This is actually sort of a two-parter, but both of my problems may have a common solution.
I'm staying with my girlfriend's parents, their place is straight-up fucking
huge. This is causing us two headaches:
1) She just got an Xbox 360, and she's eager to load up on Rock Band DLC. Trouble is, the 360 is on the first floor, and the router is in the basement. We can't run a cable that far, and we'd rather spend our money on said DLC than on a wireless kit for the 360.
2) The wireless signal from the basement just isn't robust enough for the whole house. The basement gets a good signal, parts of the first floor get a good signal, but the second floor is at 25% or less.
Now that being said, we have enough resources laying around that we just might be able to MacGyver something. In addition to the basement router (a Belkin F5D8233 wireless router), we have two more perfectly good routers laying around (a D-Link DI-624 wireless, and a Linksys WRT54G wireless).
My initial thought was that we might be able to use one of those as a bridge to get the 360 online (and there seems to be firmware available for the WRT54G in particular to do exactly that), but I'm also wondering if we could use that hypothetical bridged router as a sort of "repeater" to boost the wireless signal at the same time. Is such a thing even possible? Installing custom firmware wouldn't scare me off, I'm just not an expert on networks, and I want to see if this is all even doable before I start swapping firmware on my girlfriend's hardware.
What say you, H/A networking gurus?
You are a gentleman and a scholar, sir, this is exactly what we were looking for. Thanks!