We do play customs when our online count allows it. Most of the time we do the usual stuff, Team Slayer, Skirmish, Big Team Skirmish / Slayer. Those gametypes seem to bring the most fun for us. The Bees Knees however is slowly decreasing in number of active players. While this is sad and means fewer numbers in our parties, we understand the bullshit the Halo 2 community brings. You'll probably be lucky to find a group of 8 of us rolling around. Tonight we only got a total of 3. If you're still interested in some Halo fun you can send some Friend Requests out. Global Mind (me) and TBK Fyre Wulff are probably the best names.
Battery life though? Yeah I can't see it being too good.
On the webpage it says it's about 4-5 hours. It doesn't mention how heavy it is though. It also cost him around $600 to make, and that's with a used x-box.
I don't know what my new tag will be yet. I'm leaning towards Fox 42 News, but I might make x FYREWULFF x like Tomcat keeps telling me to do.
Also, if we want to make a TBK showing at PAX07, we should start planning it now, instead of 2 months before the event and suffering from massive fail.
Are you guys playing very often during the weekends? I don't log on too often, but when I do it's usually on the weekend and no one is around. I need some people to play with.
I could be pursuaded to play some Halo. I think I used Xlink the last time I played and I've used it for Doom 3 as well. Which is better when having multiple users connect?
Is this going to be a NMN:CE thing?
radjago on
PAX East Train Alliance, Metal Gear Line: 2013 || 2012 || 2010
It's basically Live except you can't see latency bars and you can't kick people out of a party. If the host leaves, it'll even do the same "Setting up game.." to get a new host. Basically, Bungie just copied and pasted the Live code over to the System Link...
..which is why on System Link, it's still only the host that can grenade jump.
We could have gotten so far into the Halo tournament, I laugh.
Winning would have been the problem, but we would have been known for SLAUGHTERING the weak and feeble.
So, first in line..
What'd I do first?
I went to the very top of the maydenbeaur to make a short list.
I'd seen some pirates.. and I was going to make a point that ninja were better.. which I did! .. Stealthily! Well, pirates weren't the only target to say the least.
Despite all the great games, tournaments, and audio/visual experiences, I feel that the people are the best part of PAX..
Obviously, tournament sign-ups were definitely top priority.
I want to see what Halo 3 will be like online. Like, more then Halo 2 multiplayer with prettier graphics (even though that would rock since I never played much of Halo 2s multiplayer.)
Oh man..Battlefield 2 conquest style gameplay complete with large maps.
Headlong modders... :roll:
edit: it shows up around :45, it's the one with all our emblems.
Also, what's this video you speak of?
I forgot ot mention yesterday how FyreWulff got served by kids.
FyreWulff - "Yeah well your balls haven't dropped yet"
Kid - " They dropped in your moms mouth last night!"
Steam | Live
Nobody's online. Fix this. Now.
Finally decided to try joining up. Some people may remember me from Splinter Cell. ?
Anyway, I'm looking for some Halo right now. Anyone?
And does TBK play custom sometimes too? j/w
We do play customs when our online count allows it. Most of the time we do the usual stuff, Team Slayer, Skirmish, Big Team Skirmish / Slayer. Those gametypes seem to bring the most fun for us. The Bees Knees however is slowly decreasing in number of active players. While this is sad and means fewer numbers in our parties, we understand the bullshit the Halo 2 community brings. You'll probably be lucky to find a group of 8 of us rolling around. Tonight we only got a total of 3. If you're still interested in some Halo fun you can send some Friend Requests out. Global Mind (me) and TBK Fyre Wulff are probably the best names.
Hope to see you around!
Steam | Live
Ha. So I was browsing the PAX forum and it turns out our good friend zeke is the very first person in line for PAX.
Click the pic for the link.
Oh dear god. I bet that's really fun to play on a nice long walk or something. :shock:
Battery life though? Yeah I can't see it being too good.
Steam | Live
It wouldn't be portable but you could do implement some crazy game ideas.
Steam | Live
where is everybody. let's go kill some reds. or blues. c'mon.
See you guys next week (I hope)
So what's left? You change gamertags more often than modders, lol.
Also, can I get a 100 word synopsis of what went down at PAX?
Also, if we want to make a TBK showing at PAX07, we should start planning it now, instead of 2 months before the event and suffering from massive fail.
Steam | Live
Also, I thought I could last longer but.. anyone up for some XBC Halo?
Is this going to be a NMN:CE thing?
I'm still waiting for Zeke to come back and reply with a report or something.
Also is voice supported over system link in Halo?
Yes nub.
It's basically Live except you can't see latency bars and you can't kick people out of a party. If the host leaves, it'll even do the same "Setting up game.." to get a new host. Basically, Bungie just copied and pasted the Live code over to the System Link...
..which is why on System Link, it's still only the host that can grenade jump.
I just checked Xlink's site and they say it doesn't support it, which now that I think about it makes sense as there was no voice support before Live.
So is this going down tonight?
I would have played more, but no one was ever on when I was. ;_;
In other news, tonight is New Member Night. I will be on, and it would be great if some people could show up...
However, i will change the thread title.
I can throw you back on the list if you'd like dmauro. As long as someone hasn't gotten to it first.
Steam | Live
Winning would have been the problem, but we would have been known for SLAUGHTERING the weak and feeble.
So, first in line..
What'd I do first?
I went to the very top of the maydenbeaur to make a short list.
I'd seen some pirates.. and I was going to make a point that ninja were better.. which I did! .. Stealthily! Well, pirates weren't the only target to say the least.
Despite all the great games, tournaments, and audio/visual experiences, I feel that the people are the best part of PAX..
Obviously, tournament sign-ups were definitely top priority.
I'm still going to kill you all.
Oh man..Battlefield 2 conquest style gameplay complete with large maps.
T-Nation blog
I first would like to know how active you guys are, maybe one of the overlords could send me a friend request.
Sparty 8)
What's your Gamertag?
We usually play steadily on Tuesday nights. Except last night. That was a fiasco.