It's come to my attention that when I enter the SE++ section all the tables are overly large and in order to see the post information i.e. who made the topic etc. I have to scroll over to the right for about 10 seconds.
No big deal, I brought it up in SE and was told to make it known over here. I was also told this was only happening to me, I'm running internet explorer 6.0, if that helps.
But this hasn't happened before, so yeah, just letting someone know.
EDIT: Oh yeah, all the other forums layouts are fine, like this one. So I'm not sure why it's only in SE++.
- Operating system
- Resolution
- Exact IE version number (e.g. - 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2... blah blah)
- Any plugins you're using (Google/Yahoo Toolbar, et al)
- A screenshot if you can.
SenorAmor, i'm prety much computer illiterate, but I can tell you from the help thing I have the same internet explorer as you, ending with sp2_gdr.050301-1519 and my resolution is 1152 by 864 pix.
I also have a google toolbar thing, which you can see in the screenshot.
Sorry about the size, I don't have photoshop or anything to re-size it.