I wanted to make a poll asking this question, but I don't I don't seem to be cool enough.
How many of the people on your XBL / PSN friend's lists do you know in real life?
I ask this because my answer would be 0% - none of my friends around here are into gaming (except for Wiis, but I don't have one and that's not really what I'm talking about). With my new PS3, I'm hoping to begin some online gaming, and the few games I have (Burnout Paradise, GTA4) seem like they have pretty good online features and communities. But for people like me, people whose friends do not have online consoles, what's the proper way to flesh out a friend's list? Search PA forums for people's gamertags and just start randomly adding people? Start playing online and meet people there? I don't have a headset, so it seems like communicating online would be a pain. Is one necessary? Is this a Facebook thing where you request a friend and they have to add you to their list for you to have them on yours?
I'm just not sure of the etiquette of the whole thing (I know, online gaming and etiquette are rarely used together, but I can hope, right?).
(This thread may be a little too H&A for the G&T forum, so please move it if necessary. I just figured it would get more action here.)
Looking through the Burnout thread, it seems like XBL has a "Burnout PA" friend to add, then you look at the the friends of friends. PS3 doesn't have this, correct? Oh well... seems like a pretty good feature.
Playing multiplayer with no one but strangers always seems like a depressing waste of time to me.
Yeah, I was afraid of this. I was playing Burnout last night with 7 random guys. I had no communication with them (no headset) and really didn't get anything out of it. I figured that getting a few guys on my friend's list would help, but it may not be enough. That is what prompted this thread.
You don't have a headset? Man, get a headset.
Mine's 50% or so. But I have a large portion of people on there who I met online who I would still consider actual friends, in addition to that.
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But, about 85-90% of my actual XBL playtime is with those guys.
I have no gamer friends and most of the people I play with online are from PA. Some people are guys I met randomly but not nearly as much.
I honestly prefer playing online games with PAers because the hilarious commentary and luls from such people is enormous, most of my friends just want to play halo and get pissed off if I get a rocket launcher.
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