That's right this comes out in a bit over a week.
Fuck yeah!
Butt bumping!
Look at those fuckin tits!
Apparently this time there's going to be some jerks with lightsabers or something?
Also there will be online play, so we should all battle each other and stuff. You can PM me with your PSN ID, or your Xbox thingamajiger if you're going to get this.
IpseDixit - IamTetsuo
The Sneak! - TheSneak
bent - LoveWagon
Urian - fathom216
sonictk - sonictk
Transporter - TransportX
fallaxdraco - boredmarc
Xbox Live
Teefs - The Near Middle
Kevin Crist - I Eat Brainmeat
The Sneak! - PA The Sneak
Neville - taernim
Areté - NinjaFrizz
VulnoX - Vulnox
I Win Swordfights - Swordfights
Centipede Damascus - Metal Damascus
bongi - bongitrs
Big Red Tie - logos22
Koshian - koshian
tehcoolryan - Homer 4 Prez
Feriluce - LordFeriluce
So yeah discuss how awesome this game will be.
So here's an awesome badass video of actual gameplay (thanks to bonK)
it was weird.
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
But oh god I am so looking forward to it.
And yoda!
the hell have you been man?
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
I stopped paying attention when 2 came out. Was 2 the one that came out for Gamecube, PS2 and Xbox?
Also her tits look less like tits and more like ass.
Which I suppose you guys might like.
har har
glad my friend has a ps3 so i get to play vader
that's awesome!
Son of a bitch I have some work to do.
I have never played in SC games and could tell you that Vader is in the 360 and Yoda is in the PS3.
Also on the GC version Link was in it and Spawn was in the oXbox version and I think some dude from tekkan was on the PS2 one.
Satans..... hints.....
Secret Satan
They aren't boobs.
And why are they freckley?
That's awesome except you got them backwards. Yoda's on the 360, Vader's on the PS3.
The PS2 was Heihachi, who's been a central figure in every Tekken game.
who doesn't like tits
her tits lack something. I think the chosen term around here is projection
everybody likes tits
I don't even like those boobs.
I know it cant compete with tits but guys take a look at that drag queen eyeshadow.
I guess it was to counteract what they did to Ivy.
she actually looks pretty cool
is there screenshots of her anywhere (probably yes)
it'll sell millions
I heard she is a pretty complex character. That pike and her short sword make for an interesting combo.
linked because apparently fetish material is a no-post ... i didn't even see it as fetish, i just saw it as rad:
overlapped enough for ya?