Playstation Network.
Once this patch goes through however, what's really going to be different from PSN and Live aside from the fee you pay for Live?
The difference in online quality between fighting games was just immense. Virtua Fighter 5 was basically perfect on the 360.
Soul Calibur IV should be a good basis to compare the online quality between the two systems.
I'm a pretty big fan of the 360, so my comments aren't meant in any way to be a "flame".
I was just trying to state in all honesty, that it just kinda feels like the gap that made the 360 online service so much better, is starting to close.
I hear what you're saying about the death of online mode if they take down the servers B:L ... the one nice thing about peer to peer is that you don't have to worry about the service getting cut. With that said, I've noticed such a huge difference in the stability of playing on dedicated servers that it's to the point it affects my enjoyment.
Gears is the perfect example. I fucking loved Gears. Loved it. I still play now and then But host advantage in that game is ridiculous.
And in many 360 titles you are at the mercy of inconsistant matchmaking to ensure a quality connection ... most PS3 titles I've played online on the other hand stick with standard "Pick your server" PC style menu's, which is something I really appreciate.
I'm not saying Live is bad, I'm just saying that PSN is catching up. Quickly.
I'd hardly say "Quickly".
And I agree with you on dedicated server stability. But like in the Virtua Fighter 5 example, it can be done right with little to no flaws like host advantage.
But how many games and companies can host dedicated servers, and for long periods of time? The servers for Metal Gear Online for MGS3: Subsistence went down quicker than expected. The beauty of the 360 online play is that it's inherent, which makes it much more flexible to work with.
But smart and online friends list don't seem to go together so this will probably be the same as the 360 list.
I never asked for this!
I loathe games that do no implement this. It frustrates me to no end not being able to chose my server or see any details about the game before hand. "Quick Play" should die in a fire, and game developers that give this as the only match-making option are amongst the worst people on earth.
SteamID: FronWewq
Battle.net: Orange#1845
3DS Friend Code: 1289-9498-5797
Sorry but if your comparing the online stability of VF5 to T5 its really not a fair comparison of the systems online capabilities but the games/creators. T5DR was a port from the PSP with online being added as an afterthought, it was more of a game added just because they could; not to mention to my dismay Namco has done an ass job on improving online performance in any sort of way (and yes its fully Namcos fault). VF5 was an appropriately produced and tested game, for whatever reason PS3 got the earlier version of the game (type b or something like that), that didnt allow online to be added. I do agree with you however that soulcaliburs online will show truely which system may come out ahead in that department, though im guessing its going to be pretty much a tie like practically every other online game available for both systems.
One of the only reasons that I've held off getting a PS3. I'm a huge community guy, so this is brilliant.
Just need to start packing the DS3 in the box, now, and I'll be in town with my wallet for a copy of Uncharted and Burnout.
I already have Burnout. :oops:
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
They already have the DS3 packed in the 80 gig MGS4 bundles.
Are those still in short supply, or has everyone who cares gotten their hands on one yet?
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
Not an MGS fan. Yet. Maybe.
Despite owning all three so far.
Shit, I should really give them another chance. I've never even played 3.
Is that bundle even out in the UK, I wonder.
To wiki!
EDIT: Apparently the only version available is the 40GB, no back compat. Fuck that.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
That's definitely coming very soon. The update to Burnout on July 10th supports PS3 custom soundtracks.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
Also, doesn't Metal Gear Online use something other than PSN? I mean that's why they have all the stupid sign up stuff, separate passwords, etc.
And Bam, as long as companies are able to pull down their servers whenever they please, PSN will still not quite hit the same reliability level of Live. I like my PS3 too, but look at all the games on the PS2 that have had their online just shut down pretty much out of nowhere. Dedicated servers are nice, but so is jumping into a forum, getting some people together for some Crimson Skies or some Phantom Dust together and knowing that it'll still be there (with the one exception, of course, being stupid EA).
I know you like to go all in with your enthusiasm behind things, Bammy, but take a breath and a step back
Wonder how long it will take for DA to crack that one wide open?
