Now I know that PAX just so happens to be the happiest place on earth and that arguing otherwise is futile, but a member of my family is going to be leaving the country for several years about a week after PAX and that has just become a huge raincloud over my PAX parade. The other day I was walking around dowtown with a friend and I saw a guy with a sign saying "free hugs" and so I asked for a hug because I had become quite depressed, long story short I have decided to offer free hugs at PAX to give other people that warm fuzzy feeling that I was lucky enough to feel. P.S. Sorry about the awful writing I am a little tired.
But why is it always that the person giving them out is probably someone I wouldn't want to hug?
So I'm going to start charging for my hugs. Why? Because people love exclusive shit. My hugs are exclusive.
They're like Louis Vuitton Hugs.
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.......... oh em gee. but ia gree with the fact that the free huggerees are always...... are never the ones you wanna hug.
... but i might make an exception if you bathe.
This is important: WAS he wearing a utilikilt.?
My mom was so excited about hugging that guy.
my friend used to look basically exactly like him with the yellow trucker hat and everything and everyone would always come up to him and give him hugs... it was kind of creepy though >.>
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A: "What do you want from me?!?!?"
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I would gladly participate in donating some hugs
After those 55 hugs are gone you're gonna have to wait for a new Limited run to be released. Each hug will be certified to be authentic.
These are finely crafted hugs. California-made and full of Sunshine and "Dude-osity", ingredients native to California.
And yeah, you can get hugs from many people but remember, all cars are essentially the same, some are just better.
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but how can we tell the difference between your hugs and other, inferior hugs flooding the market? after all, some of us can only accept a limited number of hugs, and we want them to be quality. but you can't un-hug. what should we do?
They come with authentication that it's an original "Vander" hug. You'll know the moment you're embraced that it's different. Like fine leather seats in a car compared to that of a fabric seat.
Like an Apple product, every detail is meticulously planned so it's not just a hug, it's an experience.
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I swear, if any of you try to hug me, I'll mace you.
Who wants to join my "Free Glomp" Brigade.
*disclaimer: glomping especially including "mega-glomping" if done by uber-n00bz can result in areas of bruising, scratches, and even bloody noses.*
**disclaimer 2: it's totally f'ing worth it**