(Side note: This being my first big thread, please forgive my ignorance if I made a mistake in it. If necessary, I will be happy to fix it or start over.)
After the Great War, much of the world's rail and road systems were destroyed. So, the world took to the skies. What kind of skies?
If you've ever wondered what you'd get if you combined:
and threw in a little
, well look no further.
Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge for the Xbox takes place after World War I and follows Nathan Zachary, captain of the loveable swashbuckling crew known as the Fortune Hunters. In this alternate history of the world, hostile nation-states battle over resources and territory, while pirates and gangs just try to make their way in the world, one way or another.
In this era of sky-piracy, Zeppelins have replaced naval ships, and tricked-out fighter planes have replaced cutlass and pistol.
"You win some, you lose some."
Crimson Skies was one of the oXbox's little gems. Bright, flashy visuals, an enjoyable "pirate-esque" soundtrack, over-the-top dialogue reminiscent of a 50's action serial, and superb voice-acting. Not to mention the controls were tight and simple, and it was a hell of a lot of fun.
As was mentioned you take to the skies in one of a dozen or so tricked-out hotrod prop planes armed with a primary weapon (usually a machine gun of some sort) and a secondary weapon, which ranged from magnetic missiles to cluster rockets to a Tesla cannon. Planes ranged from massive tank-like Zep-killers to quick, maneuverable dogfighters.
"Now if you'll excuse me, I have a plane to catch."
Let's get to the thick of it, then. In its prime in the pre-Halo era, Crimson Skies was the most played game on Xbox Live. And for good reason. For one, it boasted the most respectful online community I've ever come across. You could hear everybody on your headset, even the other team. But instead of shouting racial slurs, players congratulated each other on good shots. Troublemakers were reprimanded by the teams and were booted if it continued. Regulars knew each other and competed hard to top one another when they came across each other.
Secondly, the levels were gorgeous, ranging from massive undergound caverns to windy desert canyons to a towering cityscape.
And lastly, this game is just plain awesome.
Games included:
Dogfights - a battle royale in the not-so-friendly skies.
Team Dogfights - just as the name implies.
And a version of air football played with a...... chicken. Seriously.
Sadly, nobody plays this classic anymore. While I enjoy my Halo 3 as much as the next guy, I can't forget how much of my college time was wasted on this game.
So hot damn, what are you waiting for? Grab your goggles and your scarf and fire up the prop. Just
look at this and tell me you don't want to dust off your old copy (Hell, it was shipped free with Xbox Live for a while):
My Gamertag is
Hugh Mann Sir. I should be hosting some games on Wednesday, July 24th around 2:00 PM Mountain Time. But I'll try to start up a few on Tuesday. Shoot me a message and I'll send you an invite.
used to a pretty decent pilot back in the day, so I'd be happy to help anybody out on some of the finer points of dogfighting or plane selection. Though I'd like to emphasize "
used to be."
Deadfall -
Hugh Mann Sir
Accault -
The Accault
wakeboarderblunt -
ilmmad -
LordOfMeep -
How awesome would it be if they got Nathan Fillion to voice the main character for #2?
Whaaaat? Is that just crazy speculation or is there some weight to that? And yes, Fillion would be SO good. Hell, the cast of Firefly would be great for the voice acting.
Well the general speculation is its coming. I'll link you to kokatu. It sounds pretty solid based on who's involved and such. Besides, fucking cha ching. A flying game of awesomeness would be awesome for 360.
Anytime someone even mentions Crimson Skies my wife rolls her eyes. It is like the closest thing to competition she's ever had.
I am all for playing some more Crimson Skies online, live name is The Accualt.
I think I hate you now because I'm going to have to play it again.
I want a sequel.
I saw a preview of that game, it's like a guy with a jetpack right? Could be cool, but man, flying those bi-planes through the city, dog fighting, man that was so much fun. And the close intight cave sequences were hard as hell but so much fun to go KABOOM, then get a little further next time.
I wonder if I still have the XBOX version, I may have to toss that in and give this game another go.
Not only does it work on the 360, you can buy it on the original Xbox downloads. Of course, you'll have to keep it on your harddrive, but you won't have to put a CD into the 360 to play it...
I'll try to be on tomorrow night as well.
GT: WBBlunt
Another option would be Goozex. They are listing it for 100 points right now.
I'll be on my 360 as well. And as far as I know you can play cross-platform with oXbox users. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
xbl - HowYouGetAnts
steam - WeAreAllGeth
And a Crimson Skies movie starring Nathan Fillion would be so good it would make me cry.
And Nathan was voiced by Lassiter in Psych, so changing actors would suck.
So if you wanna play but don't wanna spend $15 for a digital copy, look around a bit, you might find the hard copy for cheap.
I might pop up tomorrow. Gamertag's still LordOfMeep.
XBL: Torn Hoodie
I'll be hosting games tomorrow starting around 2:00 pm Mountain Time, for as long as we get pilots.
And seriously, for some reason, it's pretty easy to find used.
xbl - HowYouGetAnts
steam - WeAreAllGeth
But yeah my copy was $4 in the used bin at EB where I get 80% of my games.
And we may not have Crimson Skies 2, but I found Warhawk to be a great replacement. The flying gives off the same vibe to me.
That post was made in April 2k7. Airtight Games announced Dark Void in October that year, and they're still working on it. It's a TPS with jetpacks that revolves around the Bermuda Triangle being a portal to an alien world.