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
I think both have their advantages of course.
Eyes forever focused, on the sanguine, metal dawn.
This right here is something you should fix imediatly. Favorite one in the whole seriese, well I guess 4 is better but serriously three was pure awsome.
2 I don't even know what the fuck. I played the first bit on the struts and just could not be bothered.
I will try it, but I just don't think it's for me.
But anyway this is not the convince Willeth that MGS is good thread.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
Warhawk does both.
Really, I've been ruined by Warhawk. I'm never able to enjoy any other multiplayer as much after it. I just keep returning to Warhawk...
Eyes forever focused, on the sanguine, metal dawn.
It doesn't look to be out over here though, unfortunately. The only one you can buy is the 40GB.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
Although trophies means I have to restrain myself twice as hard from laughing and pointing when people discuss collecting the damn things. Thats hard to do with achievements sometimes.
But trophies/achievements, when done well, are actually pretty cool.
I mean, if you're renting TMNT to boost your overall score, I agree with you. But when you're playing your game in different ways to get them, I think that's fine. It's like 100%ing a game.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
That's just it. It totally isn't like 100%ing a game. It is exactly like creating a system to communicate the arbitrary extremes of every system in a game. Thats like, 1000%ing a game because you're not only exploring the whole game you are exploring every nook and cranny of every system. This is, to me, boring as fuck. And its all well and good that people have different takes on the issue but the response to someone bragging about their achievements just has to be "Son you have way too much free time and not enough different games to fill it".
Industry reports show that actually is what's happening. Seems like some odd planning on Sony's part, considering they've been preparing for the Dual Shock's return for what seems like an eternity.
Also, yay for in-game XMB, finally.
Don't get me wrong, I like achievements well enough, but I like such systems more in games like LOTRO where it gives you a benefit, however smal (a title or small buff or something else neat). I don't need anything big, but achievements the way they are don't do them for me.
Trophies could be cool if they made them placeable items in Home
Eyes forever focused, on the sanguine, metal dawn.
This isn't new, though. 100%ing almost every game I can think of has you collecting stuff in far-flung corners of the map for no real reason, well before this generation. If 'jump fifteen feet in every vehicle' is part of that, why does it matter if it has a visible score attached or not?
I don't give a fuck that I have fallen ten feet in Dead Rising. That's an example of your side - why they're unnecessary and what have you. But I'm quite proud of the fact that I can say 'hey, I've FC'd a song in Rock Band using only up-strums' and have something to prove it. One of the things I will most enjoy in Home, I think, is visiting my friends' trophy rooms and comparing them to mine. It's a way to establish friendly competition in every game.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
Do we know if this will allow web browsing in-game, too?
I doubt it, i'd say one of the big reasons why the XMB etc is taking so long is because of the memory limitations. They released the PS3 and the game makers released their games.
So, game uses x amount of memory and if Sony make 2.4 use more memory there's a possibility of it breaking games by making them run out of memory.
That's probably been a big issue for the Sony devs making 2.4, tight memory limits. So, a way to reduce the memory usage will be not allowing big memory users like the web browsers running when in-game.
I've got a spare copy of Portal, if anyone wants it message me.
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Twitter: http://twitter.com/JiunweiC
I work on this: http://www.xbox.com
Eh, again, I think you can only hear about a thing so many times before people just start rolling their eyes and telling you to come back when there's something concrete. How long have these rumors been going on for now? Even if it's real now, there's still no actual due date for it, and considering how long they've been pushing things like Home back for, why would you expect anyone to be all hugs and kisses over this?
I think it's fine to be happy that 2.4 is on the way and that users will get some progress. But I agree that it's too early to be completely enthusiastic about it. I'd much rather be pleasantly surprised than be disappointed by high expectations.
- Don't add me, I'm at/near the friend limit
Steam: JC_Rooks
Twitter: http://twitter.com/JiunweiC
I work on this: http://www.xbox.com