I've made a few threads in the past couple of months about various aspects of Wii homebrew, but since I am jetlagged and have nothing else to do, I thought I would put together one thread compiling all aspects of it, so you can find everything in one place.
What do I need?Currently the best (and only) way of running homebrew on the Wii is to install the Homebrew channel, a piece of Wii homebrew software put together by a
bunch of people that lets you run a wide range of homebrew software stored on an SD card, right from the Wii menu.
To install the homebrew channel, you will need:
A Nintendo Wii - Obviously
An SD card - Cannot be greater than 2gb, since the Wii is currently incompatible with SDHC SD cards
A card reader/camera - Just to put the necessary files on the SD card)
A copy of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, for the Wii - Just needed the once during installation, so you can rent/borrow it (although it's a pretty great game anyway)
For UK folks, the best way to get an SD card on the cheap is to go to PC World armed with a printout from
Play.com, and get them to pricematch it, should come to £5.24. If someone PMs me/posts a good price for USA folks, I'll edit it in here.
How do I install the Homebrew Channel?Installing the homebrew channel via the twilight hack takes less than 10 minutes, and it is a pretty simple procedure, no hardware modification is required, it is entirely reversible, and it will vastly increase the functionality of you console.
1. If you already have a Twilight Princess save you would like to keep hold of, stick your SD card into your Wii, head to the save manager, and move the save to the SD card. This also has the benefit of ensuring that the card is set up in the correct format for the Wii (FAT).
2. Take the SD card out of the Wii and put it in your computer. Then depending on your region, the save will be in the following directory:
PAL (Europe/Australia):
NTSC-J (Asia):
NTSC-USA (North America):
Copy the whole contents of the SD card to a safe directory on your PC, you'll need this for when you want to copy the save back to the Wii.
3. Now you need to copy the Twight hack, and the Homebrew Channel installed to the SD card. The Twilight hack is a modified save of a Twilight Princess save, which allows you to run code on the console, and the homebrew channel installer is the code that we are going to run, which will install the honebrew channel onto your console.
Grab both the Twilight Hack (at time of writing, v0.1 beta) and the homebrew channel installer .ELF (at time of writing, beta8) from here.
Copy the "
private" folder from the Twilight Hack zip to your SD cards root directory (overriding the previous save), and then copy '
boot.elf' from the "the_homebrew_channel-beta_8.tar" to your SD cards root directory.
Should look a little like this:
4. From here, put the SD card back in the Wii, and pick the appropriate save to transfer to the console. Earlier on, having Gamecube memory cards in at this point could cause problems, so it's probably best to remove them just incase. For PAL/NTSC-J consoles, this is pretty simple, but there is a slight extra stage for USA folks here. From the readme:
Since there are two released versions of Twilight Princess for the USA region, these users must first check the version of their game disc. Take your Zelda disc, flip it over so that the data side is facing you, and look for a small line of text next to the inner edge of the disc, between the raised circle of plastic and the data area. If the text reads "RVL-RZDE-0A-0", you have a v0 game and you should select the TwilightHack0 savegame. If the text reads "RVL-RZDE-0A-2", you have a v2 game and you should select the TwiilghtHack2 savegame. If you do not select the correct version of the save, the game will freeze and the hack will not work.
I've not had to do this myself, but it sounds pretty easy.
Once the save is on the system memory, boot up the game as normal, load the the "Twilight Hack" savegame. Once in game, walk backwards, and then the Twilight Hack will take over, and you should see a bunch of text on a black background. Follow the on screen instructions. From memory, when it says "A button" it is referring to a gamecube controller, if you don't have one, I think that you just use the 'reset' button on the console instead (can someone who has done this more recently confirm this please?).
5. After it's all done, the console will reboot, and you will have the (really slick looking) homebrew channel installed on your Wii. It will allow you to run any homebrew software, either in .ELF or in .DOL format, from the SD card.
This pack generator is a bit more user friendly, since it lets you pick from a huge list of other apps to include on you SD card too. Let me know if you need any help with it, but it is pretty user friendly.
How do I install homebrew applications?
There's no point in setting up the Homebrew Channel without getting homebrew apps.
1. To install a homebrew application, you need to create a folder titled "apps" in the root of your SD card.
2. In the "apps" folder, create a directory of the name of the application you are trying to installs, for example "Homebrew Browser".
3. In this folder, place the .ELF or .DOL for the application you are trying to installs, and rename it to boot.ELF/boot.DOL.
No applications will ever run via the homebrew channel unless they are titled "boot".
4. If the application comes with a "meta.xml" and/or "icon.png", stick them in the same directory.
5. Follow the application specific instructions that come with the readme. If you have any problems with a specific app, ask here.
What Applications should I get?First and foremost, you should get
The Homebrew Browser. If you have your Wii online, it lets you download a wide range of homebrew straight onto the SD card from the Wii, which is much easier, and you are pretty guaranteed to have it up to date, and formatted correctly. The single most useful piece of Wii homebrew imo.
ToolsThe Homebrew Browser:
I mention it just before, most of the best homebrew stuff is available straight through this (I will label those that are with a *).
Gecko Region Free:
Lets you run, as far as I am aware, any region game on any region console.
Gamecube Saver*:
Allows you to copy gamecube saves in .GCI format from the SD card to a Gamecube memory card.
Gamefaqs have quite a lot of saves up for download.
Not actually that much like the board game Operation, but a lot of fun, certainly worth a download.
Simple, but surprisingly compelling puzzle game. Like a cross between jezzball and breakout.
Essentially an equivalent of Frets on Fire for the Wii, let's you use Frets on Fire songs too.
Basic, but fun physics game for the Wii, kinda inspired by Crayon Physics.
