TFS is banned, Pony is still annoying, I am dissapointed and I can't believe how long that thread got.
In the interests of unfairness, here are the votes in what I told you was a secret ballot
#pipe AceFantastic Antimatter artifexite Bacon-BuTTy CJTheran Dayspring DeadlySherpa Dislexic Dyrwen66 Eeevil Filler Inc. Fishman FyreWulff Green Lantern gurusloth Hullabaloo Muse Among Men NotACrook PlanB Quoth rehtonAesoohC Rinder sarukun Sorenson spono Stormwatcher TehChowd TehSpectre Ten0101 The_Reflection thorgot Wavechaser Wombat!! ZeroCow
Cardboard Tube
& the Knights 0megaman @!#$##%#@ AaronKI Agentflit Alchemist449 Alethiometer AlwaysAngryGuy Amphetamine Andorien Andrew Ryan Arcade Artreus Ash-Housewares Ashcroft atat23 avatare B.C. babyeatingjesus beavotron Behemoth Best Buy Big Luke Nasty Big Red Tie Bloodsheed BlueBlue Bob Joel Brodo Faggins Burden of Proof C010SSUS Captain Ultra Cardboard Tube Cerrius CGH CmdPrompt collinc Commodore Axilon contraband Cynic Jester Daedalus Dark Moon darkenedwing Darkewolfe DasUberEdward Decadence DeeLock defrag Devlin_Dragonus DodgeBlan Dogbone33 Dr. Tamkin dragon keeper x Drez Dunadan019 Dusda dyaballikl Dyscord EddieDean Elbonian Man ElJeffe elkna Elldren EvilBadman Fall Fartacus_the_Mighty Fearghaill Fedoramoose Feels Good Man Feral finalflight89 Fire Truck Flammable1 Fohn FrylockHolmes Fuga Fugitive FunkyWaltDogg futility galenblade Gim Goofball Goose! Gorilla Salad Grath Graves Greeper Grey Ghost Grooveman23 Gumpy Haikufrenzy HallowedFaith Headless hoodie13 Hurt and Burn Iloveslimes Infidel IpseDixit iSuck Janin JCRooks JoahW Johannen kdrudy kedinik Kevar Kevin Crist killa283 Killjoy Knob LastAndroid Legacy Lewisham Lezta LightReaper Local H Jay LockedOnTarget LookFreeGrenade Madfizzicks Mai-Kero MechMantis Milquetoast Thug MisterAlex Mr. Buttons MrMonroe Mustang No Great Name Obbi OmegaTofuNinja Opty OremLK PaleCommander Passerbye Peewi Penguin Incarnate PeregrineFalcon phekno Plutonium PolloDiablo Pony Premier kakos Qingu quibblebarf quovadis13 r-jasper Raiden333 Ramen Noodle RandomKit Ranx Raslin redfenix Renzo Repox Robert Khoo ronzo Rook RowdyTheDog Ryadic Safety Stick SageinaRage Salvation122 Saph Satan. schmads Scosglen Scroffus scsscs sedo Seguer Sgt Eversman Shadowen Shikao Shogun skinny87 sligmasta SniperGuy sonicshapes Sousuke Squirrelmob Steel Angel stumbleshoe Sueve tardcore Taximes TehSloth Teriferin tgbob That_Guy That_Spoony_Bard The Cheese The Cow King The End Is Nigh TheElite1 The_Scarab Thomamelas thorpe TK-42-1 Tofystedeth TrainwreckX Transparent Trell Trus Trustkill TychoCelchuuu TyrantCow Urian vegeta_666 visiblehowl vsove wavecutter Wiseguy Wonder_Hippie Wren Xenogears of Bore Yorker yourclothes yutt zanetheinsane Zen Vulgarity zimfan
Auntie Shibby
