Carrying over from discussion in the Warhammer 40k thread, I'd like to suggest that a subforum be created - Tabletop Gaming.
This would incorporate miniature-based gaming, pen and paper gaming, and similar non-electronic games. Some examples of the games that frequently get discussed in G&T are Warhammer Fantasy, Warhammer 40k, and Warmachine, to name a few. Of course, there are dozens of tabletop miniature games that also merit discussion. Pen-and-paper gaming is also included in order to provide a centralized subforum for discussion, as we've had a lot of those threads, too.
Creating a subforum for Tabletop Gaming would also provide for the ability to sticky useful topics, such as modelling tutorials, painting tutorials, or any relevant pen-and-paper gaming tutorials (I don't play those, so I can't be more specific than this, but I'm sure others would be able to contribute something better along those lines).
Threads in a subforum would also help keep these topics more relevant. For example, in the Warhammer 40k thread, essentially one in five posts is someone submitting a potential army list for peer review. Sometimes, these army lists get brushed over due to the other lines of conversation going on in the thread simultaneously - but if they were in a separate thread dedicated to army lists, they would stand a better chance of receiveing constructive commentary and being read.
While it may seem impractical to create an entire subforum for tabletop gaming, it does make a reasonable amount of sense. Pictures of Tycho holding a 20-sided die represent the main page of PA's site, even, representing the interest that gamers hold in non-electronic gaming.
We had a lot of discussion in the
first thread about this prior to Pheezer locking it. The general consensus, according to the polls (and posts), was that the idea warranted at least a test run, which did make complete and fair sense, as there were concerns over how active it may or may not be. Unfortunately, this was also prior to some of the huge server hardware failures, and although alphamonkey said he'd get us set up with a trial-run in the last thread the server outages probably derailed the whole idea.
However, two major things are making me bring this idea back up: Firstly, the hardware we're running on, from my uneducated viewpoint, appears to be working soundly. We haven't had any of tho-
500 - Internal Server Error.
Sorry, just having my fun. You get the point, though.
Secondly, the new rules that Whippy's enacting against the 'Megathreads' puts those of us that play the tabletop games in a hard position. I can only speak on behalf of Warhammer, but we've been retreating to our WH40k/FB Megathread since the original subforum petition got locked, and while that setup afforded us at least some discussion on the topic that many of us enjoy, I don't know quite how we're going to be able to continue.
With all these changes, I honestly think that a tabletop forum would be completely warranted - particularly to help provide those of us with interests in the non-electronic gaming a place to reside where our conversation won't get lost in the haze of G&T (Which I entirely expect to get worse, as instead of posting in the megathreads there's going to be more topics per square inch.)
The move to eliminate megathreads is to encourage new posters in the face of some very large obstacles, and I think the creation of a subforum dedicated to the tabletop aspects of gaming would do the same. Threads devoted to learning to play these games would help encourage the growth of the forum, while veteran players would have an outlet they could use to discuss their hobby.
tl;dr: The forum's a different place than when we first tried to make this happen, and I think it'd be beneficial with the new rules in place.
I support this notion as heavily as I did seven months ago and I think it would be a welcome addition to the current forum line-up.
What I always though was funny (and pointed out in the picture Ein posted) is that Tycho's a huge tabletop nut, PAX has a large tabletop section, but the forum gets no love.
I think with the megathread assassination going on in G&T, that the WHFB/40K and D&D threads will be on there way out too, which provides even more reason to funnel all of us dice jockeys into one place.
There have been a few tries at multiple tabletop threads in G&T, but most of them failed due to one of their intrinsic abilities: they move a lot slower than threads about videogames. Therefore they drowned amongst all video game threads.
Boardgames and RPGs are a lot slower-moving than videogames. So yeah, I''m for the idea of a test run in a proper subforum.
Because I fucking love tabletop gaming and the associated settings, but don't have any real friends who play or real access to the information.
TT discussion does move slower than the average video game threads, and if we have even more threads in G&T than before (due to the splintering of megathreads) I can only forsee TT discussion getting buried even faster.
And being able to have the room to spread out discussions could really open up the forum TT community and let it grow.
Paid for by the gamers for tabletop gaming subforum.
"You have a big problem. What are you gonna do?"
"I want to get ye flask."
"You cannot get ye flask."
"Well, why the hell not?"
"Because of mysterious forces."
"Oookay, fine. I get ye sword."
"You cannot get ye sword."
"Mysterious forces."
"Dammit. I cast magic missile."
"Nope, sorry. Myst--"
"--erious forces, got it. Can I have my character shoot laser beams from his eyes?"
"Eh, sure, I'll let him."
"Great. My character shoots laser beams from his eyes."
"Sorry, mysterious forces prevent--"
"I kill you now."
So obviously I wouldn't have much to post.
However, I can say that I always make a point to read the tabletop threads, as they're usually among the most entertaining on the forums. So I'd toss my support, for what it's worth, behind this as well.
what transpires here.
And what does this do? It makes people like me not want to post in a mega-thread, for fear that it might get drowned out by previous discussion. If I want to discuss ideas for construction a piece of terrain for Warhammer, I don't want to have to worry about making it catchy enough to compete with, say, Jam's scratchbuilt constructions just to get some more thoughts.
That's why we need an 'unplugged' games forum at the very least.
I actually thought we'd managed it last thread, but it just.. never happened. Either whippy or alpha or someone just never got around to it. The server stuff was partly to blame, I guess, but that doesn't make this not a good idea.
As someone who doesn't currently play any, I think it would be a great place for someone like myself to get interested in specific tabletops that I normally wouldn't have learned of otherwise.
No. Lets be honest. When the forum was dead would have been a worse time.
so I do think it's fine by having different threads to keep the naysayers out
I have seen some games in the tabletop thread that I have never heard of and went out to take a look at them
the Warhammer Thread at times moves slowly compared to some of the Ds threads
It just seems like icing on a cake. As a lot of stuff seems to be changing, it seems like a suitable environment to make improvements.
There's a few things that need to be mentioned with that -
- The Warhammer Thread is the closest example we have right now to a ttg environment, and while it moves slow some nights there have been nights we've kept up with console threads as well.
- The inherent nature of tabletop gaming (on the miniatures front, I can't speak for stuff like pen and paper) makes it a slower affair. It's probably best compared to something like A.C. - making the models takes time and patience, much like a lot of the art that you'll see there does, so you're going to be working at a slower pace.
- There's a lot more than Warhammer to go in this forum. There's loads of miniature based games, loads of P&P's, you get the gist.
That being said, I still favor the idea; for whatever it is worth (nothing).
Edit: Spelling is for losers.
chair to Creation and then suplex the Void.
I am, however, willing to wait til things calm down for it.
I'd like a place to talk about d20 stuff.
My sweet, untouched Miranda
And while the seagulls are crying
We fall but our souls are flying
WB and GV are good examples (and the only on-topic forums I remember the night they started) of the pacing that the TT forum would have. It would never reach a G&T or D/D speed of posts, but I think it would find it's notable niche nicely.
Personally, I'd be in there all the freakin time. I tried the WoTC forums and some other D&D forums around the interwebs, but it just doesn't feel like home.