Run Run Run wrote: » I haven't read any of his comics so far, but judging from camoes in other works the character intrigues me. So, what should I read? Preferably stuff I can get as TPBs.
The entire Ed Brubaker run.
The first 25 issues are collected in this snazzy Omnibus
Or if you prefer smaller, cheaper softcover trades;
Winter Soldier Book One
Winter Soldier Book Two
Red Menace Book One
Red Menace Book Two
Civil War
The Death of the Dream
You will also probably want to read the actual Marvel Civil War story along with the Captain America tie-in issues.
And I should mention too that he features prominantly in the following New Avengers stories as the team leader.
New Avengers Vol 1: Breakout
New Avengers Vol 2: Sentry
New Avengers Vol 3: Secrets and Lies which seems to be out of print for some reason.
New Avengers Vol 4: The Collective
New Avengers Vol 5: Civil War Although he's only in this one a little bit.