Okay, forget about all other movies coming out in the future, because you only need to know of one:
Motherfuckin Ong Bak 2
Oh my god, watch that trailer and if it doesn't make you want to watch that movie, then i'm sorry, but you have no soul
i'm glad to see it has two main ingredients for a tony jaa movie:
1) ridiculous sound effects
2) elephants
Tony Jaa, starring and directing it:
It isn't a direct sequel, kinda travels back in time. but thats even better. because you can forget about how corny and bad the acting and lines are.
If you haven't seen Tony Jaa in action, go out and rent Ong Bak and The Protector. The stories are kinda dumb, but who cares about story when you got crazy shit like this going on:
tumbler? steam/ps3 thingie: lostwords
Amazon Wishlist!
one of these days its gonna be me
Good times.
It takes time to grow more stuntmen, Tony, stop elbowing them in the trachea please.
sketchyblargh / Steam! / Tumblr Prime
The first one was the first movie to make me wince and cheer at the same time
Splitting the dude's helmet with his knee, setting his damn legs on fire. So great.
We locked the dog up today when we left for work today because she possibly has a bladder infection. Again.
I don't really like hardwood floors, but at least they don't hold dog piss in them for all eternity. Gonna have to go with that in our next house.
Because it was an awesome movie.
scratch that The Protector > all kungfu style movies
Right. Because jumping through a hoop was the only notable stunt in Ong Bak.
That's like saying sex on a Friday is better than sex on a Monday. You might prefer one to the other, but really, in the end are you going to turn either one down?
sketchyblargh / Steam! / Tumblr Prime
My favourite movies
i want to give you a big hug on saturday for making this thread. i am so happy now.
also, if you want to go on the town and pick fights, i will totally break people for you
Apparently you watched the wrong movie with that title. The one I saw was cheesy with some of the greatest martial arts stunts ever filmed. It was fantastic.
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
but who will play the part of the elephant we have to track down?
Ong Bak was awesome.
I originally watched with my sister because she had just come back from Kenya and heard that there was some crazy movie with a tuk-tuk chase scene and wanted to watch it because she rode in tuk-tuks.
Then it turned out being the most amazing thing ever.
Ong Bak was good, but seriously... the Protector kicked the shit out of it.
i told wook in the camwhore thread that i wanted to wrestle him and he should come to stale's but he said it was too far
so there goes our elephant
man, i'm tempted to bring my dvds of the two movies so we can have ridiculous action movies to watch while drinking at stale's
we can fast forward through the stories, have a drinking game. take a sip whenever you hear someone's bones breaking
those wood laminate floors are pretty indestructible.
yes yessssssssssssssssss. between stale's and driving so much, i don't think i'm going to sleep from saturday morning until monday night
That clip is actually not one of the better fight scenes in the movie. The thing that's amazing about it is that it was completely shot in one continuous take. Which is why he doesn't use some of his more spectacular choreography.
sketchyblargh / Steam! / Tumblr Prime
thank you. i've been thinking the same thing.
we rule callius