Lots of us have our own ideas about how to run things. Everyone's had a moment where they thought "If everyone would just shut the fuck up I could fix this!" What with all the problems that plague mankind, how would you run the world if you were in control and had no one to answer to?
Here's a few of the policies I'd put into motion:
1) Replace roads and personal transportation with public transportation in urban areas.
2) Implement public transportation for smaller, rural communities.
3) Replace privately owned food service industry establishments and grocery stores with government run centers that provide healthy rations.
4) Create government fitness centers and implement mandatory exercise: you must attend a fitness center daily at your scheduled time to earn credits.
5) Luxury products and services require citizens to spend the credits they earn at fitness centers in addition to money, such as electronic entertainment and sweets. For example, citizens may only buy up to two hours of television daily, and cannot pay for any day in advance.
6) Companies may not use substances that can cause harm to consumers in their products.
7) Students who do not attend school or who do not meet academic standards will be detained until they either meet academic standards or a certain amount of time passes, after which they are expelled and will be employed for public works.
Thank you. I commend you for being above daydreaming.
BTW, I wouldn't be above any of these. I would have to do those things, too.
Yeah, I'd probably have to spend most of the rest of my life in hiding.
Your daydreams involves turning your fellows into chattel under some dystopian Platonic monarchy? Mine tend to be about movies, buildings, or flying a kite. I really need to fly a kite, it's been forever since I did it last.
In any event, what MKR said. There's no such thing as a truly benign despot so I'd bring about self representation. Only there'd be a Palestinian state, Turkmenistan, and all that other Wilsonian crap of self ideals. Also, replace all the power plants with nuclear, wind, solar, and geothermal.
Oh, and I'd totally do two chicks at the same time.
Well, if it says anything about me, when I read Brave New World I thought the society depicted was awesome and couldn't understand what Huxley thought was so bad about it.
Pfft, it isn't an empire until you conquer other worlds. Who're you gonna conquer with today's technology? Inanimate Martian rocks? Create some space colonies, have them rebel against your power and crush them under your rocketboot's heel, then we'll talk.
9) Have government scientists develop rocketboot.
10) Have government scientists develop second rocketboot to go with the first one.
edit: oh, wait, this has to be a joke, nvm. bit slow tonight.
You, sir, just won yourself a job as my chief advisor.
No, I'm totally serious. Near the end of the book I was literally thinking "What the fuck is John the Savage's problem?"
Can I grow a goatee and be a Vizier instead?
...You'll go far in this world, moniker. Far indeed.
11) Ban all religions and spiritual beliefs.
All of Hexmage's recent comments?
Are we assuming he's in a nigh invincible bunker? 27 is way too high.
How does one rule from a box? :P
Hrmph, fine. How about if I just make it illegal for anyone under 10 years of age to attend? Maybe that way children won't be indoctrinated so quickly...
Ah, I figured you were referring to beyond the OP.
There's a maths joke here, I'm just not seeing it.
You must approach it from the right angle.
haha nah, it seems that people who not only don't see a problem with completely sensation driven societies but also want to ban all religions are in short supply
what are you serious?
Then outlaw the color blue.
Banning blue will be tough. You're going to have to blacken the skies to show your commitment. Good luck with that.
Caste societies are an even worse idea than destroying all retail/merchant related industries.