You know, the speakers on my previous computer, an eMac, where pretty damn good considering the size and placement. However, I'm finding the speakers on my new iMac to be lacking.
So, I'm considering picking up a set of external speakers. I'm likely going to be going with a decent 2.1 set, and I'd like to stay below $200.
My top current candidate is the Harmon Kardon Sound Sticks, both on sound and appearance. Back when I worked at CompUSA they were easily the best sounding set for the size.
The Creature II's are likely my second choice.
[Edit: I also looked at the Logitech Z4's for a long time but I've seen mixed reviews, so I'm uncertain on them.]
But hey, if you're got a recommendation, please, er, recommend. I wouldn't be opposed to a 5.1 setup as long as it had an optical input, as that's the only way I'd be able to interface with the iMac.
i have a set of 4.1s that has last me 8 years now i think with never a problem and the sound is nice (though i am not an audiophile so im not gonna elaborate on it)... oh and i got them for free which is why i love the company.
If you want sound loudness then stick to the Klipschscshsch's
Any pictures of the amount of desk space they take up? The less the better.
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