So my girl friends PC. I build it for her about 2 years ago and its been nothing but trouble. Constant restarts, freezing with no BSOD. Well thats basically it, but its really annoying
At first I found out it was a bad Hard Drive, it was under warrenty, so we got it replaced with ease. Then, about a month later it started happening again. And again, bad hard drive....the new one was bad. So got it re replaced and it ran smooth for about another 2 months, then it was the memory being bad. Then I figured since it was seemingly only happening when she played games and the video card checked out OK (put it in another system and it ran fine) I must be an overheating problem, so we attached some case fans, Nope. New PCU heat sink. Nope. Ok so I went online and it seemed like it was a PSU problem. Got a higher wattage one (500w) and nope, that didn't fix it.
So basically at this point I guess the only 2 options I really have are it being the Mobo or the Processor. And to be honest, I don't know any way to test it without removing them, RMAing them and they hoping they work, which is pretty time consuming. So I was wondering if anyone knew a way I could test them or has had a similar problem and knows a possible solution.
Oh and we tried a fresh install of Windows, that didn't work.
Thanks in advance.
to test the CPU download prime95 or Orthos. They can stress test it and tell you if there's errors.
Ok ran both and got nothin. Is there a way to even check the Mobo? I mean check Disk just scanned the HD for errors right? So I guess its either thee Mobo or the Video Card at this point.
Try running Memtest (Google it. The FAQ on the site should have a good description of how its used)
That will tell you if it's your RAM or not. Basically you test your mobo based on the process of elimination although higher end motherboards have fault testing built in and will alert you via beeps or a small display on it if somethings wrong.
Also use memtest etc. to rule out the rest of the system.
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How is the quality of the power where you have the system?
Dirty or inconsistant power can cause components to fail like that...