Sorry ladies*.
Beards are a unique way of changing your "look". You can't lose it like a hat but it's easier to remove than a tattoo. And there are several ways to change yourself with facial freshness.
The art of facial hair has an interesting history, especially in terms of social acceptance. In the U.S., beards went from being an incredibly popular style with military types in the Civil War to being a hallmark of a peace-loving hippie. Jesus Christ had a beard, giving them a divine seal of approval.
Some young men shave their whole lives without considering the potential of their face-based follicles. But something so easily undone, so temporary, shouldn't be ignored. You owe it to yourself to, at least once, to put down the razor and let nature take its course. Consider this thread an invitation to the lovely world of beards.
I made this thread mostly for support. Part of a beard's success is sticking with it: many men will abort their beards before it can truly grow. We have threads for exercising, quitting various things...why not growing a beard? Perhaps by having a group of fellow chin-warmers you can have more reasons to stick with it.
So post here with pictures of your beards, tips for grooming or simply letting us know how long you've managed to keep yourself unshaven.
A good site for styles and pictures is
All About Beards, which has plenty of user-submitted pictures of a variety of styles. It also details how to properly groom and maintain a beard. There's got to be at least one type of beard here you can physically be capable of growing.
Beard Stylings is an alternate source, but lacks a lot of images and doesn't offer hints for specific beard types.
My apologies to women with rare conditions and the hard-working carnival folk of the world.
As a 19 year old male, I've decided to try out some of this "beard" thing.
I can't really think of anything else to add besides that, though.
but I cheer for beards, they are beautiful.
My beard and I strongly endorse this thread!
We share mustaches, apparently.
And everytime I try to grow a beard, it turns out all scraggly and patchy. The damn thing doesn't grow evenly across my jaw/neck.
But I look forward to seeing you all go from fresh faced boys to grizzly Thanatosians. Godspeed, you bushy bastards.
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Right now I sport a full on beard and moustache combo.
Although I'm thinking of either going with a straight stache and goat combo that I'd then transition to a Van Dyke, or just shaving the beard off in favor of cultivating a handle bar of magnificant proporitons.
~ Buckaroo Banzai
I haven't shaved in a couple of weeks, maybe I should do...? People might stop mistaking me for a girl at least.
The center of my 'stache gets very bushy and sticks out rather than going down. I'm looking at solutions, but I've already trimmed a good chunk just because I didn't like getting drink in it.
I sport a stylish goatee, though it takes me about a week to go into full on scruffy mountain man. I can't grow a long beard though... not for lack of trying during my college years. Sort of. I stopped sleeping for a few weeks and ended up some kind of Himalayan sheep herder, but my beard never got past about an inch long.
edit: i can pull off a damned fine soul patch though =p
I would be Gabe.
Or really any of Edward Norton's facial hair combos
Edit: ironically I would prefer to look like my avatar. The beard is only there because I usually don't bother shaving, or indeed looking in a mirror, most days.
Double Edit: Note that my hair in that pic is probably a month or two regrown from being shaved. Both beard and rest-of-hair go through that same cycle--when it gets in my way, it goes, then is allowed to grow back.
I hear the term tossed around frequently, but have yet to see a line drawn to say "here there be neckbeard".
Where does the neckbeard end, and the true manly beard begin?
It's odd that this thread came up at this time. I shaved my beard off last week, and promptly remembered why I decided to grow the thing in the first place. Sadly, I'm not genetically predisposed to rapid growing facial hair, and in the last week have only managed a fairly respectable 5 o'clock shadow.
Hey Kanye would do anything for a van dyke (beard).
QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
To me its a beard that exists exclusively or nearly so below the jawline.
QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
Encyclopedia Dramatica (font of all knowledge, I know) indicates that it's only truly a neckbeard when the beard is there to delineate jaw and neck. So it's for people like George Lucas.
This is me now:
I will not shave it. Ever. I have an uncorrected overbite, so my chin appears to recede. My beard adds much-needed definition to my chin. I am pretty meticulous about keeping it trim, though.
Also: conditioned. Scratchy whiskers = not good for kissing (or other things), and conditioner keeps it soft(er).
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
Far be it from me to judge one of the earliest American pencil producers.
so it's actually a beard that entirely avoids the neck?
I thought there was overlap, but I think the picture of Mr. Thoreau showed I was wrong. If that's not a neckbeard then the word should be banished to the deepest depths of lexicon hell.
Here's State of the Beard for me. Very bad; I should probably do something with it, but I don't care. Why do I post in the care-about-your-beard thread then? Science.
That one totally is.
We've basically got the same beard, I just keep my shorter, and there's a lot more blonde, making it look splotchy.
Unfortunately, as the legend goes, men in my family cannot grow respectable beards until our mid-thirties. Being 28, it would seem I've got a ways to go yet.
And this is my girl, proudly wearing my mustache: