Okay, I realize that this is a bit unorthodox for an H/A thread, but I didn't think that it would be enough to warrant a new thread in CritFail. I'll post the question here, and if it gets moved then c'est la vie.
That said, I find myself in a bit of a pickle. I play a lvl 12 gestalt Cleric/Ardent. What's currently left of my party is a lvl 13 Rogue/Wiz/Psion, a lvl 13 Dread Mage/Necromancer, and a lvl 13 Ranger/Barbarian.
This evening we got in a big fight with ten deadly Troll creatures who were modified quite heavily. They each counted as CR14 enemies, if that helps. We were trapped in a hall between two rooms with five trolls in each room. Our two tanks were killed rather quickly in the fight, and I decided that I would teleport out. I didn't take anyone with me. It goes without saying that the remainder of my party is embittered by my actions and the two who are non-good desire my hide and my magic items.
I can no longer use my clerical spells. I have Psionic Teleport in order to get away from my party, but they can probably scry me. The big question becomes the length to which they will pursue me. I probably will not be able tro stand against them in a fight.
So, does anyone have any suggestions as to what I can do to survive and successfully retire my character?
Garry: I know you gentlemen have been through a lot, but when you find the time I'd rather not spend the rest of the winter TIED TO THIS FUCKING COUCH!
If I was in that party though (with the kind of characters I play), I think I'd have bigger problems, and probably honestly wouldn't bother to pursue you. Someone who'd leave us there without returning for help wouldn't be worth the time.
And I was a good cleric. Not any longer, though. Apparently Pelor would rather I stick around and heal than take the path of self-preservation.
But I guess that's not my call.
If you want to retire your character, try to find the nearest shrine of Pelor and ask about atonement. Your DM might put you under the effect of a Quest (capital Q). The other option is to sacrifice yourself somehow in a fashion typically reserved for honorable-yet-evil villains. Do yourself in to save the party.
You should bring them some help, or go back and help them yourself if you want your god to talk to you again.
As for atonement or anything like that, I'm not interested. The only thing I want to do is get away so that I can retire the character with magic items intact. I don't want the party to get their hands on anything. If my character is selfish enough to flee a battle that has already begun, he's sure as hell not going to let himself be taken down.
Anyway, I'll probably just get outta Dodge and go as far as I can.
And Delzhand, we have 6 characters. We probably could have killed them off had I stuck around. We're pretty good at holding our own.
If not, then you thought the situation was helpless (you are allowed to be wrong) and teleported out to get help. You had to agree to help x for y quests/years for x to agree to help, so you are very sorry, but will no longer be able to adventure with the party as x does not mess around (celestials would do nicely here. Plus it would probably be bad ass to show up with some planetars to take down those trolls). Or you are too ashamed of leaving your companions when you could have saved them and don't want to jepoardize them again. Or your character has seen that he is not cut out for the adventuring life and thinks he will be more useful as an adviser/healer/etc.
Bottom line, talk to your DM to figure out a way to retire the character.
A bit OT: I don't really DM, but a CR equal to the party level is supposed to take out 20% of a 4man party's resources, IIRC. Multiple CR are not additive (there's a chart or something). Otherwise, 20 goblins would be a CR20, which is laughable.
First question is why do you want to keep your items?
The rest of your party has turned on you, doesn't that make the game over? Its completely imaginary, its not like the items even reside digitally on a server that you can somehow take with you. I am having a hard time understanding why you would keep playing in a situation like this.
I thought the point of D&D was to adventure with your buddies while the DM guides you through a story and keeps things interesting. Sometimes people make 'selfish' decisions, but everyone laughs about how you just saved your own skin and then keeps going. If these people dislike you enough to cause further harm to your party, why are you playing?
tl;dr why do you care?
Let me just preface this by saying that I will be rolling a new character this week as the one I'm currently playing is no longer considered viable. I'll be teleporting as far as I can away from my party and doing everything I can to hide from them. I should also add that everyone thought my actions were hilarious given that they never thought I'd have the minerals to do such a thing. The players are not mad about it, but their character's are.
To answer you question, I care because I'm taking my character's betrayal as far as it will go. I have some great equipment and I don't want the others to benefit from the death of my character.
If you ran away maybe you could find a new god? Nadirech in complete warrior would fit the bill for being a god of cowardice and treachery.
@ word choice.
See, I think that's a great idea. I'll see if the DM will go for it.
I like that option. Use your equipment and life as a lure into a death trap.
Like hiring bounty hunters.