This game is coming out two weeks from today, you may have heard of it.
Mercenaries 2: World in FlamesPublisher: The ever-increasing-in-respectability Electronic Arts
Developer: Those lovable blokes at Pandemic StudiosWhat systems is Mercs 2 hitting? And when?
I'm so glad you asked! This game is coming August 31, 2008 to the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Microsoft Windows, and, in a bout of good luck for people who haven't upgraded, PlayStation 2.
So what is this game about?
As in the last game, you get to play as one of three mercenaries from a wide variety of (three) ethnic backgrounds:
(From left to right) Jennifer Mui, Mattias Nilsson, Chris Jacobs
Your motivation includes two things: money and revenge. Wikipedia does a better job of explaining the plot specifics, so take it away Wikipedia!
Mercenaries 2: World in Flames is set in August 2010. The story follows the player's hunt for Ramon Solano, a druglord who contracted the player's mercenary for a job then subsequently refused to pay and tried to kill him/her. Following a militaristic coup, Solano becomes the dictator of Venezuela. He uses his position to seize control of the country's oil supply, resulting in an international incident and distress among OPEC. Alongside Solano's Rebel Forces, a large portion of the Venezuelan army fiercely support the dictator's cause. The other rebel forces, in opposition to Solano, have risen under the name of the PLAV--the People's Liberation Army of Venezuela. Soon, numerous other factions join the fight for control of Venezuela's oil. Among them: The massive Universal Petroleum Corporation and its private military; the Rastafarian Pirates (the equivalent of the Russian Mafia from the original Mercenaries game); China's PLA; and the AN (Allied Nations--a less controversial pun on the UN). These six forces will inevitably form the backbone of a war to determine the fate of the country's oil supply.
Betrayed, the player's mercenary will ally him/herself with any of the other factions to get even with Solano, and make some money along the way.
So something about oil. Point is, dude double-crossed you, now everyone and their mother is against him, and you can unite with whomever you like to completely fuck his day.
How do I go about fucking his day?
The answer is simple:
The first game featured completely destructible environments, and the new game promises "improved" destructible environments. What this means exactly, I'm not sure. All I know is that it may look nicer when I decimate a building with a helicopter.
They've also been building up about how realistically fire will act in this game, this being the motivation behind the subtitle World in Flames. Arsonists will totally dig this game.
Does it have pretty screenshots?
Hell no! It has
manly screenshots. Check this out:
There's also a screenshot which shows girl power!
Any cool trailers? this thread is for:
Discussion of the game, der hyuk. Mainly because the game is two weeks away and there has been next-to-no hype for it. I'm not even that well-informed myself! It's true. For example, the card system from the game, is it back? These are questions that need answering.
If you have not had the pleasure of playing Mercenaries 1, it's cheap as hell on PS2 and Xbox, and is back-compatible on 360. The term back-compatible is usedlightly, because it apparently runs like shit.
And don't get me wrong furthermore, I love Mattias
But that is some fuck ugly boxart
I was hoping they would do something cool like having the boxes for each system feature a different mercenary.
Alas, it wasn't to be.
-Dr. Horrible
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
Evil Avatar - Daily Gaming News.... With Attitude
I think I'm the only who doesn't like the new Redesigns
What's wrong with Jennifer?
Her and the other Guy (Sorry, I don't know his name and saying 'da black guy' seems so gauche.) seem very generic and the main character seems a little too X-Games Xtreme Mercenary for my tastes.
I loved the first game, I think I'm looking for just a tiny bit more variety in the characters. In a first person shooter what your character looks like isn't important, but in a 3rd person title your little avatar is right there in the middle of the screen the whole time.
It isn't much of a complaint, I'm sure the game will be a total blast.
-Dr. Horrible
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
Evil Avatar - Daily Gaming News.... With Attitude
Honestly, that sounds even cooler.
Who needs to be subtle when you have the Merchant of Menace on your PDA, anyway
So should I go back and finish it?
But hell yeah, go back and finish it. The game was made for OCD people like me: 52 people to take down (dead or alive, which means alive to me), statues to blow up, plans to find. It was just gaming bliss. Totally came out of nowhere too.
I look forward to this. I call Jacobs.
That worked out nicely.
Now no one else can play.
We can play co-op. I'll be Matthias for when the shit hits the fan and you need to bomb them back to the stone age.
Sorry, ladies first.
Though if it makes you all feel better, I'll be getting this on PS3, where multiplayer will be a barren wasteland.
Hell, I'm somewhat expecting them to add in tumbleweeds to the game world on the PS3 version.
Read that last part again, just to be sure.
I loved GTA3, and GTA4 was an amazing game, but unless they seriously cock this up, Mercs will continue to be my favorite game in the free roaming genre, by a long shot.
Motorcycle with guns!
PSN/XBL: dragoniemx
I'm up for a game when it comes out. I don't mind playing whoever's left (tried all three in Mercs 1. Was worth it just for the comments you get talking to Fiona.)
Did anyone else get the Dynamite Comic series leading into the second game?
Man I hope there is the option for friendly fire, or at least with respawning.
'Oops sorry I dropped a fuel air bomb on you by mistake'
The IGN hands-on co-op preview recently said that friendly fire was an option, so you can turn it on or off.
I am a freaking nerd.
Also, were there pre-order incentives for this? 'Cause I totally didn't get any and didn't think to ask.
I just preordered from amazon, wasn't anything special on that, and haven't heard about any special editions. Could've missed it though. I just realized that this game comes out like 5 days before spore. Dammit this month is getting expensive.
I am a freaking nerd.
Shit, you're kidding me! I thought Spore was more in the middle of the month or something. Tales of Vesperia, Mercenaries 2, and Spore are all coming out one after the other. Gaming industry, you're breaking my balls.
I'm getting Spore, Merc 2, and Force Unleashed this month. And yeah, EA has actually been publishing good stuff lately, whats up with that?
I am a freaking nerd.
I've said it in past years (but I was lying then), but seriously, best year ever. Tales of Vesperia, Mercs 2, Spore, Tomb Raider: Underworld, The Force Unleashed, Mirror's Edge, Gears of War 2, Rock Band 2, GH:WT, Infinite Undiscovery, Too Human, Fable 2, Little Big Planet, Disgaea 3, Fallout 3 and probably a lot more I'm forgetting too.
Granted there a few of those I'm not interested in personally, but this year reeks of quality.
I'm buying far to many of those than I want to think about right now :P I'm getting the PS3 version of the game too - I'm sick of my damned 360 freezing.
I am a freaking nerd.
I'm really glad they got Peter Stormare back to do Nilsson.
Any versus multiplayer in Mercenaries 2 would be sweet, what with the awesome destructibility, but alas, it's only shipping with co-op.
XBL/PSN-Polaris314/Twitter/DJ P0LARI5