-smash ACTION JARED Aldo ALifeCalledKarma Aneurhythmia Arnan Asamof the Horrible Belruel BigDes bsjezz Candlemass Caulk Bite Cilla Black Computer Generated Faggotry Concept Cosmic Sombrero Crovax Daemas DarkPrimus Darth Waiter Davoid Der Waffle Mous DERC95 devices divine willy DrIanMalcolm Fallout FAQ Favlaud Fokkar Fubar'd gazamc Ham HankScorpio humorbot5 I'd Fuck Chuck Lidell Up Janson JC of DI Kovak Krentz Kuribo's Shoe Lady Eri Linksville L|ama Makershot Marshmallow Metzger Meister Moriveth Mr. Az Mr. G Mr. Henry Bemis Mystral721 Niceguyeddie616 Nikolai One Thousand Dicks Orikaeshigitae Randomfool Raneados rhylith Rygar satansfingers Sean Penn Is A Gay Faggot Seg seizureorbs Shifty Fister Skippywan Smasher Snowbeat Soundwave Spectre-x stimtokolos Stormin Joe TetraRay thanimations That Dave Fella ThatDudeOverThere The Black Hunter The Iron Chancellor the wook Thrace tony_important trentsteel Typhus733 Vampire_Goldfish Volucrisus Aedrius VulnoX Wallhitter Weaver WhipstitchZombie Xagarath XenoZergie Zephyr zhen_rogue Zombies Tossed My Salad! Zonugal
-SPI- AbsoluteZero Anjin-San Apothe0sis Arkady ascot august Bibble Bloods End Bob From Accounting bombardier bongi Brian4120 Chaos Theory CorporateGoon Crimsonmonkey Culver Dadouw Dark_Neko_Sakura Darth Aardvark Dely Apple denihilist devotfeige DMAC Docshifty DrZiplock Elendil Elki Ergandar Fabricate fallaxdraco Fandyien Fig-D Fletcher Frosteey Gear Girl Gork Gyral Hayasa Herby His Corkiness humble Irond Will Isa japan Javen jkylefulton Joon juice for jesus Koshian KrataLightblade LineNoiz Little Jim lostwords LoveIsUnity MagicToaster Marathon meatflower Meissnerd Mgcw Mister Longbaugh Monkeybomb Monoxide Ol' Sparky Pb Phonehand PotU PRËTËNTIÖüS Prof. Awesome Projeck protostorm QuestionMarkMan Regular Stormy reminderGTO Rizzi robothero SalmonOfDoubt Sars_Boy Scudo sdrawkcaB emaN Secret Santa Senjutsu Servo shugarae Starfuck stilist Stover Synthetic Orange Szechuanosaurus tehcoolryan Thanatos The Far Side The Geebs That Is A Mod The Moustache Bandit TripKMA txt UpUpDown weather man bob Xabial Xaquin Xeroxed Soul Zoel
3_eyed_weasel ANTVGM64 Arcibi Aurin Bitch CaptainTapole Conn CrackedLens Davehead Dee Kae Fuzzy Cumulonimbus Cloud Hacksaw Hjorvarthr IronChef Iskander Jacques L'Homme Jasconius Jerick JonnyBot Kajusta KalTorak Kayne Red Robe Label Lawlzor Malkor Nakkurusu SA SeñorAmor Sir Red of the Manti Twinsen Voth
The Far Side (basically everyone)
Acheron Agent Cooper AgentBryant Akira Alastar Allygory Ambivalent Angry Apparition8 archonwarp Areté Arikado Aroduc arod_77 Arrahnuuk As7 Asher ASimPerson Barcardi Barrakketh Battle Jesus Bbaj Bedlam Beef Avenger Belisius Blankspace BloodyRoarXX Bob Sapp Bogdanich Bogey BoredGamer Bucketman Bushi Campion Canada_jezus CapnMango Captain Cthulhu Captain Eleven celery77 Charlie_Foxtrot2 Cheezy cheshire ChipsNQueso chrishallett83 Chrysis Chubbly Clayton Bigsby Cloaked Cloudman Cogliostro Cold Salmon and Hatred CorpseRT Cowboy-Bebop CptKemzik Crawford Creative_Evil Critical CrossBuster crwth Dardrax Daric darleysam Dave The Rave Defenestrator Dehumanized dexo Dichotomy DiscountNinja Doc doublehawk00 Druhim eddizhere EggNog El Jeffe's Bitch epburn eryu90 Event Horizon Evigilant Evil Multifarious Faricazy FarseerBaradas Faynor Fellhand FishFriday Fiz Flarne Flyingman Fodder Futt Bucker Gatsuioki Geekmafia glithert Godspeed Goodsoup gray matter Graydeath Hades Hakunin Hamju Henroid HitScan HoA-player Hobnail Homp Hoodie Houk Hunter Hylianbunny I Win Swordfights I.H.N.I.W.T.R. Indica1 infofcer Inquisitor InvisibleInk IrishChronicle JAEF JamSessionEin Jazz Samurai Jebu Jedoc JimBobtheMonkey JohnHam Johnny Skins