We ... we actually had a lot of motivations, you know. It wasn't just "for the lulz." [laughter] Debate & Discourse was coming off an era beset by poor [chat] threads -- and you know, this wasn't ... this wasn't a matter of opinion, this was something documented. We had the oldies ... a lot of the old shit resurfacing, we had "the first rule of [chat]" you know, that one comes up too much ... and we had threads with poor visibility, and those just don't go over well ...
so I wanted to do something ambitious, you know? Just like the guy over at timecube dot com! [laughter]
The idea then, y-yeah ... the idea was, "this is a chat that's new, and this is a chat that people will find easily. It says [chat] four times," and that's the point, you know? Less time looking, more time chatting. It was for the people. Not for the lulz. [brief pause, then laughter]
Oh, I won't lie, it came up. The concern was there, that -- that people would take it the wrong way, as an endorsement, you know? That's not my job to be concerned about, you know, I ... I hire people to care about that stuff for me. [laughter]
I mean, yeah, it came up, it came up in the meeting everyday. There was always some prodigy from marketing who 'went the extra mile' and did some independent research, and I mean ... it was the shit, you know? It was hilarious shit. Little pasty-ass guy whose tie matches his shoes shows up for the morning pow-wow, and is all, "I think we can do something big with this timecube thing, I think the original franchise didn't cover the ground floor as well as it could have," and I'm just like ...
it's a bloody parody, you know? We're stealing here, we're not usurping. I don't want that fucking craven edifice. Wherever the creator of timecube goes to bed, a fucking banshee haunts the rafters. Shit be wacked.
Did I get high on the set? No.
[laughter] Alright, you got me. Yeah. Yeah. I pretty much had morphine on tap the same way The Onion plugs its writers in to PCP. Hold on, can I say that? Get my lawyer in here, and uh, for the time being ... I was being ironic.
Like raaaaaiin! On your weeeeedding day! [forced laughter] I-ironic! Ha ha ha!
The idea was Frank's. All credit goes out to him -- honestly, the man was a blast and it might've tacked an extra month onto filming, but someone would probably have pulled an AK out on us if we didn't have someone like Frank on the team, and you know how it goes ... "better one month late than riddled with bullets," right?
We were just sitting down, you know, and it's that bit of awkward time before I call lunch. I mean, we've already turned off the cameras and everyone's pretty much on their ass. It's just ... it's a time card thing, you know? So we're waiting out the technicalities and Frank starts up, "You know, I hired twelve strippers to come down here today," and he says it just ... completely non-chalant, you know? Poker face. He's lighting a cigarette.
"The real bitch though," he continues, "was getting them in. They said they'd work for free, you know? They thought it was the bitch-and-tits just to get on the scene," and he's still just completely kosher, you know, he puts the lighter away and he's just sitting there, everyone else is sort of ... sort of zoning in on the conversation, you know. He doesn't say anything else though, so I blurt out, "Well where the fuck are they? Don't be fucking pulling my leg here, Frank."
So the bell goes off, they open the main hangar door and no one's paying shit for attention, we're all locked onto Frank, you know? Frank and his fucking cigarette. "The real bitch," he starts up again, "was that I was able to get strippers for free, but Subway still charged retail on the sandwiches."
"Hey, caterers? What the fuck you got for us today?" Frank shouted, and everyone's attention turned to twelve vixens in bunny ears at the gate, Subway sandwiches tucked underarm.
"Five dollar footlongs!"
Frank put his cigarette out on the arm of the chair. "You owe me $600, Obs. The extra zero's my service charge."
Also I made a cool 10K on that bet that Oboro would get the [chat]
I am fully confident that if anyone licked Oboro's brain they would enter a blissful euphoric dementia for years.
I don't know if Les Grossman approved this commentary.
I'm out to lunch. Catch you later, [chat].
Stop making me laugh
More on topic for the most part.
No, just really big cocks.
I made it a little Maitre-D' outfit and everything.
I've had little difficulty navigating between the two for years. the [chat] thread is especially similar to many SE++ threads.
When we give you a reach around we do it with our pinky out.
That's the difference.
I was surprised to find that it wasn't Dyna who made that comment.
And boobs
Its like a cock and boob storm with everyone yelling at each other.
but they're listening to every word I say
... and noticing that there was a group of kids whose composition mirrored your own exactly, except that she was a blonde instead of a brunette and the overweight kid here was white instead of black and your own alter-ego wore glasses? You were still able to finish each other's sentences, of course, though he had an ulterior motive when he did it because he was also gay and -- obviously -- gay for you.
We're that other school down the road. If you're cocks, we're dicks; if we're dicks, you're cocks.
Sturm und Wang.