Having just seen that Shia LaBouef has been indicated as having been cast as Yorrick in Y: The Last Man my bemusement over what anyone sees in him continues to skyrocket. His movies, although successful, do not rely on him in any way. In Transformers and Indiana Jones for example, you could have replaced his character with any other actor, and I would barely have noticed. You could have had someone new play him in every scene!
Now he seems to have some kind of enchantment woven around him which makes directors think he is perfect for every role. He's the leading man in 2 or 3 big upcoming movies I want to see, but I want to see them despite his participation, not because of it. However I know if I do go and see them I will just contribute to him continuing to be cast in roles far better suited for other actors!
Is it simply because he is the one man in Hollywood noone actively objects to? Is his sheer boring and bland nature his greatest asset? Does he have the worlds greatest agent? Is he just "not for me"? Perhaps the ladies love a slice of LaBouef.
So, can anyone explain his miraculous rise to fame? Hell, surely if anyone from Transformers was memorable it was Meghan Fox? I mean, she isn't a great actress, but at least she is as hot as being cast into the corona of a star on a hot day while wearing a winter coat.
Exactly! He is the blandest man in the world! Learn boring facts about him and the bland acting he does here on Wikipedia...
I've not seen any of them. Ah well.
I guess my real question would be why do you dislike him? Or would you rather see Tom Cruise in every role or what?
The diner scene in Crystal Skull, where Mutt was introduced, was the first time the movie came alive for me at all. He had good chemistry with Ford and did a better job selling the ridiculous CGI situations than many of the older, more distinguished cast members. That was the case in Transformers as well; he managed to carve a reasonably likable character out of a fucking abysmal script. I think he's got talent and Y might be his big chance to really prove it.
I honestly get him confused with this guy all the damn time.
just sayin'
Except Joseph Gordon-Levitt is extremely awesome.
actually , it's probably because he keeps getting cast in movies which nerds have high hopes for but turn out to suck ass (transformers, indy 4).
He might be alright as yorrick. I hope they don't ruin that story.
took out her barrettes and her hair spilled out like rootbeer
What the fuck? He declined Yale?
I have nothing about LaBeouf, but that's just retarded.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt conversely is actually interesting.
And whomever it was who referenced the scene when Shia appeared in Indy as when the movie got good deserves to be slapped with a fish. Shia was barely even in that movie in terms of what he contributed as an actor. Heck, you could have given Indiana Jones a hot daughter and cast Meghan Fox in the role and the only thing you would need to change would have been a few "He's" to "She's" and at least I might have been aware when she was on the screen.
Yes, that sure is a long list of feature films he's been in!
I realize now he probably made this decision after he was making some decent cash-flow acting. But if it were after Holes or something, that would be different.
And it's not because of anything he does, because he's actually a pretty good actor. It just... is. Like he's got some kind of movie-affecting aura or something.
But my key point is that those movies whould have been exactly the same without him in them. The roles he played, you could have cast a cardboard cut out of a cat in it and the movie would have been identical.
As to Yale, I think there are plenty of reasons to turn it down, not the least of which is the fact that it costs $Texas to go there, and the education you get honestly isn't worth the money you pay (except for a few key fields, and then mostly because of the prestige-factor).
but i think what really made me like him as a movie actor is probably disturbia - totally underrated, entertaining as fuck movie.
i recommend it.
edit: oh and eagle eye is gonna be awesome/looks awesome.
most of all, most of all
someone said true love was dead
but i'm bound to fall
bound to fall for you
oh what can i do
Except for the fact that these women you reference are the first I've heard of who have thought Shia LaBouef had even the remotest shred of sex appeal. Every girl I know thinks he is bland, uninteresting and vaguely weasel-like.
I agree with you, yes, he doesn't make the movies worse. However, why not hire someone who would make them better! There are dozens of actors who could fill his roles and do so better than him. We've seen a picture of one in this thread already.
After seeing The Lookout, I finally became convinced that he would make the transition from child actor to adult actor. And I like his attitude about celebrity and the movie business.
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