Just_Bri_Thanks Keith Kelbaenor Kelor Khavall Kincaid KingMole Kochikens koiz korodullin Krosius Lardalish laughingfuzzball Ledneh Leitner Lemming lessmore Lokiamis Lol! Look Out it's Sabs! Lt. Eggman5 Lucky Cynic Macro9 Malice Aforethought Mandalorian Rooster maraxus94 Marcus and His Band Of Mysterious Disco Ravens matthias00 Mavian McGruff Medopine Melding MikeMan MistaCreepy Mongrel Idiot Monkeyfeet Mouserecoil mrpaku msuitepyon mtvcdm mully Munacra Munkus Beaver Mushroom Pie Mysst Narian NATIK Nekro Nerindil neville Newtron NinjaSquirrel Nuzak Oatway Oboro Odin Officer Olivaw Orestes Osvik Ozzrif pabh PaperFootball Peas pengu Pharezon physi_marc PikaPuff pinenut_canary PJAKone Podly Prosthetic Conscience Qorzm Quadrophenia Quid Ranced Randall_Flagg Randi Rankenphile RatherDashing real_pochacco Redeemer redstormpopcorn RedTide RedZero Regrettable Rentilius Riale RiemannLives Rolo Rorus Raz Sal Sara Lynn Septus Seta 3000 Shady3011 SharpyVII ShimSham Shorn Scrotum Man SirToasty SLAMMU snarks Someguy Johnson Something Witty Soup space_satan spamtastick Spoony squinut Stale STATE OF THE ART ROBOT Stew_Stick Stuf Stupornaut Swagger Talonious_monk Tav The Count Of Midget Fisto The Geek The Lovely Bastard The Merchant The Muffin Man The Ragin' Canadian the Togfather TheBlackWind theclam Theidar TheLawinator TheOneWhoStoodUp TheRealBadger TheSmacker Threadbare Sock TNTrooper To Slip Away Tog Tokled transistorsect Trust TSI|Awesome twispby Uncle Long unpurposed Usagi Vann Diras Varth Varvazovsky Veretas Viscountalpha Vladimer Walrus webguy20 wenchkilla Weretaco Werewulfy WhiteZinfandel Wiley Wimble Winnie The Pooh World as Myth X Equals Loser Yar YardGnome Yoshua Ziac45 ZombieAsuma Zombiemambo Zombot
Auntie Shibby Darian Flippy_D iowa jacobkosh Kazhiim Larlar Misterioso MKR Moe Fwacky Preacher Ramius RocketSauce Shankusu the cheat The Dude With Herpes The Otaku Suppository yakul
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
this is why you should never leave us tube
Ramius is against you Orik!
Yeah TFS posted in the previous thread when the votes already showed him ahead.
i freaking tried
that said hey what up pony voters what it isssssssss
But Tube is.
Apparently, damn.
I never cared much for Teefs, but it's still lame for her (or anyone) to get banned as part of some silly poll.
Man, looking at that list that's some pretty good company.
ahahaha oh my god deni showed up to vote for pony.
Huh. I almost feel like I'll miss seeing her around.
Sort of like how Batman wouldn't ever really be challenged if it weren't for Joker.
Meh. C'est La Vie
Uhoh. Self hate all up ins.
as for the tfs votes
well i could do a person by person analysis of this shit but i ain't got all night
suffice to say ya'll bitches is foolish
Look at it. LOOK AT IT
In the interests of keeping it unfair, he'll probably ban the person with the least votes. Or no one, it all being an exercise in having everybody public announce who they hate most.
some dudes were trying their darndest to stack the decks
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
Quick Lonbaugh start making the Free TFS t-shirts
do you have any idea how much typing that would have involved
Steam | XBL: Elazual |