The new forums will be named Coin Return (based on the most recent vote)! You can check on the status and timeline of the transition to the new forums here.

Ultimate [Phalla] of Ultimate Destiny (Day *: Hollow Village Victory.)

Deep ThoughtDeep Thought Registered User regular
edited August 2008 in Critical Failures
I require a prophet to come and speak with me and relay your humble input to my magnificent audio receptors. Please indicate your preference in Lime.

Oh, and we're killing somebody today. Give me a vote in red.

If you have a win condition other than eliminating all the Corrupted it will have been made painfully clear.

Day 1, Addendum

More Archive:
I have detected an anomaly in the databanks. It seems we have been infested by a self replicating infection. I am preceeding in activation of our counter intrusition protocols. The first priority is to divide you into network hubs. List outputing now:

Group one
S9^w4347aqHJ6r4h§5X2<£z§H¤0R£Q/t{CA9Q>]UK=1@5W:6y seems the files containing the lists has been corrupted. This infection is preceeding more rapidly than anticipated.

Very well, divide yourselves into groups!

  • Groups can be no larger than 15 members.
  • No person may belong to more than a single group.
  • Groups will be judged based on Awesomeness and Population.
  • The Best Group gets Candy.
  • You may choose to be an utter loser and not join a group. Loser.
  • I will host proboards for each group.
  • Groups do have another function in the game.

To officially form a group one member sends me a PM with the roster of the group, the name and mission statement of your group. Woe to he/she who appears on more than one Roster! More damn Woe to people who send me a shitload of PMs with minor updates! It's likely a good idea to wait until evening unless you have a full roster and can't possibly add another member.

Original OP for Archival Purposes:
kuhlmeye wrote: »
So will we be starting tomorrow or Tuesday?

There will be stuff to do with a direct impact on the game in the thread starting tomorrow evening. This will be before the PMs are redistributed. I am aiming to redistribute the PMs and have the main portion of the game start the following evening.

Read the rules on signing up before you post! Order does not determine who takes part!

I have a dream... of a phalla where we can all play the character of our role freely and openly. Where we can have Shaq attacking Mr Rogers. Where B:L's crazy rants could actually be part of the game. Where everyone is given material to try and have fun playing their character. Hell, we're in the roleplaying forum, aren't we?

To that end I'm going to ask any who sign up to be willing to try and protray the character they're given. I know it can be "weird" but you're on the internet. Nobody is going to point and laugh. I'd also love it if people would swap to appropriate avatars but I won't require it. I do promise that roleplaying will in no way harm your chances of succeeding at the game. I've taken a few steps to prevent that kind of thing.

I'm going to be doing things differently with this game and by "things" I am chiefly referring to sign ups. We could have a mad dash for x number of spaces where all that is required of you is to post some lime text. That however is boring and not especially fair. I'd much rather the x number of players who are most willing to contribute to the game. To that end....

How to sign up:

Take your time. You have loads to think this through properly. The first PM I get won't be judged any more favorably than the last.

Write a role PM and PM it to me, Deep Thought. This role PM should contain a brief description of the character. A link to a decent amount of info on the character. A description of a special Phalla ability that this role possess. For specifics see the next post.

This will obviously not be a quick process. In fact you'll notice that robothero's game is ongoing. This game will in no way start until that game finishes. I will spend the intervening time editing the roles, their abilities and then overlaying a traditional Phalla "evil" group(s) over top of those roles.

In this thread:
Let's keep this thread on topic. This is going to mean discussion of mechanic ideas, limited discussion of ideas for character roles, questions, clarification requests, so on and such.

Deep Thought on


  • DevoutlyApatheticDevoutlyApathetic Registered User regular
    edited August 2008

    Do you really want a setting? This whole game is a giant excuse to have any character you (or I) like transfered into Phalla-land and give people a chance to be entertaining and entertained by our little community here.

