A friend of mine has been afflicted with a bug bite the likes of which neither of us can quite identify.
The wound is:
-A small legion on her leg, which is red, and does not have white in the center.
-A red area around it slightly larger than a quarter.
-Relatively flat, not coming very far outward
-Giving her shooting pains in her leg when she walks
-Itching relatively badly
The bite was noticed some time this morning, and we're of moderate certainty that it is new from last night. The cats just got fleas, and we have begun their methodical extermination via the furniture spray and flea shampoo, so we thought initially it was a flea bite, but the other flea bites (there are several) are not a bad, not nearly so, and don't hurt, or itch, as much. Also, a couple spiders have been known to nest in or around our bed-area, but we usually hunt them down too as soon as they bite us in the night. (Hey, we're cool with sharing space, but they darn well better leave us alone, eh?)
So I submit this to you, oh H/A of Penny Arcade, what is our assailant, and how dangerous is it probably? We were going to go to minute clinic, but they closed about an hour ago, when we realized it was a bit different from the flea bites. Should we seek immediate ER attention, or pass it off as a flea bite and go on with our lives?
Always consult a physician if you are uncertain or uneasy, but chances are it will pass. If it does not begin to get better in a days time then go to the clinic.
Begin to worry if you see tendril like lines that emanate from the bite outside of a quarter circumference. A fever develops anywhere other than the location of the bite, or there is numbness in extremities near the bite.
Apply a warm compress to the bite, and calamine or anti-itch cream.
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Go the ER if you're uneasy at all with this.
Ahh, yeah, MRSA has the unsettling ability to look like a bug bite, spider bites most specifically.
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This is why I always go to the doctor. Last time I thought I had a cold it turned out I had mono.