A port of the ScummVM engine to the Wii, lets you play a
whole bunch of old (kickass) adventure games on the Wii. Beneath a Steel Sky is
freeware, and brilliant.
A port of Quake to the Wii, either use the files from the original disc, or grab the
shareware demo.
A port of Linux media player to the Wii, plays any video or MP3 I have thrown at it. Not very pretty atm, but that's being worked on.
Is it legal?Yes.
Homebrew is entirely legal. It may void your warentee (although I believe it is entirely reversible, if anyone knows more about this, please PM me), but there is nothing illegal about homebrew in and of itself.
It can, however, be used to assist copyright infringement. Much like a kitchen knife can be used to assist assault. This is not what the purpose of this thread is, so if you would like to discuss ways to use homebrew for piracy, I suggest you go elsewhere.
I will no doubt add more here later, but I think this thread is pretty complete right now. Please feel free to contribute to it, and I will try to keep the OP as up to date and as useful as possible.
No. If you want them legally, you have to buy them.
You can grab them here.
Other than that, maybe email whoever owns the rights to games you are interested in, and suggest they consider releasing them as freeware. Or hit up eBay for old discs.
Not that I know of, but I would be interested in one if anyone else knows of somewhere.
Man, I want to dive into this stuff but I'm Wii-less for the whole summer.
Is someone still working on an OpenGL implementation?
edit: Basically I want to try porting Quake III Arena over this semester, if I have time. I hope I have time. These professors want me to keep working on this dead-end bullshit I've been doing all summer for them, and I'm going to tell them to fuck right off unless they find some more grant money somewhere, but if they do find some money, well, id's not paying me for a Q3A port so necessity dictates.
It's on the DS, too, although a few of the later SCUMM games don't work.
Can someone quickly sum up what is so great about them? Especially this steel sky one.
Also, how much space do they take up? after all, I only have 1 gig.
They're very high quality point and click adventure games. Many of them have awesome senses of humor, and unlike your average one, their solutions are generally not retarded. Stupid at times, but in a funny way, and easy to figure out.
One quick question: Will homebrew stuff generally run in prog. scan? I'm on an HDTV with upscaling lag, so anything running at 480i is...Problematic.
Could I get a list of the best (funniest) ScummVM games?
And actually make it do stuff.
Monkey Island 1, 2 and 3 (I still love 4 but it's not Scummvm) **************************
Sam and Max *
Day of the Tentacle *
Beneath a Steal Sky
Full Throttle *
Gobliins 2 */2 (It's kinda funny, kinda stupid)
Maniac Mansion *
The Indiana Jones games *
Simon the Sorceror ** (It gets an extra * for having Chris Barrie do Simon's voice)
There are many other AWESOME games but those are my favourite. The monkey island games can be bought for next to nothing nowadays. Sam and Max and DoTT are both apparently very difficult to get in the USA but easy to find in the UK.
Funny games have a * next to them. Some of the others are funny but I wouldn't class them as comedy games. Beneath a Steal Sky has some excellent black humour in it.
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
It finds the boot file, but fails reading it.
Unless someone snuck into my room and downloaded the update, I don't have the one that blocked the hack.
What gives?
I just installed mine today - it works incredibly well although I have to say short of the illegal stuff the breadth of homebrew right now is a bit shallow compared to the DS... Guitarfun is very cool though.
Any chance you are using a small (16-32MB) SD card? When I first tried to install this, the only SD card I had was like 16MB and it wouldnt install. Im pretty sure it was because the small ones format to fat-12 instead of fat-16(although theres probably a way to change that). Got myself a 2GB card and it worked perfectly.
If so, Americans can finally play Doshin the Giant!
Xbox Live - Draysoth1
PSN - Draysoth
Steam - Draysoth
3DS - 2320-6133-3744
Please let me know if you add me!
Create E:\ID1
create E:\Apps\Quake
Put the quake.dol in E:\apps\quake
Put your paks from the quake cd in E:\ID1
Rename quake.dol to boot.dol if you have probs.
That should do the trick. Let me know
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
Xbox Live - Draysoth1
PSN - Draysoth
Steam - Draysoth
3DS - 2320-6133-3744
Please let me know if you add me!
I believe it only allows you to copy saves to Gamecube memory cards, and not from.
When I try to boot a GCN game, it just says "no DVD." Anyone have any better luck, or know any other way?
Well that's less than useful...
It's highly useful for things like 100% saves, or tossing saves back and forth for high-score competitions.
You couldn't do that if you can't get saves from the 'cube card onto the sd card.
It's a pack generator.
Question; I haven't been near a widescreen set yet. Does Quake Wii run in 16:9 480p, or am I going to the Wonderful World of Letterbox Hell?
Edit - FUCK YEAH unjailed.
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
I've never seen quake running in a widescreen resolution.
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
Guitarfun is cool - but runs like crap and doesn't feel synched well at all on some songs.
Yeah, pretty much. The Homebrew Channel launched in June (edit: or was it late May? Either way.), and Twilight Hack not very long before that. These things take some time.
The early days of DS Homebrew were some slim pickings too, and now there's a huge amount of awesome stuff.
Nothing's forgotten, nothing is ever forgotten
SE++ Map Steam
Not at the moment I don't think, but I imagine it is possible.
Libogc includes a TCP/IP stack, so I imagine it's just a matter of time.
@Daedalus: GL2gx alpha is out, if you want to take a peek at it - http://wiibrew.org/wiki/Gl2gx - he's got some examples out too.
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
I was just testing a Mario MMO with a few guys awhile back, so yes.
Screenshots or it didn't happen.
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
Tyrian Wii is pretty fun. No way to save that I've found, however.
NNID: Glenn565