So, the other thread reminded me of a problem I am having. Since that OP listed it as solved i figure it would be locked and any help i would be seeking would be lost into the folds of time.
SO here we go.
The smoke detector outside of my room will go off randomly. Maybe once in the middle of the day. Maybe every two weeks in the middle of the night.
Whatever. Always one to three alarms, then it shuts off. OH MY GOD QUICK FIRE? No. Nothing. Just an annoying ass alarm.
So. One night I decided go to hell, alarm. Im going to change your battery. I pluck it from its perch and what do I find? It's god damn hooked up to power. It has no battery, but it is instead powered from the house.
So I get a new one. Install it. For months it works fine.
Then the damn night time beeping is starting again. Maybe once or twice a week, maybe more since it may happen during the day when no one can hear it or while i am too far asleep to be awoke by just one beep.
So, tl;dr
How the hell do I fix an alarm that gets its power from AC that is beeping once in awhile? Is there something wrong with the wiring in my house and I am sitting in a death trap?
Tried performing a self test, or just unplugging it for a bit, then plugging it back in?
it could be a different smoke detector in your house is having issues, and simply making this one go off
I don't believe it - I'm on my THIRD PS3, and my FIRST XBOX360. What the heck?