    Oh fine:

    Somewhere, deep in the endless bounds of time exists a computer, a computer so great I am not worthy of calculating it's operating parameters. This computer consists of Life, the Universe and Everything. All that has been, all that will be, all that could be included within the bounds of creation or imagination are within this computer.

    This computer is a monument to Creation. To exist in perpetuity, a kind of immortality for our greatest Heroes and Villains, our most moving Thoughts and Dreams. A lasting bastion of what has come from consciousness preserved against all time, all trouble and all torments. Until now.....

    Buzz Buzz

    CJ Iwakura
    Cynic Jester
    Dac Vin
    El Skid
    Gorilla Salad
    Mushroom Pie
    Niceguy Myeye
    Sheep have Wool
    Toxic Toys

    • Must have an established personality (Pratchett's Death is good, Death in general is not).
    • Must be somewhat sane/able to usefully participate in a game of Phalla.
    • Can be fictional or real.
    • Can originate in a person, living or dead.
    • Can come from any form of fictional media/art/whatever.
    • Should have a reasonable amount of information easily available about them.
    • Be fun to try and play in character and entertaining to play along with.

    • Creativity is the chief virtue.
    • It is closely followed by Balance.
    • Abilities should be less useful than traditional Seer/Vig/Guard powers.
    • Abilities that involve actions on the users part are favored over passive abilites.
    • Better be part of a great PM and a damn cool idea if it involves killing/seering/guarding.

    PM Format:
    • Please keep the Mechanics section clearly at the end and start with the bolded Mechanics:
    • Any image in the PM must be hosted on your space until the game ends.
    • Images are awesome and win major points.
    • The same goes for premade avatars.
    • Try and adhere to the format below so editing these things is not a huge headache.

    Example "Good" PM:
    Title: You are....
    Moist von Lipwig!


    You are a confidence trickster of the amiable sort. You hustle people by giving them a chance to rip you off and when they greedily take you up on it they find out it doesn't work out quite as they expected. You do this because it's exciting and makes you feel alive. You're a friendly sort who doesn't want to hurt anybody but some people can't be stopped from hurting themselves....and if you get rich in the process you won't complain.

    Favorite Phrase: Trust me.
    Avatar: MoistAVA.png

    Mechanics: You love the thrill of danger. You feel really happy when only your wits and luck are keeping you ahead of the game. If you are attacked you will not die that night. However, you will die the first night you are not attacked from then on, as the thrill wears off and all you're left with is a civil service job.

    This is an example of an all around "Good" PM. The character is distinct, memorable, and I like him. I've included a solid wiki link with loads of good info, a good image of the character that's evocative. The mechanic is new, not very powerful but very flavorful and appropriate. (It also loses something when publically understood, so it won't be appearing in this game.)

    DevoutlyApathetic on
    Nod. Get treat. PSN: Quippish
  • Deep ThoughtDeep Thought Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Clarifications will go here. In the mean time, a glance at what originally made me think of this:

    Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny

    • Dibs: I don't care. The best PM of a given character will be chosen.
    • Multiple role submissions: Sure, but 24 hours between each PM in my inbox, a PM can have multiple submissions in it. Pick your best for the first one.
    • Evil Roles: There are none at this stage. After all PM's have been finalized a small number of them will be made into a traditional "mafia" group. The Roles have no impact on who is evil. Ghandi is just as likely to be evil as Ghengis Khan as is Hitler and Elmo.
    • Timing: I can not positively state when this game will run. My expectation is that around a week from now the game will start. It will follow the end of the current "Main" game.
    • Randomly Distrubted Roles: The PMs I get will be redistributed randomly. You are unlikely to get your own PM.
    • Matched Pairs: You may submit roles that are bound together in some fashion. (i.e. Masons, but plain masons are boring.)
    • Forbidden Mechanics: Conversion is unlikely to be acceptable. A converted bad guy effectively ends the game. If you can fix this issue go to.
    • Public Identity: Remember one of my goals is that the character a player is would be effectively public. This is a divergence from normal but it's no fun being Deadpool if you can't freely go around talking like a crazy dude.

