So, this interests me.
I've had a couple of "guided meditation" or "light hypnosis" sessions recently and have found them very enjoyable and relaxing. This is something I'd like to learn to do myself. My question is this:
Do you meditate? how do you do it? what do you get out of it?
- Feel free to link any good books, tapes, sites etc that you think might be relevant.
A little background.
Recently, as I've entered my late 20's, I've begun experiencing anxiety attacks. So after living with it for too long and trying to deny that it was getting the better of me - I sought help. This helped me cope and got me over a hump. I remember how I felt after these sessions - and feel that practicing controling my body in this way will allow me to regain some of the control I've lost.
The closest thing I come to this elsewhere is practicing Martial Arts. There's something about the complete concentration and focus on the physical that leads me afterwards to a state where I feel perfectly calm and in control (please do not confuse this with "amped" after a fight. I've felt that too and it's not what I'm talking about - if you'll excuse the term, I've heard it explained to others as feeling "Zen").
Googling this topic leads me down a rabit hole of self-improvement websites trying to help me better myself for a fee. I should also mention that personally, I'm not interested in quitting smoking, forgiving someone, becoming more assertive or unleashing any hidden power that lurks inside me.
I'm also up for a D&D type discussion if people are that way inclined - but as I'm also doing this for my own benefit... it felt more appropriate to do this here.
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It feels relaxing to me, at least. YMMV