So, I have troubles getting up in the morning and need some ideas for helping me get out of bed. Whatever I do, I just can't seem to wake up. Oh, I'll set my alarm for 6:30am which puts on the radio. I might half listen for a few minutes, then I'll hit snooze or stop. I've tried setting other alarms for 7, 8, and 9, but I also hit snooze or stop on them. Regardless of all this, I always get to work on time which is before 10am. For some reason in the back of my head I know I don't have to wake up early, as long as I get to work by 10, so no matter my intentions when I go to bed, I just can't force myself awake. This works in the same way with other things, if something is going on at a certain time I'll 99% of the time wake up in time to make it, but can't seem to wake up earlier than that. I've also tried setting my alarms out at various places around my apartment, but it doesn't matter either... I'll just go get them, stop them, then stumble back to bed.
I typically go to bed around 11:00pm, which I figure would be plenty of time to wake up at 6:30am, and I sleep fine. I don't know what my problem is. If I could wake up earlier I could get more done in the morning and mainly get back from work earlier.
So, any ideas or suggestions on how to do this?
Or get one of those alarms that wont shut off unless you do somthing. Like a puzzle. Or the one that jumps off the table and rolls around the room.
Or maybe plan somthing where you have to be there earlier. Because you said you would wake up for that.
but they're listening to every word I say
And yes, I want to get up earlier so I can get home from work earlier and have time to do things at night.
Do they actually make alarm clocks that force you to solve a puzzle to get them to stop? Getting my mind going in the morning usually helps.
T-Nation blog
Yeah, that's another reason why I want to wake up earlier in the first place, so I can exercise after work. As it stands though, I don't have enough time.
I found some puzzle clocks through Google... look interesting enough, might try them.
Thanks for the ideas guys, keep them coming if you have them.
Are you also going to bed earlier when you try to wake up earlier?
Yeah, usually somewhere from 10pm-11pm.
If I were you I'd just set my alarm to 8 or 8:30 for a few days and see if I could get up without too much trouble then. I know you're going back to bed later than that, but that could be because you're interrupting your sleep cycle constantly with all the alarms and thus not getting any good sleep after the first one. If that helps then you'll need to find a way to go to sleep earlier without cutting into the night activities you're trying to do in the first place.
For getting up earlier, take whatever time you need to be up for work, and add a half hour. So if you need to be up by 9:30 get up at 9. Do this for a week at a time and slowly adjust earlier. Going from 9:30 to 6:30 is asking for failure unless you have superior willpower. Also make sure you get up at this time on days you don't have to work too. Eventually when you get set with a time that you wake up at everyday, your body will just get you up at that time and you'll find you can't sleep later than that even if you wanted to, but only if you get up at this time everyday regardless of whether you have plans.
You can get a puzzle alarm or whatever, but theres a certain point where you have to have the willpower to just get up. When your alarm goes off go splash some water on your face or something.
I have a basic radio alarm clock, absolutely nothing fancy. What I do to make it work is set the FM tuner just off an actual station. When it goes off, the sound waking me up isn't a nice even *beep beep beep*, it's a terrifying burst of static-flickering random voices with snatches of half-heard music. It is the worst sound in the world, but combined with needing to walk across my room to turn it off, I am always wide the fuck awake by the time I fumble for the off switch.
And so is everybody else who happens to be in the room; even people who were planning on sleeping in. >_>
Pain in the arse, but works a treat.
Seven and a half to eight hours is fine for many people, and some people need less than that. That range is an average though, and some people need more.
I'm not saying he necessarily needs ten hours, and maybe he doesn't need more sleep at all, but what he describes sure sounds a lot like he's tired because he's not getting enough sleep. All this is assumming that he's even getting seven and a half hours, which assumes he's falling asleep very soon after he goes to bed. I don't believe he's commented on that.
I can't imagine fitting 10 hours of sleep into my schedule.
Exercise generally helps with this, so if you can get an exercise routine also that can be a huge help. Also pay attention to what you are eating during the late afternoon and evening. Cut out the evening coffee and caffinee so your body can wind down and fall asleep. When you do sleep cut out excess noise, turn of the radio, tv, computer. In most cases these things keep your mind active and make it more difficult to fall asleep in a timely manner and can influence how deep of a sleep you are actually falling into.
This is good advice. If you don't have the willpower to follow through with your intentions, no amount of gadgetry in the world is going to help you. It all boils down to simply deciding "I'm going to get up when my alarm goes off, no matter what!" and following through with it.
Personal Responsibility.
[x] Multiple alarm clocks triggered for either the same time or one minute apart.
[x] A moving alarm clock, such as clocky
[x] Light alarm clock - the alarm clock gradually lights up - but they're
I used to use my TV as an alarm, have it come on at a medium volume to a news channel a good ten to fifteen minutes before I wanted to get up, and then have my alarm clock go off. Its a good combo of being lulled awake, being jarred awake, and having something to hold your attention when you wake up.
This was in his own apartment however - if you live with others it might start conflicting with their schedules depending on when they have to get up or where things are located
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