    Deep Thought on
  • DevoutlyApatheticDevoutlyApathetic Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    We vote for erasure by !vote name. We damn well include the ! and the vote. If I don't understand a nickname/abbreviation then you didn't vote.

    We vote for prophethood by !vote name.

    We do not retract as we are men, or women, of our word. We can vote for other people though.

    Action Order: Actions are resolved in the order that they are received. A changed order has a new time stamp of one hour after the updated request is received for for each previous order. The first is on time, each additional is penalized an additional hour. An ability can not be made as "Too late" by this penalty.

    Quick Example: If A submits a kill on B at 1:00 and B submits a kill on A at 1:01 then B dies and A drinks some iced tea.

    How to properly link a post: If I require you to link a post to me in a PM follow this process: Look right of my name on this post. See that page type thing? Right click on that, copy link location and post that in. In some [noparse][url][/url][/noparse] tags would be cool.

    PM Targets:
    Any Orders are to be sent to Deep Thought
    Any Questions are to be sent to DevoutlyApathetic

    If your power requires you to PM me please state what exactly you are doing with your power to preserve my sanity.

    DevoutlyApathetic on
    Nod. Get treat. PSN: Quippish
  • DasUberEdwardDasUberEdward Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Oh man. I am. Super pumped. So many options.

    DasUberEdward on
  • real_pochaccoreal_pochacco Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Maaan this is all kinds of cool. Do we have any kind of estimate on when this will start? September?

    real_pochacco on
  • DevoutlyApatheticDevoutlyApathetic Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Maaan this is all kinds of cool. Do we have any kind of estimate on when this will start? September?

    It's the next game in line so when robothero's game ends this will step up. Honestly probably within a week from the estimates I've been given.

    DevoutlyApathetic on
    Nod. Get treat. PSN: Quippish
  • ecco the dolphinecco the dolphin Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Oh wow! I'd need so much time to do this properly. And rest assured, if I were to contribute to this, I would do it properly. =)

    Neato concept!

    Need to start brainstorming...

    ecco the dolphin on
    Penny Arcade Developers at
  • real_pochaccoreal_pochacco Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Maaan this is all kinds of cool. Do we have any kind of estimate on when this will start? September?

    It's the next game in line so when robothero's game ends this will step up. Honestly probably within a week from the estimates I've been given.

    Really? I mean if it starts in a week I would definitely be able to play, if it starts in two I won't. And I really really want to play.

    real_pochacco on
  • DevoutlyApatheticDevoutlyApathetic Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    The start date is really dependent upon when robothero's game ends. I could promise to kill you quickly or something I guess. I do expect it to be within the week best guess. I don't have more than that though.

    DevoutlyApathetic on
    Nod. Get treat. PSN: Quippish
  • cj iwakuracj iwakura The Rhythm Regent Bears The Name FreedomRegistered User regular
    edited August 2008
    I just now realized you're setting up for the next main, and here I thought this was a mini-esque project.


    So basically, we create the groundwork, and then the roles for the game proper will be overlayed on top of them once it begins?

    cj iwakura on
  • real_pochaccoreal_pochacco Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Will the bad guys be randomly generated? So any role could technically be bad? Will there even be sides?

    real_pochacco on
  • DevoutlyApatheticDevoutlyApathetic Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    cj iwakura wrote: »
    I just now realized you're setting up for the next main, and here I thought this was a mini-esque project.


    So basically, we create the groundwork, and then the roles for the game proper will be overlayed on top of them once it begins?

    Yes. This is a "everybody is special" game akin to Phalla Phalla. The bad guys will have extra abilities on top of what they'd have from their roles.
    Will the bad guys be randomly generated? So any role could technically be bad? Will there even be sides?

