I just graduated from highschool in June and I am wanting to travel to another country for 6-12 months to work and explore and just get some kind of different perspective on the world and hopefully broaden myself as a person. All that exciting stuff. I thought I would make a post here to see what people have to say about different places from personal experience.
I am going to be doing it through SWAP (Student Work Abroad Program)
They offer a good variety of different countries and I have narrowed it down to either
New Zealand
I am kind of hesitant to go to Ireland or Britain just because of the money factor as I am coming from Canada and our money is worth pretty much jack all over in Europe.
I am wanting to go to one of these countries and get a job (not quite sure doing what) and a place to live and from there work, make some money and just travel around in those countries see some different things and meet some new people.
Any help or tips or info or whatever you think would benefit me to know about any of these countries or just about this whole project in general particularly in regards to housing, employment and just general costs of stuff.
Please feel free to ask me anything too to get a better idea of what I'm doing.
I apologize if this isn't what you guys want to talk about in here but I thought it might be nice if some people could sound off from their own experiences as I imagine there must be a few travellers around these parts.
most of which are tiny.
I've always wanted to visit there.
provided you're sober.
But maybe it's only good for a week and a half holiday I don't know. It was also pretty hot every day in like the middle of winter (this was Brisbane btw), although compared to wellington pretty much anywhere is hot.
really, I think it depends on what your interests are. new zealand's good for outdoorsy types
and then britain you will be bitten by the most venomous blokes...
ireland will get you some leprechaun blowjobs.
and new zealand is the home of hobbits. how could you not pick this one!
Then again, you could become an ex-pat and fight the good fight.
Viva la revolucion!
i have always wanted to travel but so far have completely failed to leave the american continent
It was good times.
i think the one piece of advice i might offer is at the least, a couple days stopover in another country
canada to australia is unlikely to be direct, and you should take the opportunity to spend a few days somewhere quite different to either of them
most likely you would stop somewhere in asia, so go check out hong kong or bangkok or tokyo or wherever
or take time with it and go out of the cities if you like
just keep in mind that it wouldnt make much difference if any to the airfare, so the only extra cost between a 3 hour stopover and a 3 days stopover would be whatever hotel you stay at
be sure to check the whole visa thing, but dont expect any problems or to have to do anything at all. if one country wont let you stay a few days, choose another one unless you really had your sights on there. (im pretty sure hk is different to the rest of china with this, and easy to go to)
it was the best time I have ever had
france and italy maybe although i have already been there so huh
my mom did it, my uncle has done it, my friends talk about doing it
it seems like a thing that is Pretty Cool (trademark symbol hurr)
Didn't a cow try to kill you or something
And you should try France! Some of the best people I have kissed are from France! Perhaps they will kiss you too. Try the more Swiss-Alps side if you have winter clothes, or try the sweltering riots and molotov cocktails of Parisian student riots.
I always wanna go to Australia.
ghb is a club scene or "rave" drug
also a date rape drug
this explains everything
the only country I have on my dad is italy and he's going this month
oh wait, he's never been to cambodia! I win!
It explains why my ass always hurts on a Sunday morning, I'll tell you that for free.
Business or pleasure?
Mostly pleasure. I mean I'll be having a job there, but that's just so I have money to go do stuff.
it's really cheap. last year I flew to seven cities for just over 200 USD
Oh man, that sounds amazing WaM.
Goddammit, I want to go backpacking so bad.
I think my ticket cost $500 roundtrip and I spent another $500 when I was there -- this was in 2002, so you have to take that into account, but yeah, me + a backpack + hostels + trains and buses = total success
also yeah a cow did try to murder me
just buy a rail pass and roam