Koshian wrote: » drunktU?
neville wrote: » ich will potu ficken.
Koshian wrote: » DrunktU!
ThatDudeOverThere wrote: » this party is gettin' hella lame who wants to go out back to the toolshed and have casual sex
That Dave Fella wrote: » anybody who can needs to get on vent because this is the most hilarious thing ever
MKR wrote: » neville wrote: » ich will potu ficken. Is this German for "I will fuck PotU"?
Sara Lynn wrote: » ThatDudeOverThere wrote: » this party is gettin' hella lame who wants to go out back to the toolshed and have casual sex TDOT in the toolshed with the rusty pick axe
SE++ Map Steam
a true american
Is this German for "I will fuck PotU"?
mais non
and by worst I mean the best
who wants to go out back to the toolshed and have casual sex
meet me at the fountain
TDOT in the toolshed with the rusty pick axe
because this is the most hilarious thing ever
he has to drink on every major holiday
this is also his first time throwing up on account of alcohol consumption
doubt it
so doubt it
i am full of doubt
port 3860
password fortytwo
He also just threw up
i haven't laughed this hard since atlanta
potu has gone to get a camera to take a photo of his vomit
shit that is three times stronger than fuckin' heroin
you don't see me high-threadin'
want to
but yep.
yay 8 years of German
dang sara lynn gettin hella risque up ins