    Absolutely. Ghandi and Ghengis Khan have equal chances of being "bad" as do Hitler and Elmo. This is going to be more like a traditional phalla than a faction based game.

    DevoutlyApathetic on
    Nod. Get treat. PSN: Quippish
  • real_pochaccoreal_pochacco Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Can we negotiate mechanics with you? As in, if the mechanic is not as balanced as you'd like, will you necessarily reject it outright?

    real_pochacco on
  • DevoutlyApatheticDevoutlyApathetic Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Can we negotiate mechanics with you? As in, if the mechanic is not as balanced as you'd like, will you necessarily reject it outright?

    No, I expect to have to edit the mechanics. Remember the roles will be randomly distributed after the game starts so what becomes of the role you submitted won't be known to you until some later point (the end of the game most like.)

    Edit: Err....I won't reject an otherwise awesome PM because I disagree with the mechanics. I'll just fix the mechanics before I distribute the roles.

    DevoutlyApathetic on
    Nod. Get treat. PSN: Quippish
  • real_pochaccoreal_pochacco Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Can I send you a rough draft? Or should I just wait till I got everything together?

    real_pochacco on
  • cj iwakuracj iwakura The Rhythm Regent Bears The Name FreedomRegistered User regular
    edited August 2008
    In that case, will we be informed of the changes made to it?

    cj iwakura on
  • DevoutlyApatheticDevoutlyApathetic Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    cj iwakura wrote: »
    In that case, will we be informed of the changes made to it?

    Not until the end of the game. Otherwise it's too prone to "matching" abuse.
    Can I send you a rough draft? Or should I just wait till I got everything together?

    In general I would rather you wait until you've got a generally finalized version. If you have specific questions you can PM me but try and not go too far on that. While I don't have any yet I expect my PM box will be flooded soon enough.

    Though do remember that PMs should be sent to Deep Thought and not this account.

    DevoutlyApathetic on
    Nod. Get treat. PSN: Quippish
  • real_pochaccoreal_pochacco Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Well I don't want to go to the trouble of hosting an av and such if my idea isn't very good, you know?

    real_pochacco on
  • enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Can we submit a matched pair with linking mechanics? Stupid example I would never use: Mario and Luigi as masons.

    enlightenedbum on
    The idea that your vote is a moral statement about you or who you vote for is some backwards ass libertarian nonsense. Your vote is about society. Vote to protect the vulnerable.
  • DevoutlyApatheticDevoutlyApathetic Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    If you want to know if a character is appropriate I can answer that real quick. The mechanics will be made to work one way or the other. Drop me a quick PM if you're worried about secrecy.

    DevoutlyApathetic on
    Nod. Get treat. PSN: Quippish
  • DevoutlyApatheticDevoutlyApathetic Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Can we submit a matched pair with linking mechanics? Stupid example I would never use: Mario and Luigi as masons.

    Yes. Though standard masons are rather boring.

    DevoutlyApathetic on
    Nod. Get treat. PSN: Quippish
  • enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Can we submit a matched pair with linking mechanics? Stupid example I would never use: Mario and Luigi as masons.

    Yes. Though standard masons are rather boring.

    Well, obviously, I have a devious plan.

    enlightenedbum on
    The idea that your vote is a moral statement about you or who you vote for is some backwards ass libertarian nonsense. Your vote is about society. Vote to protect the vulnerable.
  • Deep ThoughtDeep Thought Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    I am not disappointed in these first PMs.


