This movie is so bad it teeters on genius. I have never left a theater where everyone was so entertained yet universally agreed the film they just viewed was pure crap. This movie has nothing to offer. There is nothing story wise or effect wise that has not been seen in dozens of movies before it. Jason Statham and Ian McShane both bring a level of cool and fun characters that wouldn't work with most other actors, and honestly saved this from being just flat awful.
I can only imagine knuckle dragging redneck folk who put a massive amounts of obscene accessories on their 97 Ford F-150's to go muddin' and shoot beer cans, to actually think this movie was anything more than a cinematic abortion. It may be from a technical point of view, one of the worst movies i have ever seen. From the shaky camera, to the poor script, to plot holes you could drive the "Dreadnaught" through, Deathrace is just filth.
YET for some reason i enjoyed it. The audience was literally laughing AT the film in many points where that was clearly not the intention. During the beating of one of Frankie's (Statham) pit crew, people were cheering when we were clearly supposed to be concerned and angered. (When you see this "rainman" rip-off you will be praying for him to catch a bag full of doorknobs to the face too!) It seemed every time the director was trying to invoke any real emotion IE; drama, sadness, all just came across as comic gold. The fact that the director, Paul W. S. Anderson clearly takes himself too seriously makes it even funnier. Remember this is the guy who brought us Mortal Kombat, Soldier, AVP, Resident Evil 2, and D.O.A. I don't know if i wan t to shake his hand or punch him in the jaw.
I'm curious what other movies you have seen that have been so bad that they were great.
Also do you think that bad movies that were made in a serious attempt are even better than movies that are made to be stupid/funny?
If Vin Diesel showed up in the end of this movie and said some shit like, "I hear you're one bad ass behind the wheel." or something just as generic, delivered in Vin's overly serious manner, then this movie would win the oscar for greatest movie ever made.
"Who ate all the chips? YOU DID!"
When a movie isn't, well...
Is this Uwe Boll bad, Ed Wood bad, or Michael Bay bad? Because I can take the first two, but Michael Bay bad is just over the line.
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Judging from the Michael Bay movies I've seen, I don't think he's aware that he makes bad movies...
Judging from what Boll and Wood say and said, I don't think they were aware that they made bad movies, either.
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Ah, I can't speak about those two since I haven't seen their movies, but I can't stand Michael Bay movies precisely because he doesn't realize they are bad. There's nothing more excruciating than a bad movie that remains almost obstinately unaware of how bad it is. If the other two are similarly oblivious, then it's likely that I would consider them all on the same level of bad-ness.
I heard about this but I just can't bring myself to believe that the academy would stoop this low.
Yeah I think it did. I guess the Academy had to so that it didn't look like they were Jap-lovers or something.
I mean seriously watching that movie made me want to chew through all the theater seats to get to the exit.
They were technical awards, nothing really to do with Bay.
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Amazing how the best part of that movie was the part the movie was named for and not, you know, the other THREE HOURS OF LOVE TRIANGLE BULLSHIT.
I have this movie. The visuals are great. The score is great. I think those things were nominated.
Well, the main differences here are that Bay makes big-budget, jingoistic, cliche-ridden Hollywood trash. Wood made really, really (technically) bad low-budget B horror and sci-fi movies. Boll makes really, really bad (technically, and script-wise) middle-budget sci-fi, fantasy, and horror movies (based on video games), with ridiculously high profile actors. Out of those 3 extremes, I find Bay's movies the hardest to stomach.
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Paul W.S. Anderson bad.
As for other great/bad movies, Torque is the greatest/worst movie ever. I wish I could do the true majesty/awfulness justice, but I can. But one of my favorite movie reviewers sums it up nicely.
Also, obligatory House Of The Dead mention.
Steam ID XBL: JohnnyChopsocky PSN:Stud_Beefpile WiiU:JohnnyChopsocky
Did we learn nothing from Running Man?
Anyone want to beta read a paranormal mystery novella? Here's your chance.
Holy fuck, what in hell did I just watch?
Yeah, seriously, we must know.
The worse this movie is, the more faithful they were being to the original.
Magic Happens.
I mean, the 80s already proved this. The greatness of a terrible movie is directly proportional to how seriously they take themselves. Presence of Arnold is, of course, an exponential factor in calculating how awesome the film is.
How did you feel about the National Treasure movies? Those to me are good bad movies because they don't take themselves seriously and don't try to make you take them seriously. Pearl Harbor was a bad bad movie because it was trying to be all dramatic and make you care about the one-dimensional characters. 21 was a bad bad movie because the plot was trite and the dialogue was shit, but it thought it was an intelligent thriller and had absurd pretensions.
Edit: Though there's this rash of racing movies recently which I also can't stand, even though they don't take themselves seriously either. I dunno, I think it might be the overwhelming degree of machismo and ridiculous attempts at hipness. The only one that was not eyeball meltingly bad was Gone in 60 Seconds (that's the Nick Cage one, right?).
Also, a great bad movie that is seriously underrated, Formula 51.
Edit: It's the best kind of camp.
Diary of the Dead.
Edit: No way, Starship Troopers was awesome because it was so over-the-top and didn't try to be serious
This is part of the reason why I didn't find Starship Troopers as funny as everyone else did.
And I love Starship Troopers. It's camp and parodic in all the best ways whilst still being highly entertaining.
When I first watched this movie, I wasn't clued in that the actors were in on the joke. I thought they were playing this as a space opera for serious, and I HATED it. (Except, hey, boobies!) Now that I get it, I this movie.
I even thought about renting the direct to video Starship Troopers it any good? Hell, even Casper Van Deem returned for his role as Johnny Rico. I mean, what else was he doing?
In the case of Commando the presence of Arnold turns what would have been a brilliantly so-bad-it's-good action film right around the good--->bad meter about 20 times at warp speed and turns into a magical movie of perfection. I actually have trouble saying Commando is bad or so-bad-it's-good because it's actually the greatest film ever made.
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
Dude, Commando is, like, the yardstick that all other action movies since its release were measured up against. When you think of any given action movie cliche, from ridiculous explosions to corny one-liners, Commando set the fucking standard!
I used to like it. But then I read the book (a masterpiece) and realized how awesome it could have been, and got angry.