    Deep Thought on
  • enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Argh, I closed the wrong window and I just had my two finished. I am dumb.

    enlightenedbum on
    The idea that your vote is a moral statement about you or who you vote for is some backwards ass libertarian nonsense. Your vote is about society. Vote to protect the vulnerable.
  • crimsoncoyotecrimsoncoyote Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Much awesome must go into my PM... /ponder

    crimsoncoyote on
  • enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    There, I might send another one sometime tomorrow but I don't have a good mechanic yet.

    enlightenedbum on
    The idea that your vote is a moral statement about you or who you vote for is some backwards ass libertarian nonsense. Your vote is about society. Vote to protect the vulnerable.
  • MrBlarneyMrBlarney Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    I think I have a good mechanic, but I don't have a character to match it to... hmm, are we allowed to make multiple submissions or is it strictly one per player, doubly acting as a signup for the game?

    MrBlarney on
  • DevoutlyApatheticDevoutlyApathetic Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    MrBlarney wrote: »
    I think I have a good mechanic, but I don't have a character to match it to... hmm, are we allowed to make multiple submissions or is it strictly one per player, doubly acting as a signup for the game?

    You may make multiple submissions. I'd prefer to only get a single PM per each single forumer per a 24 hour period. You may put multiple roles in a single PM but if I am crushed under an avalanche of PMs I can only guarantee I'll evaluate the first one, so put your best on top.

    Though I'm likely being overly cautious I just don't want to totally bust the PM box over there.

    DevoutlyApathetic on
    Nod. Get treat. PSN: Quippish
  • ObbiObbi Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited August 2008
    Oh God, am I bad at this.

    DA, prepared for multiple submissions.

    Obbi on
  • HylianbunnyHylianbunny Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    I'm satisfied with my initial submission. Are you, DA? :P

    Hylianbunny on
  • EdcrabEdcrab Actually a hack Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    This sounds brilliant, but I'm having a good hard think before submitting anything. Mostly because my ideas thus far kind of hinge on there being compatible roles elsewhere, which kind of defeats the object...

    Edcrab on
  • DevoutlyApatheticDevoutlyApathetic Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Obbi wrote: »
    Oh God, am I bad at this.

    DA, prepared for multiple submissions.

    I have no idea what you just sent me but I think...I think it might be awesome. It does have a red x in it though.
    I'm satisfied with my initial submission. Are you, DA? :P

    The mechanics need a little fleshing out but I'll take an awesome PM with mechanics that need a little fleshing out anyday. The intent is clear and I think I already have a way to do something that should work well.

    DevoutlyApathetic on
    Nod. Get treat. PSN: Quippish
  • ObbiObbi Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited August 2008
    Obbi wrote: »
    Oh God, am I bad at this.

    DA, prepared for multiple submissions.

    I have no idea what you just sent me but I think...I think it might be awesome. It does have a red x in it though.

    Weird, Oh, Oh no!

    I linked the original image!


    Obbi on
  • GumpyGumpy There is always a greater powerRegistered User regular
    edited August 2008
    This is a universe of choice

    I must dwell on this

    Gumpy on
  • ObbiObbi Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited August 2008
    you are Thursday

    shut up and be Thursday, Gumpday!

    Obbi on
  • GumpyGumpy There is always a greater powerRegistered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Yes but PM's are randomly jigged around and sent to people once you send them in

    So If I send Thursday in then someone else might be Thursday

    a pickle

    Gumpy on
  • ObbiObbi Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited August 2008
    Perhaps, but give it your best at any rate!

    Or we could just throw decency into the wind and try to do a "who can create the worst role" contest with this.

    Obbi on
  • GumpyGumpy There is always a greater powerRegistered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Any role I create will be fun

    Gumpy on
  • ElldrenElldren Is a woman dammit ceterum censeoRegistered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Are there any sorts of mechanics that are strictly forbidden?

    Elldren on
    fuck gendered marketing
  • ArdorArdor Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    While I'm not sure if I'll have the time to participate, I did submit a role.

    EDIT:Elldren, you should try something new!

    Make the ability something along the lines of:

    "Usable once/twice per game. You can state in yellow text that you hate your team and need a new one and you will randomly be assigned a different win condition."

    It'd be like a mercenary or chameleon type role?

    Ardor on
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